require 'spec_helper' describe Domain do include_context "data" it "has correct soa record" do domain.soa_record.should be_present end it "has correct ns records" do domain.should have(Settings.ns.count).ns_records for record in domain.ns_records record.should be_persisted end end it "has correct records" do domain.records.count.should == Settings.ns.count + 1 end it "has a soa serial updated" do (domain.soa_record.serial % 10).should == 1 end it "updates name to records when name changed" do domain.update_attributes(:name => "changed#{}") == domain.records.all.size.should == Settings.ns.count + 1 for record in domain.records.all =~ /#{}$/ end (domain.soa_record.serial % 10).should == 0 end it "protects DOS on more Settings.max_domains_per_user+ domains" do max = Settings.max_domains_per_user.to_i domain.stub_chain('').and_return(max) domain.max_domains_per_user domain.should have(1).errors end it "is DOS-valid on less than Settings.max_domains_per_user domains" do max = Settings.max_domains_per_user.to_i domain.stub_chain('').and_return(max - 1) domain.max_domains_per_user domain.should be_valid end it "has parent_domain" do subdomain = build(:domain, :user => other_user, :name => "x.#{}") subdomain.parent_domain.should == domain end it "validates ownership" do = '' domain.should have(1).errors_on(:name) = '' domain.should be_valid User.do_as(user) do # stub a parent domain on another user account, with no permissions present mock_domain = mock(:user_id =>, :user => third_user, :name => 'x') domain.stub(:parent_domain).and_return(mock_domain) domain.should have(1).errors_on(:name) end end it "queries domains corectly in index" do wheres = Domain.accessible_by(user.ability).where_values joins = Domain.accessible_by(user.ability){|j| [j._name, j._type]} wheres.should == ["(`permissions`.`user_id` = #{}) OR (`domains`.`user_id` = #{})"] joins.should == [[:permissions, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin]] end it "has reversed name" do domain.name_reversed.should be_present domain.name_reversed.should == end end