class AsController < ApplicationController active_scaffold :a do |conf| conf.columns = [:name, :type, :content, :ttl, :prio, :change_date, :authentication_token] conf.create.columns = [:name, :content, :ttl,] conf.update.columns = [:name, :content, :ttl] conf.columns[:content].label = 'IP v4' conf.columns[:content].description = 'Ex. ""' conf.columns[:change_date].list_ui = :timestamp conf.columns[:ttl].options = {:i18n_number => {:delimiter => ''}} conf.actions.exclude :show conf.action_links.add 'new_token', label: 'New Token', method: :put, type: :member, position: false, confirm: 'Are you sure?' end include RecordsControllerCommon def new_token process_action_link_action do |record| record.instance_variable_set(:@readonly, false) record.generate_token update_save(no_record_param_update: true) if successful? flash[:info] = "Token was updated successfully to #{record.authentication_token}" end end end protected # override to use :mx_records instead of :records assoc def beginning_of_chain (nested_via_records? ? nested.parent_scope.a_records : super).readonly(false) end # override, we make our own sti logic def new_model record = = record.content = client_remote_ip if client_remote_ip.present? before_create_save(record) record end end