# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests the extension import thing.
:copyright: (c) 2015 by Armin Ronacher.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import sys
import pytest
from imp import reload as reload_module
except ImportError:
reload_module = reload
from flask._compat import PY2
def disable_extwarnings(request, recwarn):
from flask.exthook import ExtDeprecationWarning
def inner():
assert set(w.category for w in recwarn.list) \
<= set([ExtDeprecationWarning])
def importhook_setup(monkeypatch, request):
# we clear this out for various reasons. The most important one is
# that a real flaskext could be in there which would disable our
# fake package. Secondly we want to make sure that the flaskext
# import hook does not break on reloading.
for entry, value in list(sys.modules.items()):
if (
entry.startswith('flask.ext.') or
entry.startswith('flask_') or
entry.startswith('flaskext.') or
entry == 'flaskext'
) and value is not None:
monkeypatch.delitem(sys.modules, entry)
from flask import ext
# reloading must not add more hooks
import_hooks = 0
for item in sys.meta_path:
cls = type(item)
if cls.__module__ == 'flask.exthook' and \
cls.__name__ == 'ExtensionImporter':
import_hooks += 1
assert import_hooks == 1
def teardown():
from flask import ext
for key in ext.__dict__:
assert '.' not in key
def newext_simple(modules_tmpdir):
x = modules_tmpdir.join('flask_newext_simple.py')
x.write('ext_id = "newext_simple"')
def oldext_simple(modules_tmpdir):
flaskext = modules_tmpdir.mkdir('flaskext')
flaskext.join('oldext_simple.py').write('ext_id = "oldext_simple"')
def newext_package(modules_tmpdir):
pkg = modules_tmpdir.mkdir('flask_newext_package')
pkg.join('__init__.py').write('ext_id = "newext_package"')
pkg.join('submodule.py').write('def test_function():\n return 42\n')
def oldext_package(modules_tmpdir):
flaskext = modules_tmpdir.mkdir('flaskext')
oldext = flaskext.mkdir('oldext_package')
oldext.join('__init__.py').write('ext_id = "oldext_package"')
oldext.join('submodule.py').write('def test_function():\n'
' return 42')
def flaskext_broken(modules_tmpdir):
ext = modules_tmpdir.mkdir('flask_broken')
ext.join('__init__.py').write('import flask.ext.broken.b\n'
'import missing_module')
def test_flaskext_new_simple_import_normal(newext_simple):
from flask.ext.newext_simple import ext_id
assert ext_id == 'newext_simple'
def test_flaskext_new_simple_import_module(newext_simple):
from flask.ext import newext_simple
assert newext_simple.ext_id == 'newext_simple'
assert newext_simple.__name__ == 'flask_newext_simple'
def test_flaskext_new_package_import_normal(newext_package):
from flask.ext.newext_package import ext_id
assert ext_id == 'newext_package'
def test_flaskext_new_package_import_module(newext_package):
from flask.ext import newext_package
assert newext_package.ext_id == 'newext_package'
assert newext_package.__name__ == 'flask_newext_package'
def test_flaskext_new_package_import_submodule_function(newext_package):
from flask.ext.newext_package.submodule import test_function
assert test_function() == 42
def test_flaskext_new_package_import_submodule(newext_package):
from flask.ext.newext_package import submodule
assert submodule.__name__ == 'flask_newext_package.submodule'
assert submodule.test_function() == 42
def test_flaskext_old_simple_import_normal(oldext_simple):
from flask.ext.oldext_simple import ext_id
assert ext_id == 'oldext_simple'
def test_flaskext_old_simple_import_module(oldext_simple):
from flask.ext import oldext_simple
assert oldext_simple.ext_id == 'oldext_simple'
assert oldext_simple.__name__ == 'flaskext.oldext_simple'
def test_flaskext_old_package_import_normal(oldext_package):
from flask.ext.oldext_package import ext_id
assert ext_id == 'oldext_package'
def test_flaskext_old_package_import_module(oldext_package):
from flask.ext import oldext_package
assert oldext_package.ext_id == 'oldext_package'
assert oldext_package.__name__ == 'flaskext.oldext_package'
def test_flaskext_old_package_import_submodule(oldext_package):
from flask.ext.oldext_package import submodule
assert submodule.__name__ == 'flaskext.oldext_package.submodule'
assert submodule.test_function() == 42
def test_flaskext_old_package_import_submodule_function(oldext_package):
from flask.ext.oldext_package.submodule import test_function
assert test_function() == 42
def test_flaskext_broken_package_no_module_caching(flaskext_broken):
for x in range(2):
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
import flask.ext.broken
def test_no_error_swallowing(flaskext_broken):
with pytest.raises(ImportError) as excinfo:
import flask.ext.broken
assert excinfo.type is ImportError
if PY2:
message = 'No module named missing_module'
message = 'No module named \'missing_module\''
assert str(excinfo.value) == message
assert excinfo.tb.tb_frame.f_globals is globals()
# reraise() adds a second frame so we need to skip that one too.
# On PY3 we even have another one :(
next = excinfo.tb.tb_next.tb_next
if not PY2:
next = next.tb_next
import os.path
assert os.path.join('flask_broken', '__init__.py') in \