class RecordsController < ApplicationController # override so SOA's cannot be created by themselves def self._add_sti_create_links new_action_link = active_scaffold_config.action_links.collection['new'] unless new_action_link.nil? || active_scaffold_config.sti_children.empty? active_scaffold_config.action_links.collection.delete('new') sti_children = active_scaffold_config.sti_children - [:SOA] sti_children.each do |child| new_sti_link = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(new_action_link)) # deep clone new_sti_link.label = child.to_s.camelize.constantize.model_name.human new_sti_link.parameters = {:parent_sti => controller_path} new_sti_link.controller = { active_scaffold_controller_for(child.to_s.camelize.constantize).controller_path } active_scaffold_config.action_links.collection.create.add(new_sti_link) end = "Add Record" end end respond_to :html, :xml, :json active_scaffold :record do |conf| conf.sti_children = [:SOA, :NS, :MX, :A, :CNAME, :TXT, :AAAA, :SRV] conf.columns = [:name, :type, :content, :ttl, :prio, :change_date, :authentication_token] conf.columns[:change_date].list_ui = :timestamp conf.columns[:ttl].options = {:i18n_number => {:delimiter => ''}} # = "Add Record" conf.actions.exclude :show end before_filter :ensure_nested_under_domain, :except => 'modify' skip_before_filter :authenticate_user!, :only => 'modify' protect_from_forgery :except => 'modify' skip_authorize_resource :only => :modify MODIFY_ERROR = 'ERROR: only A records can be modified with this API' MODIFY_OK = 'OK' # TODO: externalize def modify @record = Record.where(:authentication_token => params[:authentication_token]).first! return render(:text => MODIFY_ERROR) if @record.type != 'A' @record.content = params[:ip] || client_remote_ip! respond_with(@record) do |format| format.html {render(:text => MODIFY_OK)} end end protected def new_model record = super record.user_id = before_create_save(record) record end def before_create_save(record) record.user = current_user end end