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15 years ago
Pocoo Styleguide
The Pocoo styleguide is the styleguide for all Pocoo Projects, including
Flask. This styleguide is a requirement for Patches to Flask and a
recommendation for Flask extensions.
In general the Pocoo Styleguide closely follows :pep:`8` with some small
differences and extensions.
General Layout
4 real spaces. No tabs, no exceptions.
Maximum line length:
79 characters with a soft limit for 84 if absolutely necessary. Try
to avoid too nested code by cleverly placing `break`, `continue` and
`return` statements.
Continuing long statements:
To continue a statement you can use backslashes in which case you should
align the next line with the last dot or equal sign, or indent four
this_is_a_very_long(function_call, 'with many parameters') \
MyModel.query.filter(MyModel.scalar > 120) \
.order_by(MyModel.name.desc()) \
If you break in a statement with parentheses or brances, align to the
this_is_a_very_long(function_call, 'with many parameters',
23, 42, 'and even more')
For lists or tuples with many items, break immediately after the
opening brace::
items = [
'this is the first', 'set of items', 'with more items',
'to come in this line', 'like this'
Blank lines:
Top level functions and classes are separated by two lines, everything
else by one. Do not use too many blank lines to separate logical
segments in code. Example::
def hello(name):
print 'Hello %s!' % name
def goodbye(name):
print 'See you %s.' % name
class MyClass(object):
"""This is a simple docstring"""
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def get_annoying_name(self):
return self.name.upper() + '!!!!111'
Expressions and Statements
General whitespace rules:
- Whitespace is absend for unary operators that are not works
(eg: ``-``, ``~`` etc.) as well on the inner side of parentheses.
- Whitespace is placed between binary operators.
exp = -1.05
value = (item_value / item_count) * offset / exp
value = my_list[index]
value = my_dict['key']
exp = - 1.05
value = ( item_value / item_count ) * offset / exp
value = (item_value/item_count)*offset/exp
value=( item_value/item_count ) * offset/exp
value = my_list[ index ]
value = my_dict ['key']
Yoda statements are a nogo:
Never compare constant with variable, always variable with constant:
if method == 'md5':
if 'md5' == method:
- against arbitary types: ``==`` and ``!=``
- against singletones with ``is`` and ``is not`` (eg: ``foo is not
- never compare something with `True` or `False` (for example never
do ``foo == False``, do ``not foo`` instead)
Negated containment checks:
use ``foo not in bar`` instead of ``not foo in bar``
Instance checks:
``isinstance(a, C)`` instead of ``type(A) is C``, but try to avoid
instance checks in general. Check for features.
Naming Conventions
- Class names: ``CamelCase``, with acronyms kept uppercase (``HTTPWriter``
and not ``HttpWriter``)
- Variable names: ``lowercase_with_underscores``
- Method and functin names: ``lowercase_with_underscores``
- precompiled regular expressions: ``name_re``
Protected members are prefixed with a single underscore. Double
underscores are reserved for mixin classes.
On classes with keywords, trailing underscores are appended. Clashes with
builtins are allowed and **must not** be resolved by appending an
underline to the variable name. If the function needs to access a
shadowed builtin, rebind the builtin to a different name instead.
Function and method arguments:
- class methods: ``cls`` as first parameter
- instance methods: ``self`` as first parameter
- lambdas for properties might have the first parameter replaced
with ``x`` like in ``display_name = property(lambda x: x.real_name
or x.username)``
Docstring conventions:
All docstrings are formatted with reStructuredText as understood by
Sphinx. Depending on the number of lines in the docstring, they are
layed out differently. If it's just one line, the closing tripple
quote is on the same line as the opening, otherwise the text is on
the same line as the opening quote and the tripple quote that closes
the string on its own line::
def foo():
"""This is a simple docstring"""
def bar():
"""This is a longer docstring with so much information in there
that it spans three lines. In this case the closing tripple quote
is on its own line.
Module header:
The module header consists of an utf-8 encoding declaration (if non
ASCII letters are used, but it is recommended all the time) and a
standard docstring::
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A brief description goes here.
:copyright: (c) YEAR by AUTHOR.
:license: LICENSE_NAME, see LICENSE_FILE for more details.
Please keep in mind that proper copyrights and license files are a
requirement for approved Flask extensions.
Rules for comments are similar to docstrings. Both are formatted with
reStructuredText. If a comment is used to document an attribute, put a
colon after the opening pound sign (``#``)::
class User(object):
#: the name of the user as unicode string
name = Column(String)
#: the sha1 hash of the password + inline salt
pw_hash = Column(String)