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13 years ago
require 'spec_helper'
describe Users::RecordsController do
it_should_behave_like "wiring controller"
13 years ago
describe "GET modify" do
include_context "data"
13 years ago
before do
sign_in user
13 years ago
it "modifies @record when IP given" do
ip = ''
get :modify, :authentication_token => a_record.authentication_token, :ip => ip
response.should be_success
response.body.should == Users::RecordsController::MODIFY_OK
assigns(:record).should == a_record
assigns(:record).content.should == ip
13 years ago
it "modifies @record with remote IP" do
ip = ''
@request.env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ip
13 years ago
get :modify, :authentication_token => a_record.authentication_token
response.should be_success
response.body.should == Users::RecordsController::MODIFY_OK
assigns(:record).should == a_record
assigns(:record).content.should == ip
it "errors when not A type @record with" do
ip = ''
@request.env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ip
13 years ago
get :modify, :authentication_token => soa_record.authentication_token
response.should be_success
response.body.should == Users::RecordsController::MODIFY_ERROR
13 years ago