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bump minimum werkzeug version to fix tests cache pip pacakges on travis collect branch coverage collect coverage of test code report coverage across envs test building docs enable codecov integrationpull/2331/head
5 changed files with 113 additions and 64 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
[run] |
branch = True |
source = |
flask |
tests |
[paths] |
source = |
flask |
.tox/*/lib/python*/site-packages/flask |
.tox/pypy/site-packages/flask |
@ -1,37 +1,65 @@
[tox] |
envlist = {py26,py27,pypy}-{lowest,release,devel}{,-simplejson}, {py33,py34,py35,py36}-{release,devel}{,-simplejson} |
envlist = |
py{36,35,34,33,27,26,py}-release |
py{36,27,py}-release-simplejson |
py{36,33,27,26,py}-devel |
py{36,33,27,26,py}-lowest |
docs-html |
coverage-report |
[testenv] |
passenv = LANG |
usedevelop=true |
commands = |
# We need to install those after Flask is installed. |
pip install -e examples/flaskr |
pip install -e examples/minitwit |
pip install -e examples/patterns/largerapp |
pytest --cov=flask --cov-report html [] |
deps= |
pytest |
pytest-cov |
usedevelop = true |
deps = |
pytest>=3 |
coverage |
greenlet |
blinker |
lowest: Werkzeug==0.7 |
lowest: Werkzeug==0.9 |
lowest: Jinja2==2.4 |
lowest: itsdangerous==0.21 |
lowest: Click==4.0 |
lowest: blinker==1.0 |
release: blinker |
devel: git+https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug.git |
devel: git+https://github.com/pallets/markupsafe.git |
devel: git+https://github.com/pallets/jinja.git |
devel: git+https://github.com/pallets/itsdangerous.git |
devel: git+https://github.com/pallets/click.git |
devel: git+https://github.com/jek/blinker.git |
devel: https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug/archive/master.tar.gz |
devel: https://github.com/pallets/markupsafe/archive/master.tar.gz |
devel: https://github.com/pallets/jinja/archive/master.tar.gz |
devel: https://github.com/pallets/itsdangerous/archive/master.tar.gz |
devel: https://github.com/pallets/click/archive/master.tar.gz |
simplejson: simplejson |
commands = |
# the examples need to be installed to test successfully |
pip install -e examples/flaskr -q |
pip install -e examples/minitwit -q |
pip install -e examples/patterns/largerapp -q |
# pytest-cov doesn't seem to play nice with -p |
coverage run -p -m pytest |
[testenv:docs-html] |
deps = |
sphinx |
flask-sphinx-themes |
commands = sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html |
[testenv:docs] |
[testenv:docs-linkcheck] |
deps = sphinx |
commands = sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/linkcheck |
[testenv:coverage-report] |
deps = coverage |
skip_install = true |
commands = |
coverage combine |
coverage report |
coverage html |
[testenv:codecov] |
passenv = CI TRAVIS TRAVIS_* |
deps = codecov |
skip_install = true |
commands = |
coverage combine |
coverage report |
codecov |
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