module ApplicationHelper # for each record in the rails flash this # function wraps the message in an appropriate div # and displays it def flash_display(clazz = '') flashes ={|key, msg| msg.present?}.collect { |key, msg| content_tag :div, (content_tag :p, msg), :class => "message #{key}" }.join if flashes.present? content_tag :div, flashes.html_safe, :class => clazz else nil end end def active_scaffold_column_timestamp(column, record) value = record.send( value.nil? ? nil : end def error_messages_for(resource) return "" if resource.errors.empty? messages = { |msg| content_tag(:li, msg) }.join sentence = I18n.t("errors.messages.not_saved", :count => resource.errors.count, :resource => resource.class.model_name.human.downcase) html = <<-HTML


HTML html.html_safe end end