@ -1052,12 +1052,15 @@ class TestSignals(unittest.TestCase):
def record(sender, template, context): |
recorded.append((template, context)) |
with flask.template_rendered.temporarily_connected_to(record, app): |
flask.template_rendered.connect(record, app) |
try: |
rv = app.test_client().get('/') |
assert len(recorded) == 1 |
template, context = recorded[0] |
assert template.name == 'simple_template.html' |
assert context['whiskey'] == 42 |
finally: |
flask.template_rendered.disconnect(record, app) |
def test_request_signals(self): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@ -1110,10 +1113,13 @@ class TestSignals(unittest.TestCase):
def record(sender, exception): |
recorded.append(exception) |
with flask.got_request_exception.temporarily_connected_to(record): |
flask.got_request_exception.connect(record, app) |
try: |
assert app.test_client().get('/').status_code == 500 |
assert len(recorded) == 1 |
assert isinstance(recorded[0], ZeroDivisionError) |
finally: |
flask.got_request_exception.disconnect(record, app) |
def suite(): |