class DomainsController < ApplicationController active_scaffold :domain do |conf| conf.columns = [:name, :ip, :records, :soa_record, :ns_records] conf.list.columns = [:name, :records, :permissions] conf.create.columns = [:name, :ip, :soa_record, :ns_records] conf.update.columns = [:name, :soa_record] conf.columns[:name].description = 'Ex. ""' conf.columns[:ip].description = 'Ex. "", optional IP to associate your domain with' conf.columns[:ns_records].show_blank_record = false conf.columns[:permissions].label = 'Sharing' conf.actions.exclude :show conf.list.sorting = {:name => :asc} = 'Add Domain' # conf.columns[:records].label = 'All Records' end protected def beginning_of_chain super.readonly(false) end def do_new super @record.setup( end def new_model record = super before_create_save(record) record end def before_create_save(record) record.type = 'NATIVE' record.user = record.parent_domain.present? ? record.parent_domain.user : current_user end def after_create_save(record) @record.reload end def before_update_save(record) # just to make sure of params tampering record.type = 'NATIVE' @name_changed = @record.name_changed? end def after_update_save(record) if @name_changed[:warning] = "Changing the name of a domain migrates all it's records to the new name!" end @record.reload end end