class Record < ActiveRecord::Base stampable belongs_to :domain, :inverse_of => :records belongs_to :user, :inverse_of => :records cattr_reader :types @@types = %w(SOA NS A MX TXT CNAME AAAA SRV) validates :domain, :name, :presence => true validates :type, :inclusion => {:in => @@types, :message => "Unknown record type"} validates :content, :uniqueness => {:scope => [:domain_id, :type, :name]} # RFC 2181, 8 validates :ttl, :numericality => { # :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0, :greater_than_or_equal_to => Settings.min_ttl.to_i, :less_than => 2**31, :only_integer => true }, :allow_blank => true validates :authentication_token, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true validate :max_records_per_domain, :on => :create def max_records_per_domain # domains per user limit for DOS protection max = Settings.max_records_per_domain.to_i if domain.records.count >= max errors.add :base, "as a security measure, you cannot have more than #{max} records on one domain" end end before_validation :generate_token, :on => :create before_validation :prepare_name! before_save :update_change_date after_save :update_soa_serial after_initialize do self.ttl ||= Settings.default_ttl end # By default records don't support priorities. # Those who do can overwrite this in their own classes. def supports_priority?; false end def shortname; name.gsub(/\.?#{}$/, '') end def shortname=(value); = value end def to_label; "#{type} #{content}" end # Generate a token by looping and ensuring does not already exist. # stolen from Devise def generate_token self.authentication_token = loop do token = Devise.friendly_token break token unless self.class.exists?(:authentication_token => token) end end delegate :host_domain?, :to => :domain delegate :user, :to => :domain, :prefix => :domain protected def prepare_name! return if domain.nil? or = if name.blank? or name == '@' << ".#{}" unless name =~ /#{Regexp.escape(}$/ end # Update the change date for automatic serial number generation def update_change_date; self.change_date = end def update_soa_serial #:nodoc: unless type == 'SOA' || @serial_updated || domain.slave? domain.soa_record.update_serial! @serial_updated = true end end def name_equals_domain_name errors.add :name, "must be equal to domain's name" unless name == end end