module ActionView class LookupContext module ViewPaths def find_all_templates(name, partial = false, locals = {}) prefixes.collect do |prefix| view_paths.collect do |resolver| temp_args = *args_for_lookup(name, [prefix], partial, locals, {}) temp_args[1] = temp_args[1][0] resolver.find_all(*temp_args) end end.flatten! end end end end # Bugfix: building an sti model from an association fails # # # ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection.class_eval do def klass_with_sti(*opts) sti_col = klass.inheritance_column if sti_col and (h = opts.first).is_a? Hash and (passed_type = ( h[sti_col] || h[sti_col.to_sym] )) and (new_klass = active_record.send(:compute_type, passed_type)) < klass new_klass else klass end end def build_association(*opts, &block) klass_with_sti(*opts).new(*opts, &block) end def create_association(*opts, &block) klass_with_sti(*opts).create(*opts, &block) end end