@ -37,33 +37,48 @@ The Testing Skeleton
-------------------- |
We begin by adding a tests directory under the application root. Then |
create a Python file to store our test configuration (:file:`conftest.py`). |
create a Python file to store our test configuration (:file:`conftest.py`). This |
is a special file that will be automatically loaded by pytest on runtime. |
Next, we create a `pytest fixture`_ called |
:func:`client` that configures |
:func:`client` in (:file:`conftest.py`), which configures |
the application for testing and initializes a new database.:: |
import os |
import tempfile |
import pytest |
from flaskr.factory import create_app |
from flaskr.blueprints.flaskr import init_db |
@pytest.fixture |
def app(request): |
db_fd, temp_db_location = tempfile.mkstemp() |
config = { |
'DATABASE': temp_db_location, |
'TESTING': True, |
'DB_FD': db_fd |
} |
app = create_app(config=config) |
from flaskr import flaskr |
with app.app_context(): |
init_db() |
yield app |
@pytest.fixture |
def client(): |
db_fd, flaskr.app.config['DATABASE'] = tempfile.mkstemp() |
flaskr.app.config['TESTING'] = True |
client = flaskr.app.test_client() |
def client(request, app): |
with flaskr.app.app_context(): |
flaskr.init_db() |
client = app.test_client() |
yield client |
def teardown(): |
os.close(app.config['DB_FD']) |
os.unlink(app.config['DATABASE']) |
request.addfinalizer(teardown) |
os.close(db_fd) |
os.unlink(flaskr.app.config['DATABASE']) |
return client |
This client fixture will be called by each individual test. It gives us a |
simple interface to the application, where we can trigger test requests to the |