50 lines
2.7 KiB

14 years ago
# hide "Replace with new" for SOA record
remote_controller = active_scaffold_controller_for(column.association.klass)
rescue ActiveScaffold::ControllerNotFound
remote_controller = nil
@record = parent_record
show_add_existing = column_show_add_existing(column)
show_add_new = column_show_add_new(column, associated, @record)
return unless show_add_new or show_add_existing
edit_associated_url = url_for(:action => 'edit_associated', :id => parent_record.id, :association => column.name, :associated_id => '--ID--', :escape => false, :eid => params[:eid], :parent_controller => params[:parent_controller], :parent_id => params[:parent_id]) if show_add_existing
add_new_url = url_for(:action => 'edit_associated', :id => parent_record.id, :association => column.name, :escape => false, :eid => params[:eid], :parent_controller => params[:parent_controller], :parent_id => params[:parent_id]) if show_add_new
<div class="footer-wrapper">
<div class="footer">
<% if show_add_new && column.name != :soa_record -%>
<% if column.plural_association?
add_label = as_(:create_another, :model => column.association.klass.model_name.human)
add_class = 'as_create_another'
add_label = as_(:replace_with_new)
add_class = 'as_replace_with_new'
create_another_id = "#{sub_form_id(:association => column.name)}-create-another" %>
<%= link_to add_label, add_new_url, :id => create_another_id, :remote => true, :class => add_class, :style=> "display: none;" %>
<%= javascript_tag("ActiveScaffold.show('#{create_another_id}');") %>
<% end -%>
<%= '|' if show_add_new and show_add_existing %>
<% if show_add_existing -%>
<% if remote_controller and remote_controller.respond_to? :uses_record_select? and remote_controller.uses_record_select? -%>
<%= link_to_record_select as_(:add_existing), remote_controller.controller_path, :onselect => "ActiveScaffold.record_select_onselect(#{edit_associated_url.to_json}, #{active_scaffold_id.to_json}, id);" -%>
<% else -%>
<% select_options = options_for_select(options_for_association(column.association))
add_existing_id = "#{sub_form_id(:association => column.name)}-add-existing" %>
<%= select_tag 'associated_id', '<option value="">'.html_safe + as_(:_select_) + '</option>'.html_safe + select_options %>
<%= link_to as_(:add_existing), edit_associated_url, :id => add_existing_id, :remote => true, :class=> column.plural_association? ? 'as_add_existing' : 'as_replace_existing', :style => "display: none;" %>
<%= javascript_tag("ActiveScaffold.show('#{add_existing_id}');") %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>