diff --git a/docs/patterns/index.rst b/docs/patterns/index.rst
index 78a66a1d..2737d695 100644
--- a/docs/patterns/index.rst
+++ b/docs/patterns/index.rst
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Snippet Archives `_.
- mongokit
+ mongoengine
diff --git a/docs/patterns/mongoengine.rst b/docs/patterns/mongoengine.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61697171
--- /dev/null
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+.. mongoengine-pattern:
+MongoEngine in Flask
+Using a document database rather than a full DBMS gets more common these days.
+This pattern shows how to use MongoEngine, a document mapper library, to
+integrate with MongoDB.
+This pattern requires a running MongoDB server, MongoEngine_ and Flask-MongoEngine_
+libraries installed::
+ pip install flask-mongoengine
+.. _MongoEngine: http://mongoengine.org
+.. _Flask-MongoEngine: http://docs.mongoengine.org/projects/flask-mongoengine/en/latest/>`_
+Basic setup can be done by defining ``MONGODB_SETTINGS`` on App config and then
+creating a ``MongoEngine`` instance::
+ from flask import Flask
+ from flask_mongoengine import MongoEngine
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ app.config['MONGODB_SETTINGS'] = {
+ 'host': "mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb"
+ }
+ db = MongoEngine(app)
+Mapping Documents
+To declare models that will represent your Mongo documents, just create a class that
+inherits from ``Document`` and declare each of the fields::
+ from mongoengine import *
+ class Movie(Document):
+ title = StringField(required=True)
+ year = IntField()
+ rated = StringField()
+ director = StringField()
+ actors = ListField()
+If the model has embedded documents, use ``EmbeddedDocument`` to defined the fields of
+the embedded document and ``EmbeddedDocumentField`` to declare it on the parent document::
+ class Imdb(EmbeddedDocument):
+ imdb_id = StringField()
+ rating = DecimalField()
+ votes = IntField()
+ class Movie(Document):
+ ...
+ imdb = EmbeddedDocumentField(Imdb)
+Creating Data
+Just create the objects and call ``save()``::
+ bttf = Movie(title="Back To The Future", year=1985)
+ bttf.actors = [
+ "Michael J. Fox",
+ "Christopher Lloyd"
+ ]
+ bttf.imdb = Imdb(imdb_id="tt0088763", rating=8.5)
+ bttf.save()
+Use the class ``objects`` attribute to make queries::
+ bttf = Movies.objects(title="Back To The Future").get() # Throw error if not unique
+``objects`` is an iterable. Query operators may be user by concatenating it with the document
+key using a double-underscore::
+ some_theron_movie = Movie.objects(actors__in=["Charlize Theron"]).first()
+ for recents in Movie.objects(year__gte=2017):
+ print(recents.title)
+Available operators are as follows:
+* ``ne`` -- not equal to
+* ``lt`` -- less than
+* ``lte`` -- less than or equal to
+* ``gt`` -- greater than
+* ``gte`` -- greater than or equal to
+* ``not`` -- negate a standard check, may be used before other operators (e.g.
+ ``Q(age__not__mod=5)``)
+* ``in`` -- value is in list (a list of values should be provided)
+* ``nin`` -- value is not in list (a list of values should be provided)
+* ``mod`` -- ``value % x == y``, where ``x`` and ``y`` are two provided values
+* ``all`` -- every item in list of values provided is in array
+* ``size`` -- the size of the array is
+* ``exists`` -- value for field exists
+String queries
+The following operators are available as shortcuts to querying with regular
+* ``exact`` -- string field exactly matches value
+* ``iexact`` -- string field exactly matches value (case insensitive)
+* ``contains`` -- string field contains value
+* ``icontains`` -- string field contains value (case insensitive)
+* ``startswith`` -- string field starts with value
+* ``istartswith`` -- string field starts with value (case insensitive)
+* ``endswith`` -- string field ends with value
+* ``iendswith`` -- string field ends with value (case insensitive)
+* ``match`` -- performs an $elemMatch so you can match an entire document within an array
+Accessing PyMongo MongoClient
+If, for some reason, you want to access PyMongo instance, use ``get_connection`` function::
+ from mongoengine.connection import get_connection
+ conn = get_connection()
+ collection = conn.mydb.movie
+ collection({'title': u'Days of Thunder'})
+For more information about MongoEngine, head over to the
+`website `_.
diff --git a/docs/patterns/mongokit.rst b/docs/patterns/mongokit.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d1b3e2a..00000000
--- a/docs/patterns/mongokit.rst
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-.. mongokit-pattern:
-MongoKit in Flask
-Using a document database rather than a full DBMS gets more common these days.
-This pattern shows how to use MongoKit, a document mapper library, to
-integrate with MongoDB.
-This pattern requires a running MongoDB server and the MongoKit library
-There are two very common ways to use MongoKit. I will outline each of them
-The default behavior of MongoKit is the declarative one that is based on
-common ideas from Django or the SQLAlchemy declarative extension.
-Here an example :file:`app.py` module for your application::
- from flask import Flask
- from mongokit import Connection, Document
- # configuration
- MONGODB_HOST = 'localhost'
- MONGODB_PORT = 27017
- # create the little application object
- app = Flask(__name__)
- app.config.from_object(__name__)
- # connect to the database
- connection = Connection(app.config['MONGODB_HOST'],
- app.config['MONGODB_PORT'])
-To define your models, just subclass the `Document` class that is imported
-from MongoKit. If you've seen the SQLAlchemy pattern you may wonder why we do
-not have a session and even do not define a `init_db` function here. On the
-one hand, MongoKit does not have something like a session. This sometimes
-makes it more to type but also makes it blazingly fast. On the other hand,
-MongoDB is schemaless. This means you can modify the data structure from one
-insert query to the next without any problem. MongoKit is just schemaless
-too, but implements some validation to ensure data integrity.
-Here is an example document (put this also into :file:`app.py`, e.g.)::
- from mongokit import ValidationError
- def max_length(length):
- def validate(value):
- if len(value) <= length:
- return True
- # must have %s in error format string to have mongokit place key in there
- raise ValidationError('%s must be at most {} characters long'.format(length))
- return validate
- class User(Document):
- structure = {
- 'name': unicode,
- 'email': unicode,
- }
- validators = {
- 'name': max_length(50),
- 'email': max_length(120)
- }
- use_dot_notation = True
- def __repr__(self):
- return '' % (self.name)
- # register the User document with our current connection
- connection.register([User])
-This example shows you how to define your schema (named structure), a
-validator for the maximum character length and uses a special MongoKit feature
-called `use_dot_notation`. Per default MongoKit behaves like a python
-dictionary but with `use_dot_notation` set to ``True`` you can use your
-documents like you use models in nearly any other ORM by using dots to
-separate between attributes.
-You can insert entries into the database like this:
->>> from yourapplication.database import connection
->>> from yourapplication.models import User
->>> collection = connection['test'].users
->>> user = collection.User()
->>> user['name'] = u'admin'
->>> user['email'] = u'admin@localhost'
->>> user.save()
-Note that MongoKit is kinda strict with used column types, you must not use a
-common `str` type for either `name` or `email` but unicode.
-Querying is simple as well:
->>> list(collection.User.find())
->>> collection.User.find_one({'name': u'admin'})
-.. _MongoKit: http://bytebucket.org/namlook/mongokit/
-PyMongo Compatibility Layer
-If you just want to use PyMongo, you can do that with MongoKit as well. You
-may use this process if you need the best performance to get. Note that this
-example does not show how to couple it with Flask, see the above MongoKit code
-for examples::
- from MongoKit import Connection
- connection = Connection()
-To insert data you can use the `insert` method. We have to get a
-collection first, this is somewhat the same as a table in the SQL world.
->>> collection = connection['test'].users
->>> user = {'name': u'admin', 'email': u'admin@localhost'}
->>> collection.insert(user)
-MongoKit will automatically commit for us.
-To query your database, you use the collection directly:
->>> list(collection.find())
-[{u'_id': ObjectId('4c271729e13823182f000000'), u'name': u'admin', u'email': u'admin@localhost'}]
->>> collection.find_one({'name': u'admin'})
-{u'_id': ObjectId('4c271729e13823182f000000'), u'name': u'admin', u'email': u'admin@localhost'}
-These results are also dict-like objects:
->>> r = collection.find_one({'name': u'admin'})
->>> r['email']
-For more information about MongoKit, head over to the
-`website `_.