class NsController < ApplicationController active_scaffold :ns do |conf| conf.list.columns = [:name, :type, :content, :ttl, :prio, :change_date] conf.create.columns = [:name, :content, :ttl] conf.update.columns = [:name, :content, :ttl] conf.subform.columns = [:content, :ttl] conf.columns[:content].label = 'NS' conf.columns[:change_date].list_ui = :timestamp conf.columns[:ttl].options = {:i18n_number => {:delimiter => ''}} conf.actions.exclude :show end before_filter :ensure_nested_under_domain protected # override to use :mx_records instead of :records assoc def beginning_of_chain if nested? && nested.association && nested.association.collection? && == :records nested.parent_scope.ns_records else super end end # override, we make our own sti logic def new_model model = = model.content = Settings.ns.sample model end # override to close create form after success def render_parent? nested_singular_association? # || params[:parent_sti] end def after_update_save(record) domain = @record.domain soa_record = domain.soa_record unless domain.ns_records.any? {|ns_record| soa_record.primary_ns == ns_record.content}[:warning] = "SOA record's primary NS is no longer among this domain's NS records" end end def do_destroy super if successful? && nested_parent_record.ns_records.count == 0 flash[:warning] = "All NS records deleted, no other nameservers are associated with this domain!" end end end