# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Flask Tests
Tests Flask itself. The majority of Flask is already tested
as part of Werkzeug.
:copyright: (c) 2010 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import re
import sys
import flask
import unittest
import tempfile
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from werkzeug import parse_date
example_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'examples')
sys.path.append(os.path.join(example_path, 'flaskr'))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(example_path, 'minitwit'))
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_context_binding(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def index():
return 'Hello %s!' % flask.request.args['name']
def meh():
return flask.request.url
with app.test_request_context('/?name=World'):
assert index() == 'Hello World!'
with app.test_request_context('/meh'):
assert meh() == 'http://localhost/meh'
class BasicFunctionalityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_request_dispatching(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def index():
return flask.request.method
@app.route('/more', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def more():
return flask.request.method
c = app.test_client()
assert c.get('/').data == 'GET'
rv = c.post('/')
assert rv.status_code == 405
assert sorted(rv.allow) == ['GET', 'HEAD']
rv = c.head('/')
assert rv.status_code == 200
assert not rv.data # head truncates
assert c.post('/more').data == 'POST'
assert c.get('/more').data == 'GET'
rv = c.delete('/more')
assert rv.status_code == 405
assert sorted(rv.allow) == ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST']
def test_url_mapping(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def index():
return flask.request.method
def more():
return flask.request.method
app.add_url_rule('/', 'index', index)
app.add_url_rule('/more', 'more', more, methods=['GET', 'POST'])
c = app.test_client()
assert c.get('/').data == 'GET'
rv = c.post('/')
assert rv.status_code == 405
assert sorted(rv.allow) == ['GET', 'HEAD']
rv = c.head('/')
assert rv.status_code == 200
assert not rv.data # head truncates
assert c.post('/more').data == 'POST'
assert c.get('/more').data == 'GET'
rv = c.delete('/more')
assert rv.status_code == 405
assert sorted(rv.allow) == ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST']
def test_session(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = 'testkey'
@app.route('/set', methods=['POST'])
def set():
flask.session['value'] = flask.request.form['value']
return 'value set'
def get():
return flask.session['value']
c = app.test_client()
assert c.post('/set', data={'value': '42'}).data == 'value set'
assert c.get('/get').data == '42'
def test_missing_session(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def expect_exception(f, *args, **kwargs):
f(*args, **kwargs)
except RuntimeError, e:
assert e.args and 'session is unavailable' in e.args[0]
assert False, 'expected exception'
with app.test_request_context():
assert flask.session.get('missing_key') is None
expect_exception(flask.session.__setitem__, 'foo', 42)
expect_exception(flask.session.pop, 'foo')
def test_session_expiration(self):
permanent = True
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = 'testkey'
def index():
flask.session['test'] = 42
flask.session.permanent = permanent
return ''
rv = app.test_client().get('/')
assert 'set-cookie' in rv.headers
match = re.search(r'\bexpires=([^;]+)', rv.headers['set-cookie'])
expires = parse_date(match.group())
expected = datetime.utcnow() + app.permanent_session_lifetime
assert expires.year == expected.year
assert expires.month == expected.month
assert expires.day == expected.day
permanent = False
rv = app.test_client().get('/')
assert 'set-cookie' in rv.headers
match = re.search(r'\bexpires=([^;]+)', rv.headers['set-cookie'])
assert match is None
def test_flashes(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = 'testkey'
with app.test_request_context():
assert not flask.session.modified
flask.session.modified = False
assert flask.session.modified
assert list(flask.get_flashed_messages()) == ['Zap', 'Zip']
def test_request_processing(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
evts = []
def before_request():
def after_request(response):
response.data += '|after'
return response
def index():
assert 'before' in evts
assert 'after' not in evts
return 'request'
assert 'after' not in evts
rv = app.test_client().get('/').data
assert 'after' in evts
assert rv == 'request|after'
def test_error_handling(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def not_found(e):
return 'not found', 404
def internal_server_error(e):
return 'internal server error', 500
def index():
def error():
c = app.test_client()
rv = c.get('/')
assert rv.status_code == 404
assert rv.data == 'not found'
rv = c.get('/error')
assert rv.status_code == 500
assert 'internal server error' in rv.data
def test_response_creation(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def from_unicode():
return u'Hällo Wörld'
def from_string():
return u'Hällo Wörld'.encode('utf-8')
def from_tuple():
return 'Meh', 400, {'X-Foo': 'Testing'}, 'text/plain'
c = app.test_client()
assert c.get('/unicode').data == u'Hällo Wörld'.encode('utf-8')
assert c.get('/string').data == u'Hällo Wörld'.encode('utf-8')
rv = c.get('/args')
assert rv.data == 'Meh'
assert rv.headers['X-Foo'] == 'Testing'
assert rv.status_code == 400
assert rv.mimetype == 'text/plain'
def test_url_generation(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/hello/<name>', methods=['POST'])
def hello():
with app.test_request_context():
assert flask.url_for('hello', name='test x') == '/hello/test%20x'
def test_custom_converters(self):
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter
class ListConverter(BaseConverter):
def to_python(self, value):
return value.split(',')
def to_url(self, value):
return ','.join(super(ListConverter, self).to_url(x) for x in value)
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.url_map.converters['list'] = ListConverter
def index(args):
return '|'.join(args)
c = app.test_client()
assert c.get('/1,2,3').data == '1|2|3'
def test_static_files(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
rv = app.test_client().get('/static/index.html')
assert rv.status_code == 200
assert rv.data.strip() == '<h1>Hello World!</h1>'
with app.test_request_context():
assert flask.url_for('static', filename='index.html') \
== '/static/index.html'
def test_none_response(self):
warnings.filterwarnings('error', 'View function did not return')
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def test():
return None
except Warning:
assert "Expected warning"
class JSONTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_jsonify(self):
d = dict(a=23, b=42, c=[1, 2, 3])
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def return_kwargs():
return flask.jsonify(**d)
def return_dict():
return flask.jsonify(d)
c = app.test_client()
for url in '/kw', '/dict':
rv = c.get(url)
assert rv.mimetype == 'application/json'
assert flask.json.loads(rv.data) == d
def test_json_attr(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])
def add():
return unicode(flask.request.json['a'] + flask.request.json['b'])
c = app.test_client()
rv = c.post('/add', data=flask.json.dumps({'a': 1, 'b': 2}),
assert rv.data == '3'
def test_template_escaping(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
with app.test_request_context():
rv = flask.render_template_string('{{ "</script>"|tojson|safe }}')
assert rv == '"<\\/script>"'
rv = flask.render_template_string('{{ "<\0/script>"|tojson|safe }}')
assert rv == '"<\\u0000\\/script>"'
class TemplatingTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_context_processing(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def context_processor():
return {'injected_value': 42}
def index():
return flask.render_template('context_template.html', value=23)
rv = app.test_client().get('/')
assert rv.data == '<p>23|42'
def test_escaping(self):
text = '<p>Hello World!'
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def index():
return flask.render_template('escaping_template.html', text=text,
lines = app.test_client().get('/').data.splitlines()
assert lines == [
'<p>Hello World!',
'<p>Hello World!',
'<p>Hello World!',
'<p>Hello World!',
'<p>Hello World!',
'<p>Hello World!'
def test_macros(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
with app.test_request_context():
macro = flask.get_template_attribute('_macro.html', 'hello')
assert macro('World') == 'Hello World!'
def test_template_filter(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def my_reverse(s):
return s[::-1]
assert 'my_reverse' in app.jinja_env.filters.keys()
assert app.jinja_env.filters['my_reverse'] == my_reverse
assert app.jinja_env.filters['my_reverse']('abcd') == 'dcba'
def test_template_filter_with_name(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def my_reverse(s):
return s[::-1]
assert 'strrev' in app.jinja_env.filters.keys()
assert app.jinja_env.filters['strrev'] == my_reverse
assert app.jinja_env.filters['strrev']('abcd') == 'dcba'
def test_template_filter_with_template(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def super_reverse(s):
return s[::-1]
def index():
return flask.render_template('template_filter.html', value='abcd')
rv = app.test_client().get('/')
assert rv.data == 'dcba'
def test_template_filter_with_name_and_template(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def my_reverse(s):
return s[::-1]
def index():
return flask.render_template('template_filter.html', value='abcd')
rv = app.test_client().get('/')
assert rv.data == 'dcba'
class ModuleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic_module(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
admin = flask.Module(__name__, 'admin', url_prefix='/admin')
def index():
return 'admin index'
def login():
return 'admin login'
def logout():
return 'admin logout'
def index():
return 'the index'
c = app.test_client()
assert c.get('/').data == 'the index'
assert c.get('/admin/').data == 'admin index'
assert c.get('/admin/login').data == 'admin login'
assert c.get('/admin/logout').data == 'admin logout'
def test_request_processing(self):
catched = []
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
admin = flask.Module(__name__, 'admin', url_prefix='/admin')
def before_admin_request():
def after_admin_request(response):
return response
def index():
return 'the admin'
def before_request():
def after_request(response):
return response
def index():
return 'the index'
c = app.test_client()
assert c.get('/').data == 'the index'
assert catched == ['before-app', 'after-app']
del catched[:]
assert c.get('/admin/').data == 'the admin'
assert catched == ['before-app', 'before-admin',
'after-admin', 'after-app']
def suite():
from minitwit_tests import MiniTwitTestCase
from flaskr_tests import FlaskrTestCase
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
if flask.json_available:
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':