mirror of https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask.git
103 changed files with 3340 additions and 2237 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ |
.. currentmodule:: flask |
Blog Blueprint |
============== |
You'll use the same techniques you learned about when writing the |
authentication blueprint to write the blog blueprint. The blog should |
list all posts, allow logged in users to create posts, and allow the |
author of a post to edit or delete it. |
As you implement each view, keep the development server running. As you |
save your changes, try going to the URL in your browser and testing them |
out. |
The Blueprint |
------------- |
Define the blueprint and register it in the application factory. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/blog.py`` |
from flask import ( |
Blueprint, flash, g, redirect, render_template, request, url_for |
) |
from werkzeug.exceptions import abort |
from flaskr.auth import login_required |
from flaskr.db import get_db |
bp = Blueprint('blog', __name__) |
Import and register the blueprint from the factory using |
:meth:`app.register_blueprint() <Flask.register_blueprint>`. Place the |
new code at the end of the factory function before returning the app. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/__init__.py`` |
def create_app(): |
app = ... |
# existing code omitted |
from . import blog |
app.register_blueprint(blog.bp) |
app.add_url_rule('/', endpoint='index') |
return app |
Unlike the auth blueprint, the blog blueprint does not have a |
``url_prefix``. So the ``index`` view will be at ``/``, the ``create`` |
view at ``/create``, and so on. The blog is the main feature of Flaskr, |
so it makes sense that the blog index will be the main index. |
However, the endpoint for the ``index`` view defined below will be |
``blog.index``. Some of the authentication views referred to a plain |
``index`` endpoint. :meth:`app.add_url_rule() <Flask.add_url_rule>` |
associates the endpoint name ``'index'`` with the ``/`` url so that |
``url_for('index')`` or ``url_for('blog.index')`` will both work, |
generating the same ``/`` URL either way. |
In another application you might give the blog blueprint a |
``url_prefix`` and define a separate ``index`` view in the application |
factory, similar to the ``hello`` view. Then the ``index`` and |
``blog.index`` endpoints and URLs would be different. |
Index |
----- |
The index will show all of the posts, most recent first. A ``JOIN`` is |
used so that the author information from the ``user`` table is |
available in the result. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/blog.py`` |
@bp.route('/') |
def index(): |
db = get_db() |
posts = db.execute( |
'SELECT p.id, title, body, created, author_id, username' |
' FROM post p JOIN user u ON p.author_id = u.id' |
' ORDER BY created DESC' |
).fetchall() |
return render_template('blog/index.html', posts=posts) |
.. code-block:: html+jinja |
:caption: ``flaskr/templates/blog/index.html`` |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
{% block header %} |
<h1>{% block title %}Posts{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% if g.user %} |
<a class="action" href="{{ url_for('blog.create') }}">New</a> |
{% endif %} |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content %} |
{% for post in posts %} |
<article class="post"> |
<header> |
<div> |
<h1>{{ post['title'] }}</h1> |
<div class="about">by {{ post['username'] }} on {{ post['created'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}</div> |
</div> |
{% if g.user['id'] == post['author_id'] %} |
<a class="action" href="{{ url_for('blog.update', id=post['id']) }}">Edit</a> |
{% endif %} |
</header> |
<p class="body">{{ post['body'] }}</p> |
</article> |
{% if not loop.last %} |
<hr> |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endblock %} |
When a user is logged in, the ``header`` block adds a link to the |
``create`` view. When the user is the author of a post, they'll see an |
"Edit" link to the ``update`` view for that post. ``loop.last`` is a |
special variable available inside `Jinja for loops`_. It's used to |
display a line after each post except the last one, to visually separate |
them. |
.. _Jinja for loops: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/templates/#for |
Create |
------ |
The ``create`` view works the same as the auth ``register`` view. Either |
the form is displayed, or the posted data is validated and the post is |
added to the database or an error is shown. |
The ``login_required`` decorator you wrote earlier is used on the blog |
views. A user must be logged in to visit these views, otherwise they |
will be redirected to the login page. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/blog.py`` |
@bp.route('/create', methods=('GET', 'POST')) |
@login_required |
def create(): |
if request.method == 'POST': |
title = request.form['title'] |
body = request.form['body'] |
error = None |
if not title: |
error = 'Title is required.' |
if error is not None: |
flash(error) |
else: |
db = get_db() |
db.execute( |
'INSERT INTO post (title, body, author_id)' |
' VALUES (?, ?, ?)', |
(title, body, g.user['id']) |
) |
db.commit() |
return redirect(url_for('blog.index')) |
return render_template('blog/create.html') |
.. code-block:: html+jinja |
:caption: ``flaskr/templates/blog/create.html`` |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
{% block header %} |
<h1>{% block title %}New Post{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content %} |
<form method="post"> |
<label for="title">Title</label> |
<input name="title" id="title" value="{{ request.form['title'] }}" required> |
<label for="body">Body</label> |
<textarea name="body" id="body">{{ request.form['body'] }}</textarea> |
<input type="submit" value="Save"> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
Update |
------ |
Both the ``update`` and ``delete`` views will need to fetch a ``post`` |
by ``id`` and check if the author matches the logged in user. To avoid |
duplicating code, you can write a function to get the ``post`` and call |
it from each view. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/blog.py`` |
def get_post(id, check_author=True): |
post = get_db().execute( |
'SELECT p.id, title, body, created, author_id, username' |
' FROM post p JOIN user u ON p.author_id = u.id' |
' WHERE p.id = ?', |
(id,) |
).fetchone() |
if post is None: |
abort(404, "Post id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id)) |
if check_author and post['author_id'] != g.user['id']: |
abort(403) |
return post |
:func:`abort` will raise a special exception that returns an HTTP status |
code. It takes an optional message to show with the error, otherwise a |
default message is used. ``404`` means "Not Found", and ``403`` means |
"Forbidden". (``401`` means "Unauthorized", but you redirect to the |
login page instead of returning that status.) |
The ``check_author`` argument is defined so that the function can be |
used to get a ``post`` without checking the author. This would be useful |
if you wrote a view to show an individual post on a page, where the user |
doesn't matter because they're not modifying the post. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/blog.py`` |
@bp.route('/<int:id>/update', methods=('GET', 'POST')) |
@login_required |
def update(id): |
post = get_post(id) |
if request.method == 'POST': |
title = request.form['title'] |
body = request.form['body'] |
error = None |
if not title: |
error = 'Title is required.' |
if error is not None: |
flash(error) |
else: |
db = get_db() |
db.execute( |
'UPDATE post SET title = ?, body = ?' |
' WHERE id = ?', |
(title, body, id) |
) |
db.commit() |
return redirect(url_for('blog.index')) |
return render_template('blog/update.html', post=post) |
Unlike the views you've written so far, the ``update`` function takes |
an argument, ``id``. That corresponds to the ``<int:id>`` in the route. |
A real URL will look like ``/1/update``. Flask will capture the ``1``, |
ensure it's an :class:`int`, and pass it as the ``id`` argument. If you |
don't specify ``int:`` and instead do ``<id>``, it will be a string. |
To generate a URL to the update page, :func:`url_for` needs to be passed |
the ``id`` so it knows what to fill in: |
``url_for('blog.update', id=post['id'])``. This is also in the |
``index.html`` file above. |
The ``create`` and ``update`` views look very similar. The main |
difference is that the ``update`` view uses a ``post`` object and an |
``UPDATE`` query instead of an ``INSERT``. With some clever refactoring, |
you could use one view and template for both actions, but for the |
tutorial it's clearer to keep them separate. |
.. code-block:: html+jinja |
:caption: ``flaskr/templates/blog/update.html`` |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
{% block header %} |
<h1>{% block title %}Edit "{{ post['title'] }}"{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content %} |
<form method="post"> |
<label for="title">Title</label> |
<input name="title" id="title" |
value="{{ request.form['title'] or post['title'] }}" required> |
<label for="body">Body</label> |
<textarea name="body" id="body">{{ request.form['body'] or post['body'] }}</textarea> |
<input type="submit" value="Save"> |
</form> |
<hr> |
<form action="{{ url_for('blog.delete', id=post['id']) }}" method="post"> |
<input class="danger" type="submit" value="Delete" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');"> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
This template has two forms. The first posts the edited data to the |
current page (``/<id>/update``). The other form contains only a button |
and specifies an ``action`` attribute that posts to the delete view |
instead. The button uses some JavaScript to show a confirmation dialog |
before submitting. |
The pattern ``{{ request.form['title'] or post['title'] }}`` is used to |
choose what data appears in the form. When the form hasn't been |
submitted, the original ``post`` data appears, but if invalid form data |
was posted you want to display that so the user can fix the error, so |
``request.form`` is used instead. :data:`request` is another variable |
that's automatically available in templates. |
Delete |
------ |
The delete view doesn't have its own template, the delete button is part |
of ``update.html`` and posts to the ``/<id>/delete`` URL. Since there |
is no template, it will only handle the ``POST`` method then redirect |
to the ``index`` view. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/blog.py`` |
@bp.route('/<int:id>/delete', methods=('POST',)) |
@login_required |
def delete(id): |
get_post(id) |
db = get_db() |
db.execute('DELETE FROM post WHERE id = ?', (id,)) |
db.commit() |
return redirect(url_for('blog.index')) |
Congratulations, you've now finished writing your application! Take some |
time to try out everything in the browser. However, there's still more |
to do before the project is complete. |
Continue to :doc:`install`. |
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ |
.. _tutorial-css: |
Step 8: Adding Style |
==================== |
Now that everything else works, it's time to add some style to the |
application. Just create a stylesheet called :file:`style.css` in the |
:file:`static` folder: |
.. sourcecode:: css |
body { font-family: sans-serif; background: #eee; } |
a, h1, h2 { color: #377ba8; } |
h1, h2 { font-family: 'Georgia', serif; margin: 0; } |
h1 { border-bottom: 2px solid #eee; } |
h2 { font-size: 1.2em; } |
.page { margin: 2em auto; width: 35em; border: 5px solid #ccc; |
padding: 0.8em; background: white; } |
.entries { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } |
.entries li { margin: 0.8em 1.2em; } |
.entries li h2 { margin-left: -1em; } |
.add-entry { font-size: 0.9em; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } |
.add-entry dl { font-weight: bold; } |
.metanav { text-align: right; font-size: 0.8em; padding: 0.3em; |
margin-bottom: 1em; background: #fafafa; } |
.flash { background: #cee5F5; padding: 0.5em; |
border: 1px solid #aacbe2; } |
.error { background: #f0d6d6; padding: 0.5em; } |
Continue with :ref:`tutorial-testing`. |
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ |
.. currentmodule:: flask |
Define and Access the Database |
============================== |
The application will use a `SQLite`_ database to store users and posts. |
Python comes with built-in support for SQLite in the :mod:`sqlite3` |
module. |
SQLite is convenient because it doesn't require setting up a separate |
database server and is built-in to Python. However, if concurrent |
requests try to write to the database at the same time, they will slow |
down as each write happens sequentially. Small applications won't notice |
this. Once you become big, you may want to switch to a different |
database. |
The tutorial doesn't go into detail about SQL. If you are not familiar |
with it, the SQLite docs describe the `language`_. |
.. _SQLite: https://sqlite.org/about.html |
.. _language: https://sqlite.org/lang.html |
Connect to the Database |
----------------------- |
The first thing to do when working with a SQLite database (and most |
other Python database libraries) is to create a connection to it. Any |
queries and operations are performed using the connection, which is |
closed after the work is finished. |
In web applications this connection is typically tied to the request. It |
is created at some point when handling a request, and closed before the |
response is sent. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/db.py`` |
import sqlite3 |
import click |
from flask import current_app, g |
from flask.cli import with_appcontext |
def get_db(): |
if 'db' not in g: |
g.db = sqlite3.connect( |
current_app.config['DATABASE'], |
detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES |
) |
g.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
return g.db |
def close_db(e=None): |
db = g.pop('db', None) |
if db is not None: |
db.close() |
:data:`g` is a special object that is unique for each request. It is |
used to store data that might be accessed by multiple functions during |
the request. The connection is stored and reused instead of creating a |
new connection if ``get_db`` is called a second time in the same |
request. |
:data:`current_app` is another special object that points to the Flask |
application handling the request. Since you used an application factory, |
there is no application object when writing the rest of your code. |
``get_db`` will be called when the application has been created and is |
handling a request, so :data:`current_app` can be used. |
:func:`sqlite3.connect` establishes a connection to the file pointed at |
by the ``DATABASE`` configuration key. This file doesn't have to exist |
yet, and won't until you initialize the database later. |
:class:`sqlite3.Row` tells the connection to return rows that behave |
like dicts. This allows accessing the columns by name. |
``close_db`` checks if a connection was created by checking if ``g.db`` |
was set. If the connection exists, it is closed. Further down you will |
tell your application about the ``close_db`` function in the application |
factory so that it is called after each request. |
Create the Tables |
----------------- |
In SQLite, data is stored in *tables* and *columns*. These need to be |
created before you can store and retrieve data. Flaskr will store users |
in the ``user`` table, and posts in the ``post`` table. Create a file |
with the SQL commands needed to create empty tables: |
.. code-block:: sql |
:caption: ``flaskr/schema.sql`` |
password TEXT NOT NULL |
); |
author_id INTEGER NOT NULL, |
title TEXT NOT NULL, |
FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES user (id) |
); |
Add the Python functions that will run these SQL commands to the |
``db.py`` file: |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/db.py`` |
def init_db(): |
db = get_db() |
with current_app.open_resource('schema.sql') as f: |
db.executescript(f.read().decode('utf8')) |
@click.command('init-db') |
@with_appcontext |
def init_db_command(): |
"""Clear the existing data and create new tables.""" |
init_db() |
click.echo('Initialized the database.') |
:meth:`open_resource() <Flask.open_resource>` opens a file relative to |
the ``flaskr`` package, which is useful since you won't necessarily know |
where that location is when deploying the application later. ``get_db`` |
returns a database connection, which is used to execute the commands |
read from the file. |
:func:`click.command` defines a command line command called ``init-db`` |
that calls the ``init_db`` function and shows a success message to the |
user. You can read :ref:`cli` to learn more about writing commands. |
Register with the Application |
----------------------------- |
The ``close_db`` and ``init_db_command`` functions need to be registered |
with the application instance, otherwise they won't be used by the |
application. However, since you're using a factory function, that |
instance isn't available when writing the functions. Instead, write a |
function that takes an application and does the registration. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/db.py`` |
def init_app(app): |
app.teardown_appcontext(close_db) |
app.cli.add_command(init_db_command) |
:meth:`app.teardown_appcontext() <Flask.teardown_appcontext>` tells |
Flask to call that function when cleaning up after returning the |
response. |
:meth:`app.cli.add_command() <click.Group.add_command>` adds a new |
command that can be called with the ``flask`` command. |
Import and call this function from the factory. Place the new code at |
the end of the factory function before returning the app. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/__init__.py`` |
def create_app(): |
app = ... |
# existing code omitted |
from . import db |
db.init_app(app) |
return app |
Initialize the Database File |
---------------------------- |
Now that ``init-db`` has been registered with the app, it can be called |
using the ``flask`` command, similar to the ``run`` command from the |
previous page. |
.. note:: |
If you're still running the server from the previous page, you can |
either stop the server, or run this command in a new terminal. If |
you use a new terminal, remember to change to your project directory |
and activate the env as described in :ref:`install-activate-env`. |
You'll also need to set ``FLASK_APP`` and ``FLASK_ENV`` as shown on |
the previous page. |
Run the ``init-db`` command: |
.. code-block:: none |
flask init-db |
Initialized the database. |
There will now be a ``flaskr.sqlite`` file in the ``instance`` folder in |
your project. |
Continue to :doc:`views`. |
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ |
.. _tutorial-dbcon: |
Step 4: Database Connections |
---------------------------- |
Let's continue building our code in the ``flaskr.py`` file. |
(Scroll to the end of the page for more about project layout.) |
You currently have a function for establishing a database connection with |
`connect_db`, but by itself, it is not particularly useful. Creating and |
closing database connections all the time is very inefficient, so you will |
need to keep it around for longer. Because database connections |
encapsulate a transaction, you will need to make sure that only one |
request at a time uses the connection. An elegant way to do this is by |
utilizing the *application context*. |
Flask provides two contexts: the *application context* and the |
*request context*. For the time being, all you have to know is that there |
are special variables that use these. For instance, the |
:data:`~flask.request` variable is the request object associated with |
the current request, whereas :data:`~flask.g` is a general purpose |
variable associated with the current application context. The tutorial |
will cover some more details of this later on. |
For the time being, all you have to know is that you can store information |
safely on the :data:`~flask.g` object. |
So when do you put it on there? To do that you can make a helper |
function. The first time the function is called, it will create a database |
connection for the current context, and successive calls will return the |
already established connection:: |
def get_db(): |
"""Opens a new database connection if there is none yet for the |
current application context. |
""" |
if not hasattr(g, 'sqlite_db'): |
g.sqlite_db = connect_db() |
return g.sqlite_db |
Now you know how to connect, but how can you properly disconnect? For |
that, Flask provides us with the :meth:`~flask.Flask.teardown_appcontext` |
decorator. It's executed every time the application context tears down:: |
@app.teardown_appcontext |
def close_db(error): |
"""Closes the database again at the end of the request.""" |
if hasattr(g, 'sqlite_db'): |
g.sqlite_db.close() |
Functions marked with :meth:`~flask.Flask.teardown_appcontext` are called |
every time the app context tears down. What does this mean? |
Essentially, the app context is created before the request comes in and is |
destroyed (torn down) whenever the request finishes. A teardown can |
happen because of two reasons: either everything went well (the error |
parameter will be ``None``) or an exception happened, in which case the error |
is passed to the teardown function. |
Curious about what these contexts mean? Have a look at the |
:ref:`app-context` documentation to learn more. |
Continue to :ref:`tutorial-dbinit`. |
.. hint:: Where do I put this code? |
If you've been following along in this tutorial, you might be wondering |
where to put the code from this step and the next. A logical place is to |
group these module-level functions together, and put your new |
``get_db`` and ``close_db`` functions below your existing |
``connect_db`` function (following the tutorial line-by-line). |
If you need a moment to find your bearings, take a look at how the `example |
source`_ is organized. In Flask, you can put all of your application code |
into a single Python module. You don't have to, and if your app :ref:`grows |
larger <larger-applications>`, it's a good idea not to. |
.. _example source: |
https://github.com/pallets/flask/tree/master/examples/flaskr/ |
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ |
.. _tutorial-dbinit: |
Step 5: Creating The Database |
============================= |
As outlined earlier, Flaskr is a database powered application, and more |
precisely, it is an application powered by a relational database system. Such |
systems need a schema that tells them how to store that information. |
Before starting the server for the first time, it's important to create |
that schema. |
Such a schema could be created by piping the ``schema.sql`` file into the |
``sqlite3`` command as follows:: |
sqlite3 /tmp/flaskr.db < schema.sql |
However, the downside of this is that it requires the ``sqlite3`` command |
to be installed, which is not necessarily the case on every system. This |
also requires that you provide the path to the database, which can introduce |
errors. |
Instead of the ``sqlite3`` command above, it's a good idea to add a function |
to our application that initializes the database for you. To do this, you |
can create a function and hook it into a :command:`flask` command that |
initializes the database. |
Take a look at the code segment below. A good place to add this function, |
and command, is just below the ``connect_db`` function in :file:`flaskr.py`:: |
def init_db(): |
db = get_db() |
with app.open_resource('schema.sql', mode='r') as f: |
db.cursor().executescript(f.read()) |
db.commit() |
@app.cli.command('initdb') |
def initdb_command(): |
"""Initializes the database.""" |
init_db() |
print('Initialized the database.') |
The ``app.cli.command()`` decorator registers a new command with the |
:command:`flask` script. When the command executes, Flask will automatically |
create an application context which is bound to the right application. |
Within the function, you can then access :attr:`flask.g` and other things as |
you might expect. When the script ends, the application context tears down |
and the database connection is released. |
You will want to keep an actual function around that initializes the database, |
though, so that we can easily create databases in unit tests later on. (For |
more information see :ref:`testing`.) |
The :func:`~flask.Flask.open_resource` method of the application object |
is a convenient helper function that will open a resource that the |
application provides. This function opens a file from the resource |
location (the :file:`flaskr/flaskr` folder) and allows you to read from it. |
It is used in this example to execute a script on the database connection. |
The connection object provided by SQLite can give you a cursor object. |
On that cursor, there is a method to execute a complete script. Finally, you |
only have to commit the changes. SQLite3 and other transactional |
databases will not commit unless you explicitly tell it to. |
Now, in a terminal, from the application root directory :file:`flaskr/` it is |
possible to create a database with the :command:`flask` script:: |
flask initdb |
Initialized the database. |
.. admonition:: Troubleshooting |
If you get an exception later on stating that a table cannot be found, check |
that you did execute the ``initdb`` command and that your table names are |
correct (singular vs. plural, for example). |
Continue with :ref:`tutorial-views` |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
Deploy to Production |
==================== |
This part of the tutorial assumes you have a server that you want to |
deploy your application to. It gives an overview of how to create the |
distribution file and install it, but won't go into specifics about |
what server or software to use. You can set up a new environment on your |
development computer to try out the instructions below, but probably |
shouldn't use it for hosting a real public application. See |
:doc:`/deploying/index` for a list of many different ways to host your |
application. |
Build and Install |
----------------- |
When you want to deploy your application elsewhere, you build a |
distribution file. The current standard for Python distribution is the |
*wheel* format, with the ``.whl`` extension. Make sure the wheel library |
is installed first: |
.. code-block:: none |
pip install wheel |
Running ``setup.py`` with Python gives you a command line tool to issue |
build-related commands. The ``bdist_wheel`` command will build a wheel |
distribution file. |
.. code-block:: none |
python setup.py bdist_wheel |
You can find the file in ``dist/flaskr-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl``. The |
file name is the name of the project, the version, and some tags about |
the file can install. |
Copy this file to another machine, |
:ref:`set up a new virtualenv <install-create-env>`, then install the |
file with ``pip``. |
.. code-block:: none |
pip install flaskr-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl |
Pip will install your project along with its dependencies. |
Since this is a different machine, you need to run ``init-db`` again to |
create the database in the instance folder. |
.. code-block:: none |
export FLASK_APP=flaskr |
flask init-db |
When Flask detects that it's installed (not in editable mode), it uses |
a different directory for the instance folder. You can find it at |
``venv/var/flaskr-instance`` instead. |
Configure the Secret Key |
------------------------ |
In the beginning of the tutorial that you gave a default value for |
:data:`SECRET_KEY`. This should be changed to some random bytes in |
production. Otherwise, attackers could use the public ``'dev'`` key to |
modify the session cookie, or anything else that uses the secret key. |
You can use the following command to output a random secret key: |
.. code-block:: none |
python -c 'import os; print(os.urandom(16))' |
b'_5#y2L"F4Q8z\n\xec]/' |
Create the ``config.py`` file in the instance folder, which the factory |
will read from if it exists. Copy the generated value into it. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``venv/var/flaskr-instance/config.py`` |
SECRET_KEY = b'_5#y2L"F4Q8z\n\xec]/' |
You can also set any other necessary configuration here, although |
``SECRET_KEY`` is the only one needed for Flaskr. |
Run with a Production Server |
---------------------------- |
When running publicly rather than in development, you should not use the |
built-in development server (``flask run``). The development server is |
provided by Werkzeug for convenience, but is not designed to be |
particularly efficient, stable, or secure. |
Instead, use a production WSGI server. For example, to use `Waitress`_, |
first install it in the virtual environment: |
.. code-block:: none |
pip install waitress |
You need to tell Waitress about your application, but it doesn't use |
``FLASK_APP`` like ``flask run`` does. You need to tell it to import and |
call the application factory to get an application object. |
.. code-block:: none |
waitress-serve --call 'flaskr:create_app' |
Serving on |
See :doc:`/deploying/index` for a list of many different ways to host |
your application. Waitress is just an example, chosen for the tutorial |
because it supports both Windows and Linux. There are many more WSGI |
servers and deployment options that you may choose for your project. |
.. _Waitress: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/waitress/ |
Continue to :doc:`next`. |
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ |
.. currentmodule:: flask |
Application Setup |
================= |
A Flask application is an instance of the :class:`Flask` class. |
Everything about the application, such as configuration and URLs, will |
be registered with this class. |
The most straightforward way to create a Flask application is to create |
a global :class:`Flask` instance directly at the top of your code, like |
how the "Hello, World!" example did on the previous page. While this is |
simple and useful in some cases, it can cause some tricky issues as the |
project grows. |
Instead of creating a :class:`Flask` instance globally, you will create |
it inside a function. This function is known as the *application |
factory*. Any configuration, registration, and other setup the |
application needs will happen inside the function, then the application |
will be returned. |
The Application Factory |
----------------------- |
It's time to start coding! Create the ``flaskr`` directory and add the |
``__init__.py`` file. The ``__init__.py`` serves double duty: it will |
contain the application factory, and it tells Python that the ``flaskr`` |
directory should be treated as a package. |
.. code-block:: none |
mkdir flaskr |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/__init__.py`` |
import os |
from flask import Flask |
def create_app(test_config=None): |
# create and configure the app |
app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) |
app.config.from_mapping( |
SECRET_KEY='dev', |
DATABASE=os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'flaskr.sqlite'), |
) |
if test_config is None: |
# load the instance config, if it exists, when not testing |
app.config.from_pyfile('config.py', silent=True) |
else: |
# load the test config if passed in |
app.config.from_mapping(test_config) |
# ensure the instance folder exists |
try: |
os.makedirs(app.instance_path) |
except OSError: |
pass |
# a simple page that says hello |
@app.route('/hello') |
def hello(): |
return 'Hello, World!' |
return app |
``create_app`` is the application factory function. You'll add to it |
later in the tutorial, but it already does a lot. |
#. ``app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True)`` creates the |
:class:`Flask` instance. |
* ``__name__`` is the name of the current Python module. The app |
needs to know where it's located to set up some paths, and |
``__name__`` is a convenient way to tell it that. |
* ``instance_relative_config=True`` tells the app that |
configuration files are relative to the |
:ref:`instance folder <instance-folders>`. The instance folder |
is located outside the ``flaskr`` package and can hold local |
data that shouldn't be committed to version control, such as |
configuration secrets and the database file. |
#. :meth:`app.config.from_mapping() <Config.from_mapping>` sets |
some default configuration that the app will use: |
* :data:`SECRET_KEY` is used by Flask and extensions to keep data |
safe. It's set to ``'dev'`` to provide a convenient value |
during development, but it should be overridden with a random |
value when deploying. |
* ``DATABASE`` is the path where the SQLite database file will be |
saved. It's under |
:attr:`app.instance_path <Flask.instance_path>`, which is the |
path that Flask has chosen for the instance folder. You'll learn |
more about the database in the next section. |
#. :meth:`app.config.from_pyfile() <Config.from_pyfile>` overrides |
the default configuration with values taken from the ``config.py`` |
file in the instance folder if it exists. For example, when |
deploying, this can be used to set a real ``SECRET_KEY``. |
* ``test_config`` can also be passed to the factory, and will be |
used instead of the instance configuration. This is so the tests |
you'll write later in the tutorial can be configured |
independently of any development values you have configured. |
#. :func:`os.makedirs` ensures that |
:attr:`app.instance_path <Flask.instance_path>` exists. Flask |
doesn't create the instance folder automatically, but it needs to be |
created because your project will create the SQLite database file |
there. |
#. :meth:`@app.route() <Flask.route>` creates a simple route so you can |
see the application working before getting into the rest of the |
tutorial. It creates a connection between the URL ``/hello`` and a |
function that returns a response, the string ``'Hello, World!'`` in |
this case. |
Run The Application |
------------------- |
Now you can run your application using the ``flask`` command. From the |
terminal, tell Flask where to find your application, then run it in |
development mode. |
Development mode shows an interactive debugger whenever a page raises an |
exception, and restarts the server whenever you make changes to the |
code. You can leave it running and just reload the browser page as you |
follow the tutorial. |
For Linux and Mac: |
.. code-block:: none |
export FLASK_APP=flaskr |
export FLASK_ENV=development |
flask run |
For Windows cmd, use ``set`` instead of ``export``: |
.. code-block:: none |
set FLASK_APP=flaskr |
set FLASK_ENV=development |
flask run |
For Windows PowerShell, use ``$env:`` instead of ``export``: |
.. code-block:: none |
$env:FLASK_APP = "flaskr" |
$env:FLASK_ENV = "development" |
flask run |
You'll see output similar to this: |
.. code-block:: none |
* Serving Flask app "flaskr" |
* Environment: development |
* Debug mode: on |
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) |
* Restarting with stat |
* Debugger is active! |
* Debugger PIN: 855-212-761 |
Visit in a browser and you should see the |
"Hello, World!" message. Congratulations, you're now running your Flask |
web application! |
Continue to :doc:`database`. |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 7.3 KiB |
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ |
.. _tutorial-folders: |
Step 0: Creating The Folders |
============================ |
It is recommended to install your Flask application within a virtualenv. Please |
read the :ref:`installation` section to set up your environment. |
Now that you have installed Flask, you will need to create the folders required |
for this tutorial. Your directory structure will look like this:: |
/flaskr |
/flaskr |
/static |
/templates |
The application will be installed and run as Python package. This is the |
recommended way to install and run Flask applications. You will see exactly |
how to run ``flaskr`` later on in this tutorial. |
For now go ahead and create the applications directory structure. In the next |
few steps you will be creating the database schema as well as the main module. |
As a quick side note, the files inside of the :file:`static` folder are |
available to users of the application via HTTP. This is the place where CSS and |
JavaScript files go. Inside the :file:`templates` folder, Flask will look for |
`Jinja2`_ templates. You will see examples of this later on. |
For now you should continue with :ref:`tutorial-schema`. |
.. _Jinja2: http://jinja.pocoo.org/ |
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
Make the Project Installable |
============================ |
Making your project installable means that you can build a |
*distribution* file and install that in another environment, just like |
you installed Flask in your project's environment. This makes deploying |
your project the same as installing any other library, so you're using |
all the standard Python tools to manage everything. |
Installing also comes with other benefits that might not be obvious from |
the tutorial or as a new Python user, including: |
* Currently, Python and Flask understand how to use the ``flaskr`` |
package only because you're running from your project's directory. |
Installing means you can import it no matter where you run from. |
* You can manage your project's dependencies just like other packages |
do, so ``pip install yourproject.whl`` installs them. |
* Test tools can isolate your test environment from your development |
environment. |
.. note:: |
This is being introduced late in the tutorial, but in your future |
projects you should always start with this. |
Describe the Project |
-------------------- |
The ``setup.py`` file describes your project and the files that belong |
to it. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``setup.py`` |
from setuptools import find_packages, setup |
setup( |
name='flaskr', |
version='1.0.0', |
packages=find_packages(), |
include_package_data=True, |
zip_safe=False, |
install_requires=[ |
'flask', |
], |
) |
``packages`` tells Python what package directories (and the Python files |
they contain) to include. ``find_packages()`` finds these directories |
automatically so you don't have to type them out. To include other |
files, such as the static and templates directories, |
``include_package_data`` is set. Python needs another file named |
``MANIFEST.in`` to tell what this other data is. |
.. code-block:: none |
:caption: ``MANIFEST.in`` |
include flaskr/schema.sql |
graft flaskr/static |
graft flaskr/templates |
global-exclude *.pyc |
This tells Python to copy everything in the ``static`` and ``templates`` |
directories, and the ``schema.sql`` file, but to exclude all bytecode |
files. |
See the `official packaging guide`_ for another explanation of the files |
and options used. |
.. _official packaging guide: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/ |
Install the Project |
------------------- |
Use ``pip`` to install your project in the virtual environment. |
.. code-block:: none |
pip install -e . |
This tells pip to find ``setup.py`` in the current directory and install |
it in *editable* or *development* mode. Editable mode means that as you |
make changes to your local code, you'll only need to re-install if you |
change the metadata about the project, such as its dependencies. |
You can observe that the project is now installed with ``pip list``. |
.. code-block:: none |
pip list |
Package Version Location |
-------------- --------- ---------------------------------- |
click 6.7 |
Flask 1.0 |
flaskr 1.0.0 /home/user/Projects/flask-tutorial |
itsdangerous 0.24 |
Jinja2 2.10 |
MarkupSafe 1.0 |
pip 9.0.3 |
setuptools 39.0.1 |
Werkzeug 0.14.1 |
wheel 0.30.0 |
Nothing changes from how you've been running your project so far. |
``FLASK_APP`` is still set to ``flaskr`` and ``flask run`` still runs |
the application. |
Continue to :doc:`tests`. |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
.. _tutorial-introduction: |
Introducing Flaskr |
================== |
This tutorial will demonstrate a blogging application named Flaskr, but feel |
free to choose your own less Web-2.0-ish name ;) Essentially, it will do the |
following things: |
1. Let the user sign in and out with credentials specified in the |
configuration. Only one user is supported. |
2. When the user is logged in, they can add new entries to the page |
consisting of a text-only title and some HTML for the text. This HTML |
is not sanitized because we trust the user here. |
3. The index page shows all entries so far in reverse chronological order |
(newest on top) and the user can add new ones from there if logged in. |
SQLite3 will be used directly for this application because it's good enough |
for an application of this size. For larger applications, however, |
it makes a lot of sense to use `SQLAlchemy`_, as it handles database |
connections in a more intelligent way, allowing you to target different |
relational databases at once and more. You might also want to consider |
one of the popular NoSQL databases if your data is more suited for those. |
.. warning:: |
If you're following the tutorial from a specific version of the docs, be |
sure to check out the same tag in the repository, otherwise the tutorial |
may be different than the example. |
Here is a screenshot of the final application: |
.. image:: ../_static/flaskr.png |
:align: center |
:class: screenshot |
:alt: screenshot of the final application |
Continue with :ref:`tutorial-folders`. |
.. _SQLAlchemy: https://www.sqlalchemy.org/ |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
Keep Developing! |
================ |
You've learned about quite a few Flask and Python concepts throughout |
the tutorial. Go back and review the tutorial and compare your code with |
the steps you took to get there. Compare your project to the |
:gh:`example project <examples/tutorial>`, which might look a bit |
different due to the step-by-step nature of the tutorial. |
There's a lot more to Flask than what you've seen so far. Even so, |
you're now equipped to start developing your own web applications. Check |
out the :ref:`quickstart` for an overview of what Flask can do, then |
dive into the docs to keep learning. Flask uses `Jinja`_, `Click`_, |
`Werkzeug`_, and `ItsDangerous`_ behind the scenes, and they all have |
their own documentation too. You'll also be interested in |
:ref:`extensions` which make tasks like working with the database or |
validating form data easier and more powerful. |
If you want to keep developing your Flaskr project, here are some ideas |
for what to try next: |
* A detail view to show a single post. Click a post's title to go to |
its page. |
* Like / unlike a post. |
* Comments. |
* Tags. Clicking a tag shows all the posts with that tag. |
* A search box that filters the index page by name. |
* Paged display. Only show 5 posts per page. |
* Upload an image to go along with a post. |
* Format posts using Markdown. |
* An RSS feed of new posts. |
Have fun and make awesome applications! |
.. _Jinja: https://palletsprojects.com/p/jinja/ |
.. _Click: https://palletsprojects.com/p/click/ |
.. _Werkzeug: https://palletsprojects.com/p/werkzeug/ |
.. _ItsDangerous: https://palletsprojects.com/p/itsdangerous/ |
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ |
.. _tutorial-packaging: |
Step 3: Installing flaskr as a Package |
====================================== |
Flask is now shipped with built-in support for `Click`_. Click provides |
Flask with enhanced and extensible command line utilities. Later in this |
tutorial you will see exactly how to extend the ``flask`` command line |
interface (CLI). |
A useful pattern to manage a Flask application is to install your app |
following the `Python Packaging Guide`_. Presently this involves |
creating two new files; :file:`setup.py` and :file:`MANIFEST.in` in the |
projects root directory. You also need to add an :file:`__init__.py` |
file to make the :file:`flaskr/flaskr` directory a package. After these |
changes, your code structure should be:: |
/flaskr |
/flaskr |
__init__.py |
/static |
/templates |
flaskr.py |
schema.sql |
setup.py |
Create the ``setup.py`` file for ``flaskr`` with the following content:: |
from setuptools import setup |
setup( |
name='flaskr', |
packages=['flaskr'], |
include_package_data=True, |
install_requires=[ |
'flask', |
], |
) |
When using setuptools, it is also necessary to specify any special files |
that should be included in your package (in the :file:`MANIFEST.in`). |
In this case, the static and templates directories need to be included, |
as well as the schema. |
Create the :file:`MANIFEST.in` and add the following lines:: |
graft flaskr/templates |
graft flaskr/static |
include flaskr/schema.sql |
Next, to simplify locating the application, create the file, |
:file:`flaskr/__init__.py` containing only the following import statement:: |
from .flaskr import app |
This import statement brings the application instance into the top-level |
of the application package. When it is time to run the application, the |
Flask development server needs the location of the app instance. This |
import statement simplifies the location process. Without the above |
import statement, the export statement a few steps below would need to be |
``export FLASK_APP=flaskr.flaskr``. |
At this point you should be able to install the application. As usual, it |
is recommended to install your Flask application within a `virtualenv`_. |
With that said, from the ``flaskr/`` directory, go ahead and install the |
application with:: |
pip install --editable . |
The above installation command assumes that it is run within the projects |
root directory, ``flaskr/``. The ``editable`` flag allows editing |
source code without having to reinstall the Flask app each time you make |
changes. The flaskr app is now installed in your virtualenv (see output |
of ``pip freeze``). |
With that out of the way, you should be able to start up the application. |
Do this on Mac or Linux with the following commands in ``flaskr/``:: |
export FLASK_APP=flaskr |
export FLASK_ENV=development |
flask run |
(In case you are on Windows you need to use ``set`` instead of ``export``). |
Exporting ``FLASK_ENV=development`` turns on all development features |
such as enabling the interactive debugger. |
*Never leave debug mode activated in a production system*, because it will |
allow users to execute code on the server! |
You will see a message telling you that server has started along with |
the address at which you can access it in a browser. |
When you head over to the server in your browser, you will get a 404 error |
because we don't have any views yet. That will be addressed a little later, |
but first, you should get the database working. |
.. admonition:: Externally Visible Server |
Want your server to be publicly available? Check out the |
:ref:`externally visible server <public-server>` section for more |
information. |
Continue with :ref:`tutorial-dbcon`. |
.. _Click: http://click.pocoo.org |
.. _Python Packaging Guide: https://packaging.python.org |
.. _virtualenv: https://virtualenv.pypa.io |
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ |
.. _tutorial-schema: |
Step 1: Database Schema |
======================= |
In this step, you will create the database schema. Only a single table is |
needed for this application and it will only support SQLite. All you need to do |
is put the following contents into a file named :file:`schema.sql` in the |
:file:`flaskr/flaskr` folder: |
.. sourcecode:: sql |
drop table if exists entries; |
create table entries ( |
id integer primary key autoincrement, |
title text not null, |
'text' text not null |
); |
This schema consists of a single table called ``entries``. Each row in |
this table has an ``id``, a ``title``, and a ``text``. The ``id`` is an |
automatically incrementing integer and a primary key, the other two are |
strings that must not be null. |
Continue with :ref:`tutorial-setup`. |
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ |
.. _tutorial-setup: |
Step 2: Application Setup Code |
============================== |
Next, we will create the application module, :file:`flaskr.py`. Just like the |
:file:`schema.sql` file you created in the previous step, this file should be |
placed inside of the :file:`flaskr/flaskr` folder. |
For this tutorial, all the Python code we use will be put into this file |
(except for one line in ``__init__.py``, and any testing or optional files you |
decide to create). |
The first several lines of code in the application module are the needed import |
statements. After that there will be a few lines of configuration code. |
For small applications like ``flaskr``, it is possible to drop the configuration |
directly into the module. However, a cleaner solution is to create a separate |
``.py`` file, load that, and import the values from there. |
Here are the import statements (in :file:`flaskr.py`):: |
import os |
import sqlite3 |
from flask import (Flask, request, session, g, redirect, url_for, abort, |
render_template, flash) |
The next couple lines will create the actual application instance and |
initialize it with the config from the same file in :file:`flaskr.py`:: |
app = Flask(__name__) # create the application instance :) |
app.config.from_object(__name__) # load config from this file , flaskr.py |
# Load default config and override config from an environment variable |
app.config.update( |
DATABASE=os.path.join(app.root_path, 'flaskr.db'), |
SECRET_KEY=b'_5#y2L"F4Q8z\n\xec]/', |
USERNAME='admin', |
PASSWORD='default' |
) |
app.config.from_envvar('FLASKR_SETTINGS', silent=True) |
In the above code, the :class:`~flask.Config` object works similarly to a |
dictionary, so it can be updated with new values. |
.. admonition:: Database Path |
Operating systems know the concept of a current working directory for |
each process. Unfortunately, you cannot depend on this in web |
applications because you might have more than one application in the |
same process. |
For this reason the ``app.root_path`` attribute can be used to |
get the path to the application. Together with the ``os.path`` module, |
files can then easily be found. In this example, we place the |
database right next to it. |
For a real-world application, it's recommended to use |
:ref:`instance-folders` instead. |
Usually, it is a good idea to load a separate, environment-specific |
configuration file. Flask allows you to import multiple configurations and it |
will use the setting defined in the last import. This enables robust |
configuration setups. :meth:`~flask.Config.from_envvar` can help achieve |
this. :: |
app.config.from_envvar('FLASKR_SETTINGS', silent=True) |
If you want to do this (not required for this tutorial) simply define the |
environment variable :envvar:`FLASKR_SETTINGS` that points to a config file |
to be loaded. The silent switch just tells Flask to not complain if no such |
environment key is set. |
In addition to that, you can use the :meth:`~flask.Config.from_object` |
method on the config object and provide it with an import name of a |
module. Flask will then initialize the variable from that module. Note |
that in all cases, only variable names that are uppercase are considered. |
The :data:`SECRET_KEY` is needed to keep the client-side sessions secure. |
Choose that key wisely and as hard to guess and complex as possible. |
Lastly, add a method that allows for easy connections to the specified |
database. :: |
def connect_db(): |
"""Connects to the specific database.""" |
rv = sqlite3.connect(app.config['DATABASE']) |
rv.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
return rv |
This can be used to open a connection on request and also from the |
interactive Python shell or a script. This will come in handy later. |
You can create a simple database connection through SQLite and then tell |
it to use the :class:`sqlite3.Row` object to represent rows. This allows |
the rows to be treated as if they were dictionaries instead of tuples. |
In the next section you will see how to run the application. |
Continue with :ref:`tutorial-packaging`. |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
Static Files |
============ |
The authentication views and templates work, but they look very plain |
right now. Some `CSS`_ can be added to add style to the HTML layout you |
constructed. The style won't change, so it's a *static* file rather than |
a template. |
Flask automatically adds a ``static`` view that takes a path relative |
to the ``flaskr/static`` directory and serves it. The ``base.html`` |
template already has a link to the ``style.css`` file: |
.. code-block:: html+jinja |
{{ url_for('static', filename='style.css') }} |
Besides CSS, other types of static files might be files with JavaScript |
functions, or a logo image. They are all placed under the |
``flaskr/static`` directory and referenced with |
``url_for('static', filename='...')``. |
This tutorial isn't focused on how to write CSS, so you can just copy |
the following into the ``flaskr/static/style.css`` file: |
.. code-block:: css |
:caption: ``flaskr/static/style.css`` |
html { font-family: sans-serif; background: #eee; padding: 1rem; } |
body { max-width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; background: white; } |
h1 { font-family: serif; color: #377ba8; margin: 1rem 0; } |
a { color: #377ba8; } |
hr { border: none; border-top: 1px solid lightgray; } |
nav { background: lightgray; display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 0 0.5rem; } |
nav h1 { flex: auto; margin: 0; } |
nav h1 a { text-decoration: none; padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem; } |
nav ul { display: flex; list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } |
nav ul li a, nav ul li span, header .action { display: block; padding: 0.5rem; } |
.content { padding: 0 1rem 1rem; } |
.content > header { border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray; display: flex; align-items: flex-end; } |
.content > header h1 { flex: auto; margin: 1rem 0 0.25rem 0; } |
.flash { margin: 1em 0; padding: 1em; background: #cae6f6; border: 1px solid #377ba8; } |
.post > header { display: flex; align-items: flex-end; font-size: 0.85em; } |
.post > header > div:first-of-type { flex: auto; } |
.post > header h1 { font-size: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 0; } |
.post .about { color: slategray; font-style: italic; } |
.post .body { white-space: pre-line; } |
.content:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } |
.content form { margin: 1em 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } |
.content label { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0.5em; } |
.content input, .content textarea { margin-bottom: 1em; } |
.content textarea { min-height: 12em; resize: vertical; } |
input.danger { color: #cc2f2e; } |
input[type=submit] { align-self: start; min-width: 10em; } |
You can find a less compact version of ``style.css`` in the |
:gh:`example code <examples/tutorial/flaskr/static/style.css>`. |
Go to and the page should look like the |
screenshot below. |
.. image:: flaskr_login.png |
:align: center |
:class: screenshot |
:alt: screenshot of login page |
You can read more about CSS from `Mozilla's documentation <CSS_>`_. If |
you change a static file, refresh the browser page. If the change |
doesn't show up, try clearing your browser's cache. |
.. _CSS: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS |
Continue to :doc:`blog`. |
@ -1,113 +1,187 @@ |
.. _tutorial-templates: |
.. currentmodule:: flask |
Templates |
========= |
You've written the authentication views for your application, but if |
you're running the server and try to go to any of the URLs, you'll see a |
``TemplateNotFound`` error. That's because the views are calling |
:func:`render_template`, but you haven't written the templates yet. |
The template files will be stored in the ``templates`` directory inside |
the ``flaskr`` package. |
Templates are files that contain static data as well as placeholders |
for dynamic data. A template is rendered with specific data to produce a |
final document. Flask uses the `Jinja`_ template library to render |
templates. |
In your application, you will use templates to render `HTML`_ which |
will display in the user's browser. In Flask, Jinja is configured to |
*autoescape* any data that is rendered in HTML templates. This means |
that it's safe to render user input; any characters they've entered that |
could mess with the HTML, such as ``<`` and ``>`` will be *escaped* with |
*safe* values that look the same in the browser but don't cause unwanted |
effects. |
Jinja looks and behaves mostly like Python. Special delimiters are used |
to distinguish Jinja syntax from the static data in the template. |
Anything between ``{{`` and ``}}`` is an expression that will be output |
to the final document. ``{%`` and ``%}`` denotes a control flow |
statement like ``if`` and ``for``. Unlike Python, blocks are denoted |
by start and end tags rather than indentation since static text within |
a block could change indentation. |
.. _Jinja: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/templates/ |
.. _HTML: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML |
The Base Layout |
--------------- |
Each page in the application will have the same basic layout around a |
different body. Instead of writing the entire HTML structure in each |
template, each template will *extend* a base template and override |
specific sections. |
.. code-block:: html+jinja |
:caption: ``flaskr/templates/base.html`` |
Step 7: The Templates |
<!doctype html> |
===================== |
<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} - Flaskr</title> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='style.css') }}"> |
<nav> |
<h1>Flaskr</h1> |
<ul> |
{% if g.user %} |
<li><span>{{ g.user['username'] }}</span> |
<li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.logout') }}">Log Out</a> |
{% else %} |
<li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.register') }}">Register</a> |
<li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.login') }}">Log In</a> |
{% endif %} |
</ul> |
</nav> |
<section class="content"> |
<header> |
{% block header %}{% endblock %} |
</header> |
{% for message in get_flashed_messages() %} |
<div class="flash">{{ message }}</div> |
{% endfor %} |
{% block content %}{% endblock %} |
</section> |
Now it is time to start working on the templates. As you may have |
:data:`g` is automatically available in templates. Based on if |
noticed, if you make requests with the app running, you will get |
``g.user`` is set (from ``load_logged_in_user``), either the username |
an exception that Flask cannot find the templates. The templates |
and a log out link are displayed, otherwise links to register and log in |
are using `Jinja2`_ syntax and have autoescaping enabled by |
are displayed. :func:`url_for` is also automatically available, and is |
default. This means that unless you mark a value in the code with |
used to generate URLs to views instead of writing them out manually. |
:class:`~flask.Markup` or with the ``|safe`` filter in the template, |
Jinja2 will ensure that special characters such as ``<`` or ``>`` are |
escaped with their XML equivalents. |
We are also using template inheritance which makes it possible to reuse |
After the page title, and before the content, the template loops over |
the layout of the website in all pages. |
each message returned by :func:`get_flashed_messages`. You used |
:func:`flash` in the views to show error messages, and this is the code |
that will display them. |
Create the follwing three HTML files and place them in the |
There are three blocks defined here that will be overridden in the other |
:file:`templates` folder: |
templates: |
.. _Jinja2: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/templates |
#. ``{% block title %}`` will change the title displayed in the |
browser's tab and window title. |
layout.html |
#. ``{% block header %}`` is similar to ``title`` but will change the |
----------- |
title displayed on the page. |
This template contains the HTML skeleton, the header and a link to log in |
#. ``{% block content %}`` is where the content of each page goes, such |
(or log out if the user was already logged in). It also displays the |
as the login form or a blog post. |
flashed messages if there are any. The ``{% block body %}`` block can be |
replaced by a block of the same name (``body``) in a child template. |
The :class:`~flask.session` dict is available in the template as well and |
The base template is directly in the ``templates`` directory. To keep |
you can use that to check if the user is logged in or not. Note that in |
the others organized, the templates for a blueprint will be placed in a |
Jinja you can access missing attributes and items of objects / dicts which |
directory with the same name as the blueprint. |
makes the following code work, even if there is no ``'logged_in'`` key in |
the session: |
.. sourcecode:: html+jinja |
<!doctype html> |
Register |
<title>Flaskr</title> |
-------- |
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="{{ url_for('static', filename='style.css') }}"> |
<div class=page> |
.. code-block:: html+jinja |
<h1>Flaskr</h1> |
:caption: ``flaskr/templates/auth/register.html`` |
<div class=metanav> |
{% if not session.logged_in %} |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
<a href="{{ url_for('login') }}">log in</a> |
{% else %} |
{% block header %} |
<a href="{{ url_for('logout') }}">log out</a> |
<h1>{% block title %}Register{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% endif %} |
{% endblock %} |
</div> |
{% for message in get_flashed_messages() %} |
{% block content %} |
<div class=flash>{{ message }}</div> |
<form method="post"> |
{% endfor %} |
<label for="username">Username</label> |
{% block body %}{% endblock %} |
<input name="username" id="username" required> |
</div> |
<label for="password">Password</label> |
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" required> |
show_entries.html |
<input type="submit" value="Register"> |
----------------- |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
This template extends the :file:`layout.html` template from above to display the |
messages. Note that the ``for`` loop iterates over the messages we passed |
``{% extends 'base.html' %}`` tells Jinja that this template should |
in with the :func:`~flask.render_template` function. Notice that the form is |
replace the blocks from the base template. All the rendered content must |
configured to submit to the `add_entry` view function and use ``POST`` as |
appear inside ``{% block %}`` tags that override blocks from the base |
HTTP method: |
template. |
.. sourcecode:: html+jinja |
A useful pattern used here is to place ``{% block title %}`` inside |
``{% block header %}``. This will set the title block and then output |
{% extends "layout.html" %} |
the value of it into the header block, so that both the window and page |
{% block body %} |
share the same title without writing it twice. |
{% if session.logged_in %} |
<form action="{{ url_for('add_entry') }}" method=post class=add-entry> |
The ``input`` tags are using the ``required`` attribute here. This tells |
<dl> |
the browser not to submit the form until those fields are filled in. If |
<dt>Title: |
the user is using an older browser that doesn't support that attribute, |
<dd><input type=text size=30 name=title> |
or if they are using something besides a browser to make requests, you |
<dt>Text: |
still want to validate the data in the Flask view. It's important to |
<dd><textarea name=text rows=5 cols=40></textarea> |
always fully validate the data on the server, even if the client does |
<dd><input type=submit value=Share> |
some validation as well. |
</dl> |
</form> |
{% endif %} |
Log In |
<ul class=entries> |
------ |
{% for entry in entries %} |
<li><h2>{{ entry.title }}</h2>{{ entry.text|safe }}</li> |
This is identical to the register template except for the title and |
{% else %} |
submit button. |
<li><em>Unbelievable. No entries here so far</em></li> |
{% endfor %} |
.. code-block:: html+jinja |
</ul> |
:caption: ``flaskr/templates/auth/login.html`` |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
{% block header %} |
<h1>{% block title %}Log In{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% endblock %} |
{% endblock %} |
login.html |
{% block content %} |
---------- |
<form method="post"> |
<label for="username">Username</label> |
This is the login template, which basically just displays a form to allow |
<input name="username" id="username" required> |
the user to login: |
<label for="password">Password</label> |
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" required> |
.. sourcecode:: html+jinja |
<input type="submit" value="Log In"> |
{% extends "layout.html" %} |
{% block body %} |
<h2>Login</h2> |
{% if error %}<p class=error><strong>Error:</strong> {{ error }}{% endif %} |
<form action="{{ url_for('login') }}" method=post> |
<dl> |
<dt>Username: |
<dd><input type=text name=username> |
<dt>Password: |
<dd><input type=password name=password> |
<dd><input type=submit value=Login> |
</dl> |
</form> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
{% endblock %} |
Continue with :ref:`tutorial-css`. |
Register A User |
--------------- |
Now that the authentication templates are written, you can register a |
user. Make sure the server is still running (``flask run`` if it's not), |
then go to |
Try clicking the "Register" button without filling out the form and see |
that the browser shows an error message. Try removing the ``required`` |
attributes from the ``register.html`` template and click "Register" |
again. Instead of the browser showing an error, the page will reload and |
the error from :func:`flash` in the view will be shown. |
Fill out a username and password and you'll be redirected to the login |
page. Try entering an incorrect username, or the correct username and |
incorrect password. If you log in you'll get an error because there's |
no ``index`` view to redirect to yet. |
Continue to :doc:`static`. |
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ |
.. _tutorial-testing: |
Bonus: Testing the Application |
============================== |
Now that you have finished the application and everything works as |
expected, it's probably not a bad idea to add automated tests to simplify |
modifications in the future. The application above is used as a basic |
example of how to perform unit testing in the :ref:`testing` section of the |
documentation. Go there to see how easy it is to test Flask applications. |
Adding tests to flaskr |
---------------------- |
Assuming you have seen the :ref:`testing` section and have either written |
your own tests for ``flaskr`` or have followed along with the examples |
provided, you might be wondering about ways to organize the project. |
One possible and recommended project structure is:: |
flaskr/ |
flaskr/ |
__init__.py |
static/ |
templates/ |
tests/ |
test_flaskr.py |
setup.py |
For now go ahead a create the :file:`tests/` directory as well as the |
:file:`test_flaskr.py` file. |
Running the tests |
----------------- |
At this point you can run the tests. Here ``pytest`` will be used. |
.. note:: Make sure that ``pytest`` is installed in the same virtualenv |
as flaskr. Otherwise ``pytest`` test will not be able to import the |
required components to test the application:: |
pip install -e . |
pip install pytest |
Run and watch the tests pass, within the top-level :file:`flaskr/` |
directory as:: |
pytest |
Testing + setuptools |
-------------------- |
One way to handle testing is to integrate it with ``setuptools``. Here |
that requires adding a couple of lines to the :file:`setup.py` file and |
creating a new file :file:`setup.cfg`. One benefit of running the tests |
this way is that you do not have to install ``pytest``. Go ahead and |
update the :file:`setup.py` file to contain:: |
from setuptools import setup |
setup( |
name='flaskr', |
packages=['flaskr'], |
include_package_data=True, |
install_requires=[ |
'flask', |
], |
setup_requires=[ |
'pytest-runner', |
], |
tests_require=[ |
'pytest', |
], |
) |
Now create :file:`setup.cfg` in the project root (alongside |
:file:`setup.py`):: |
[aliases] |
test=pytest |
Now you can run:: |
python setup.py test |
This calls on the alias created in :file:`setup.cfg` which in turn runs |
``pytest`` via ``pytest-runner``, as the :file:`setup.py` script has |
been called. (Recall the `setup_requires` argument in :file:`setup.py`) |
Following the standard rules of test-discovery your tests will be |
found, run, and hopefully pass. |
This is one possible way to run and manage testing. Here ``pytest`` is |
used, but there are other options such as ``nose``. Integrating testing |
with ``setuptools`` is convenient because it is not necessary to actually |
download ``pytest`` or any other testing framework one might use. |
@ -0,0 +1,561 @@ |
.. currentmodule:: flask |
Test Coverage |
============= |
Writing unit tests for your application lets you check that the code |
you wrote works the way you expect. Flask provides a test client that |
simulates requests to the application and returns the response data. |
You should test as much of your code as possible. Code in functions only |
runs when the function is called, and code in branches, such as ``if`` |
blocks, only runs when the condition is met. You want to make sure that |
each function is tested with data that covers each branch. |
The closer you get to 100% coverage, the more comfortable you can be |
that making a change won't unexpectedly change other behavior. However, |
100% coverage doesn't guarantee that your application doesn't have bugs. |
In particular, it doesn't test how the user interacts with the |
application in the browser. Despite this, test coverage is an important |
tool to use during development. |
.. note:: |
This is being introduced late in the tutorial, but in your future |
projects you should test as you develop. |
You'll use `pytest`_ and `coverage`_ to test and measure your code. |
Install them both: |
.. code-block:: none |
pip install pytest coverage |
.. _pytest: https://pytest.readthedocs.io/ |
.. _coverage: https://coverage.readthedocs.io/ |
Setup and Fixtures |
------------------ |
The test code is located in the ``tests`` directory. This directory is |
*next to* the ``flaskr`` package, not inside it. The |
``tests/conftest.py`` file contains setup functions called *fixtures* |
that each test will use. Tests are in Python modules that start with |
``test_``, and each test function in those modules also starts with |
``test_``. |
Each test will create a new temporary database file and populate some |
data that will be used in the tests. Write a SQL file to insert that |
data. |
.. code-block:: sql |
:caption: ``tests/data.sql`` |
INSERT INTO user (username, password) |
('test', 'pbkdf2:sha256:50000$TCI4GzcX$0de171a4f4dac32e3364c7ddc7c14f3e2fa61f2d17574483f7ffbb431b4acb2f'), |
('other', 'pbkdf2:sha256:50000$kJPKsz6N$d2d4784f1b030a9761f5ccaeeaca413f27f2ecb76d6168407af962ddce849f79'); |
INSERT INTO post (title, body, author_id, created) |
('test title', 'test' || x'0a' || 'body', 1, '2018-01-01 00:00:00'); |
The ``app`` fixture will call the factory and pass ``test_config`` to |
configure the application and database for testing instead of using your |
local development configuration. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/conftest.py`` |
import os |
import tempfile |
import pytest |
from flaskr import create_app |
from flaskr.db import get_db, init_db |
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data.sql'), 'rb') as f: |
_data_sql = f.read().decode('utf8') |
@pytest.fixture |
def app(): |
db_fd, db_path = tempfile.mkstemp() |
app = create_app({ |
'TESTING': True, |
'DATABASE': db_path, |
}) |
with app.app_context(): |
init_db() |
get_db().executescript(_data_sql) |
yield app |
os.close(db_fd) |
os.unlink(db_path) |
@pytest.fixture |
def client(app): |
return app.test_client() |
@pytest.fixture |
def runner(app): |
return app.test_cli_runner() |
:func:`tempfile.mkstemp` creates and opens a temporary file, returning |
the file object and the path to it. The ``DATABASE`` path is |
overridden so it points to this temporary path instead of the instance |
folder. After setting the path, the database tables are created and the |
test data is inserted. After the test is over, the temporary file is |
closed and removed. |
:data:`TESTING` tells Flask that the app is in test mode. Flask changes |
some internal behavior so it's easier to test, and other extensions can |
also use the flag to make testing them easier. |
The ``client`` fixture calls |
:meth:`app.test_client() <Flask.test_client>` with the application |
object created by the ``app`` fixture. Tests will use the client to make |
requests to the application without running the server. |
The ``runner`` fixture is similar to ``client``. |
:meth:`app.test_cli_runner() <Flask.test_cli_runner>` creates a runner |
that can call the Click commands registered with the application. |
Pytest uses fixtures by matching their function names with the names |
of arguments in the test functions. For example, the ``test_hello`` |
function you'll write next takes a ``client`` argument. Pytest matches |
that with the ``client`` fixture function, calls it, and passes the |
returned value to the test function. |
Factory |
------- |
There's not much to test about the factory itself. Most of the code will |
be executed for each test already, so if something fails the other tests |
will notice. |
The only behavior that can change is passing test config. If config is |
not passed, there should be some default configuration, otherwise the |
configuration should be overridden. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_factory.py`` |
from flaskr import create_app |
def test_config(): |
assert not create_app().testing |
assert create_app({'TESTING': True}).testing |
def test_hello(client): |
response = client.get('/hello') |
assert response.data == b'Hello, World!' |
You added the ``hello`` route as an example when writing the factory at |
the beginning of the tutorial. It returns "Hello, World!", so the test |
checks that the response data matches. |
Database |
-------- |
Within an application context, ``get_db`` should return the same |
connection each time it's called. After the context, the connection |
should be closed. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_db.py`` |
import sqlite3 |
import pytest |
from flaskr.db import get_db |
def test_get_close_db(app): |
with app.app_context(): |
db = get_db() |
assert db is get_db() |
with pytest.raises(sqlite3.ProgrammingError) as e: |
db.execute('SELECT 1') |
assert 'closed' in str(e) |
The ``init-db`` command should call the ``init_db`` function and output |
a message. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_db.py`` |
def test_init_db_command(runner, monkeypatch): |
class Recorder(object): |
called = False |
def fake_init_db(): |
Recorder.called = True |
monkeypatch.setattr('flaskr.db.init_db', fake_init_db) |
result = runner.invoke(args=['init-db']) |
assert 'Initialized' in result.output |
assert Recorder.called |
This test uses Pytest's ``monkeypatch`` fixture to replace the |
``init_db`` function with one that records that it's been called. The |
``runner`` fixture you wrote above is used to call the ``init-db`` |
command by name. |
Authentication |
-------------- |
For most of the views, a user needs to be logged in. The easiest way to |
do this in tests is to make a ``POST`` request to the ``login`` view |
with the client. Rather than writing that out every time, you can write |
a class with methods to do that, and use a fixture to pass it the client |
for each test. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/conftest.py`` |
class AuthActions(object): |
def __init__(self, client): |
self._client = client |
def login(self, username='test', password='test'): |
return self._client.post( |
'/auth/login', |
data={'username': username, 'password': password} |
) |
def logout(self): |
return self._client.get('/auth/logout') |
@pytest.fixture |
def auth(client): |
return AuthActions(client) |
With the ``auth`` fixture, you can call ``auth.login()`` in a test to |
log in as the ``test`` user, which was inserted as part of the test |
data in the ``app`` fixture. |
The ``register`` view should render successfully on ``GET``. On ``POST`` |
with valid form data, it should redirect to the login URL and the user's |
data should be in the database. Invalid data should display error |
messages. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_auth.py`` |
import pytest |
from flask import g, session |
from flaskr.db import get_db |
def test_register(client, app): |
assert client.get('/auth/register').status_code == 200 |
response = client.post( |
'/auth/register', data={'username': 'a', 'password': 'a'} |
) |
assert 'http://localhost/auth/login' == response.headers['Location'] |
with app.app_context(): |
assert get_db().execute( |
"select * from user where username = 'a'", |
).fetchone() is not None |
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('username', 'password', 'message'), ( |
('', '', b'Username is required.'), |
('a', '', b'Password is required.'), |
('test', 'test', b'already registered'), |
)) |
def test_register_validate_input(client, username, password, message): |
response = client.post( |
'/auth/register', |
data={'username': username, 'password': password} |
) |
assert message in response.data |
:meth:`client.get() <werkzeug.test.Client.get>` makes a ``GET`` request |
and returns the :class:`Response` object returned by Flask. Similarly, |
:meth:`client.post() <werkzeug.test.Client.post>` makes a ``POST`` |
request, converting the ``data`` dict into form data. |
To test that the page renders successfully, a simple request is made and |
checked for a ``200 OK`` :attr:`~Response.status_code`. If |
rendering failed, Flask would return a ``500 Internal Server Error`` |
code. |
:attr:`~Response.headers` will have a ``Location`` header with the login |
URL when the register view redirects to the login view. |
:attr:`~Response.data` contains the body of the response as bytes. If |
you expect a certain value to render on the page, check that it's in |
``data``. Bytes must be compared to bytes. If you want to compare |
Unicode text, use :meth:`get_data(as_text=True) <werkzeug.wrappers.BaseResponse.get_data>` |
instead. |
``pytest.mark.parametrize`` tells Pytest to run the same test function |
with different arguments. You use it here to test different invalid |
input and error messages without writing the same code three times. |
The tests for the ``login`` view are very similar to those for |
``register``. Rather than testing the data in the database, |
:data:`session` should have ``user_id`` set after logging in. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_auth.py`` |
def test_login(client, auth): |
assert client.get('/auth/login').status_code == 200 |
response = auth.login() |
assert response.headers['Location'] == 'http://localhost/' |
with client: |
client.get('/') |
assert session['user_id'] == 1 |
assert g.user['username'] == 'test' |
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('username', 'password', 'message'), ( |
('a', 'test', b'Incorrect username.'), |
('test', 'a', b'Incorrect password.'), |
)) |
def test_login_validate_input(auth, username, password, message): |
response = auth.login(username, password) |
assert message in response.data |
Using ``client`` in a ``with`` block allows accessing context variables |
such as :data:`session` after the response is returned. Normally, |
accessing ``session`` outside of a request would raise an error. |
Testing ``logout`` is the opposite of ``login``. :data:`session` should |
not contain ``user_id`` after logging out. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_auth.py`` |
def test_logout(client, auth): |
auth.login() |
with client: |
auth.logout() |
assert 'user_id' not in session |
Blog |
---- |
All the blog views use the ``auth`` fixture you wrote earlier. Call |
``auth.login()`` and subsequent requests from the client will be logged |
in as the ``test`` user. |
The ``index`` view should display information about the post that was |
added with the test data. When logged in as the author, there should be |
a link to edit the post. |
You can also test some more authentication behavior while testing the |
``index`` view. When not logged in, each page shows links to log in or |
register. When logged in, there's a link to log out. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_blog.py`` |
import pytest |
from flaskr.db import get_db |
def test_index(client, auth): |
response = client.get('/') |
assert b"Log In" in response.data |
assert b"Register" in response.data |
auth.login() |
response = client.get('/') |
assert b'Log Out' in response.data |
assert b'test title' in response.data |
assert b'by test on 2018-01-01' in response.data |
assert b'test\nbody' in response.data |
assert b'href="/1/update"' in response.data |
A user must be logged in to access the ``create``, ``update``, and |
``delete`` views. The logged in user must be the author of the post to |
access ``update`` and ``delete``, otherwise a ``403 Forbidden`` status |
is returned. If a ``post`` with the given ``id`` doesn't exist, |
``update`` and ``delete`` should return ``404 Not Found``. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_blog.py`` |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', ( |
'/create', |
'/1/update', |
'/1/delete', |
)) |
def test_login_required(client, path): |
response = client.post(path) |
assert response.headers['Location'] == 'http://localhost/auth/login' |
def test_author_required(app, client, auth): |
# change the post author to another user |
with app.app_context(): |
db = get_db() |
db.execute('UPDATE post SET author_id = 2 WHERE id = 1') |
db.commit() |
auth.login() |
# current user can't modify other user's post |
assert client.post('/1/update').status_code == 403 |
assert client.post('/1/delete').status_code == 403 |
# current user doesn't see edit link |
assert b'href="/1/update"' not in client.get('/').data |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', ( |
'/2/update', |
'/2/delete', |
)) |
def test_exists_required(client, auth, path): |
auth.login() |
assert client.post(path).status_code == 404 |
The ``create`` and ``update`` views should render and return a |
``200 OK`` status for a ``GET`` request. When valid data is sent in a |
``POST`` request, ``create`` should insert the new post data into the |
database, and ``update`` should modify the existing data. Both pages |
should show an error message on invalid data. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_blog.py`` |
def test_create(client, auth, app): |
auth.login() |
assert client.get('/create').status_code == 200 |
client.post('/create', data={'title': 'created', 'body': ''}) |
with app.app_context(): |
db = get_db() |
count = db.execute('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM post').fetchone()[0] |
assert count == 2 |
def test_update(client, auth, app): |
auth.login() |
assert client.get('/1/update').status_code == 200 |
client.post('/1/update', data={'title': 'updated', 'body': ''}) |
with app.app_context(): |
db = get_db() |
post = db.execute('SELECT * FROM post WHERE id = 1').fetchone() |
assert post['title'] == 'updated' |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', ( |
'/create', |
'/1/update', |
)) |
def test_create_update_validate(client, auth, path): |
auth.login() |
response = client.post(path, data={'title': '', 'body': ''}) |
assert b'Title is required.' in response.data |
The ``delete`` view should redirect to the index URL and the post should |
no longer exist in the database. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``tests/test_blog.py`` |
def test_delete(client, auth, app): |
auth.login() |
response = client.post('/1/delete') |
assert response.headers['Location'] == 'http://localhost/' |
with app.app_context(): |
db = get_db() |
post = db.execute('SELECT * FROM post WHERE id = 1').fetchone() |
assert post is None |
Running the Tests |
----------------- |
Some extra configuration, which is not required but makes running |
tests with coverage less verbose, can be added to the project's |
``setup.cfg`` file. |
.. code-block:: none |
:caption: ``setup.cfg`` |
[tool:pytest] |
testpaths = tests |
[coverage:run] |
branch = True |
source = |
flaskr |
To run the tests, use the ``pytest`` command. It will find and run all |
the test functions you've written. |
.. code-block:: none |
pytest |
========================= test session starts ========================== |
platform linux -- Python 3.6.4, pytest-3.5.0, py-1.5.3, pluggy-0.6.0 |
rootdir: /home/user/Projects/flask-tutorial, inifile: setup.cfg |
collected 23 items |
tests/test_auth.py ........ [ 34%] |
tests/test_blog.py ............ [ 86%] |
tests/test_db.py .. [ 95%] |
tests/test_factory.py .. [100%] |
====================== 24 passed in 0.64 seconds ======================= |
If any tests fail, pytest will show the error that was raised. You can |
run ``pytest -v`` to get a list of each test function rather than dots. |
To measure the code coverage of your tests, use the ``coverage`` command |
to run pytest instead of running it directly. |
.. code-block:: none |
coverage run -m pytest |
You can either view a simple coverage report in the terminal: |
.. code-block:: none |
coverage report |
Name Stmts Miss Branch BrPart Cover |
------------------------------------------------------ |
flaskr/__init__.py 21 0 2 0 100% |
flaskr/auth.py 54 0 22 0 100% |
flaskr/blog.py 54 0 16 0 100% |
flaskr/db.py 24 0 4 0 100% |
------------------------------------------------------ |
TOTAL 153 0 44 0 100% |
An HTML report allows you to see which lines were covered in each file: |
.. code-block:: none |
coverage html |
This generates files in the ``htmlcov`` directory. Open |
``htmlcov/index.html`` in your browser to see the report. |
Continue to :doc:`deploy`. |
@ -1,118 +1,301 @@ |
.. _tutorial-views: |
.. currentmodule:: flask |
Step 6: The View Functions |
Blueprints and Views |
========================== |
==================== |
Now that the database connections are working, you can start writing the |
A view function is the code you write to respond to requests to your |
view functions. You will need four of them; Show Entries, Add New Entry, |
application. Flask uses patterns to match the incoming request URL to |
Login and Logout. Add the following code snipets to :file:`flaskr.py`. |
the view that should handle it. The view returns data that Flask turns |
into an outgoing response. Flask can also go the other direction and |
Show Entries |
generate a URL to a view based on its name and arguments. |
------------ |
This view shows all the entries stored in the database. It listens on the |
Create a Blueprint |
root of the application and will select title and text from the database. |
------------------ |
The one with the highest id (the newest entry) will be on top. The rows |
returned from the cursor look a bit like dictionaries because we are using |
A :class:`Blueprint` is a way to organize a group of related views and |
the :class:`sqlite3.Row` row factory. |
other code. Rather than registering views and other code directly with |
an application, they are registered with a blueprint. Then the blueprint |
The view function will pass the entries to the :file:`show_entries.html` |
is registered with the application when it is available in the factory |
template and return the rendered one:: |
function. |
@app.route('/') |
Flaskr will have two blueprints, one for authentication functions and |
def show_entries(): |
one for the blog posts functions. The code for each blueprint will go |
db = get_db() |
in a separate module. Since the blog needs to know about authentication, |
cur = db.execute('select title, text from entries order by id desc') |
you'll write the authentication one first. |
entries = cur.fetchall() |
return render_template('show_entries.html', entries=entries) |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/auth.py`` |
Add New Entry |
------------- |
import functools |
This view lets the user add new entries if they are logged in. This only |
from flask import ( |
responds to ``POST`` requests; the actual form is shown on the |
Blueprint, flash, g, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for |
`show_entries` page. If everything worked out well, it will |
) |
:func:`~flask.flash` an information message to the next request and |
from werkzeug.security import check_password_hash, generate_password_hash |
redirect back to the `show_entries` page:: |
from flaskr.db import get_db |
@app.route('/add', methods=['POST']) |
def add_entry(): |
bp = Blueprint('auth', __name__, url_prefix='/auth') |
if not session.get('logged_in'): |
abort(401) |
This creates a :class:`Blueprint` named ``'auth'``. Like the application |
db = get_db() |
object, the blueprint needs to know where it's defined, so ``__name__`` |
db.execute('insert into entries (title, text) values (?, ?)', |
is passed as the second argument. The ``url_prefix`` will be prepended |
[request.form['title'], request.form['text']]) |
to all the URLs associated with the blueprint. |
db.commit() |
flash('New entry was successfully posted') |
Import and register the blueprint from the factory using |
return redirect(url_for('show_entries')) |
:meth:`app.register_blueprint() <Flask.register_blueprint>`. Place the |
new code at the end of the factory function before returning the app. |
Note that this view checks that the user is logged in (that is, if the |
`logged_in` key is present in the session and ``True``). |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/__init__.py`` |
.. admonition:: Security Note |
def create_app(): |
Be sure to use question marks when building SQL statements, as done in the |
app = ... |
example above. Otherwise, your app will be vulnerable to SQL injection when |
# existing code omitted |
you use string formatting to build SQL statements. |
See :ref:`sqlite3` for more. |
from . import auth |
app.register_blueprint(auth.bp) |
Login and Logout |
---------------- |
return app |
These functions are used to sign the user in and out. Login checks the |
The authentication blueprint will have views to register new users and |
username and password against the ones from the configuration and sets the |
to log in and log out. |
`logged_in` key for the session. If the user logged in successfully, that |
key is set to ``True``, and the user is redirected back to the `show_entries` |
page. In addition, a message is flashed that informs the user that he or |
The First View: Register |
she was logged in successfully. If an error occurred, the template is |
------------------------ |
notified about that, and the user is asked again:: |
When the user visits the ``/auth/register`` URL, the ``register`` view |
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
will return `HTML`_ with a form for them to fill out. When they submit |
the form, it will validate their input and either show the form again |
with an error message or create the new user and go to the login page. |
.. _HTML: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML |
For now you will just write the view code. On the next page, you'll |
write templates to generate the HTML form. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/auth.py`` |
@bp.route('/register', methods=('GET', 'POST')) |
def register(): |
if request.method == 'POST': |
username = request.form['username'] |
password = request.form['password'] |
db = get_db() |
error = None |
if not username: |
error = 'Username is required.' |
elif not password: |
error = 'Password is required.' |
elif db.execute( |
'SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = ?', (username,) |
).fetchone() is not None: |
error = 'User {} is already registered.'.format(username) |
if error is None: |
db.execute( |
'INSERT INTO user (username, password) VALUES (?, ?)', |
(username, generate_password_hash(password)) |
) |
db.commit() |
return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) |
flash(error) |
return render_template('auth/register.html') |
Here's what the ``register`` view function is doing: |
#. :meth:`@bp.route <Blueprint.route>` associates the URL ``/register`` |
with the ``register`` view function. When Flask receives a request |
to ``/auth/register``, it will call the ``register`` view and use |
the return value as the response. |
#. If the user submitted the form, |
:attr:`request.method <Request.method>` will be ``'POST'``. In this |
case, start validating the input. |
#. :attr:`request.form <Request.form>` is a special type of |
:class:`dict` mapping submitted form keys and values. The user will |
input their ``username`` and ``password``. |
#. Validate that ``username`` and ``password`` are not empty. |
#. Validate that ``username`` is not already registered by querying the |
database and checking if a result is returned. |
:meth:`db.execute <sqlite3.Connection.execute>` takes a SQL query |
with ``?`` placeholders for any user input, and a tuple of values |
to replace the placeholders with. The database library will take |
care of escaping the values so you are not vulnerable to a |
*SQL injection attack*. |
:meth:`~sqlite3.Cursor.fetchone` returns one row from the query. |
If the query returned no results, it returns ``None``. Later, |
:meth:`~sqlite3.Cursor.fetchall` is used, which returns a list of |
all results. |
#. If validation succeeds, insert the new user data into the database. |
For security, passwords should never be stored in the database |
directly. Instead, |
:func:`~werkzeug.security.generate_password_hash` is used to |
securely hash the password, and that hash is stored. Since this |
query modifies data, :meth:`db.commit() <sqlite3.Connection.commit>` |
needs to be called afterwards to save the changes. |
#. After storing the user, they are redirected to the login page. |
:func:`url_for` generates the URL for the login view based on its |
name. This is preferable to writing the URL directly as it allows |
you to change the URL later without changing all code that links to |
it. :func:`redirect` generates a redirect response to the generated |
URL. |
#. If validation fails, the error is shown to the user. :func:`flash` |
stores messages that can be retrieved when rendering the template. |
#. When the user initially navigates to ``auth/register``, or |
there was an validation error, an HTML page with the registration |
form should be shown. :func:`render_template` will render a template |
containing the HTML, which you'll write in the next step of the |
tutorial. |
Login |
----- |
This view follows the same pattern as the ``register`` view above. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/auth.py`` |
@bp.route('/login', methods=('GET', 'POST')) |
def login(): |
def login(): |
error = None |
if request.method == 'POST': |
if request.method == 'POST': |
if request.form['username'] != app.config['USERNAME']: |
username = request.form['username'] |
error = 'Invalid username' |
password = request.form['password'] |
elif request.form['password'] != app.config['PASSWORD']: |
db = get_db() |
error = 'Invalid password' |
error = None |
else: |
user = db.execute( |
session['logged_in'] = True |
'SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ?', (username,) |
flash('You were logged in') |
).fetchone() |
return redirect(url_for('show_entries')) |
return render_template('login.html', error=error) |
if user is None: |
error = 'Incorrect username.' |
The `logout` function, on the other hand, removes that key from the session |
elif not check_password_hash(user['password'], password): |
again. There is a neat trick here: if you use the :meth:`~dict.pop` method |
error = 'Incorrect password.' |
of the dict and pass a second parameter to it (the default), the method |
will delete the key from the dictionary if present or do nothing when that |
if error is None: |
key is not in there. This is helpful because now it is not necessary to |
session.clear() |
check if the user was logged in. |
session['user_id'] = user['id'] |
return redirect(url_for('index')) |
:: |
flash(error) |
@app.route('/logout') |
return render_template('auth/login.html') |
There are a few differences from the ``register`` view: |
#. The user is queried first and stored in a variable for later use. |
#. :func:`~werkzeug.security.check_password_hash` hashes the submitted |
password in the same way as the stored hash and securely compares |
them. If they match, the password is valid. |
#. :data:`session` is a :class:`dict` that stores data across requests. |
When validation succeeds, the user's ``id`` is stored in a new |
session. The data is stored in a *cookie* that is sent to the |
browser, and the browser then sends it back with subsequent requests. |
Flask securely *signs* the data so that it can't be tampered with. |
Now that the user's ``id`` is stored in the :data:`session`, it will be |
available on subsequent requests. At the beginning of each request, if |
a user is logged in their information should be loaded and made |
available to other views. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/auth.py`` |
@bp.before_app_request |
def load_logged_in_user(): |
user_id = session.get('user_id') |
if user_id is None: |
g.user = None |
else: |
g.user = get_db().execute( |
'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?', (user_id,) |
).fetchone() |
:meth:`bp.before_app_request() <Blueprint.before_app_request>` registers |
a function that runs before the view function, no matter what URL is |
requested. ``load_logged_in_user`` checks if a user id is stored in the |
:data:`session` and gets that user's data from the database, storing it |
on :data:`g.user <g>`, which lasts for the length of the request. If |
there is no user id, or if the id doesn't exist, ``g.user`` will be |
``None``. |
Logout |
------ |
To log out, you need to remove the user id from the :data:`session`. |
Then ``load_logged_in_user`` won't load a user on subsequent requests. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/auth.py`` |
@bp.route('/logout') |
def logout(): |
def logout(): |
session.pop('logged_in', None) |
session.clear() |
flash('You were logged out') |
return redirect(url_for('index')) |
return redirect(url_for('show_entries')) |
Require Authentication in Other Views |
------------------------------------- |
Creating, editing, and deleting blog posts will require a user to be |
logged in. A *decorator* can be used to check this for each view it's |
applied to. |
.. code-block:: python |
:caption: ``flaskr/auth.py`` |
def login_required(view): |
@functools.wraps(view) |
def wrapped_view(**kwargs): |
if g.user is None: |
return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) |
return view(**kwargs) |
.. admonition:: Security Note |
return wrapped_view |
Passwords should never be stored in plain text in a production |
This decorator returns a new view function that wraps the original view |
system. This tutorial uses plain text passwords for simplicity. If you |
it's applied to. The new function checks if a user is loaded and |
plan to release a project based off this tutorial out into the world, |
redirects to the login page otherwise. If a user is loaded the original |
passwords should be both `hashed and salted`_ before being stored in a |
view is called and continues normally. You'll use this decorator when |
database or file. |
writing the blog views. |
Fortunately, there are Flask extensions for the purpose of |
Endpoints and URLs |
hashing passwords and verifying passwords against hashes, so adding |
------------------ |
this functionality is fairly straight forward. There are also |
many general python libraries that can be used for hashing. |
You can find a list of recommended Flask extensions |
The :func:`url_for` function generates the URL to a view based on a name |
`here <http://flask.pocoo.org/extensions/>`_ |
and arguments. The name associated with a view is also called the |
*endpoint*, and by default it's the same as the name of the view |
function. |
For example, the ``hello()`` view that was added to the app |
factory earlier in the tutorial has the name ``'hello'`` and can be |
linked to with ``url_for('hello')``. If it took an argument, which |
you'll see later, it would be linked to using |
``url_for('hello', who='World')``. |
Continue with :ref:`tutorial-templates`. |
When using a blueprint, the name of the blueprint is prepended to the |
name of the function, so the endpoint for the ``login`` function you |
wrote above is ``'auth.login'`` because you added it to the ``'auth'`` |
blueprint. |
.. _hashed and salted: https://blog.codinghorror.com/youre-probably-storing-passwords-incorrectly/ |
Continue to :doc:`templates`. |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
Blueprint Example |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
from flask import Flask |
from simple_page.simple_page import simple_page |
app = Flask(__name__) |
app.register_blueprint(simple_page) |
# Blueprint can be registered many times |
app.register_blueprint(simple_page, url_prefix='/pages') |
if __name__=='__main__': |
app.run() |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
from flask import Blueprint, render_template, abort |
from jinja2 import TemplateNotFound |
simple_page = Blueprint('simple_page', __name__, |
template_folder='templates') |
@simple_page.route('/', defaults={'page': 'index'}) |
@simple_page.route('/<page>') |
def show(page): |
try: |
return render_template('pages/%s.html' % page) |
except TemplateNotFound: |
abort(404) |
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ |
{% extends "pages/layout.html" %} |
{% block body %} |
Hello |
{% endblock %} |
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ |
{% extends "pages/layout.html" %} |
{% block body %} |
Blueprint example page |
{% endblock %} |
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
<!doctype html> |
<title>Simple Page Blueprint</title> |
<div class="page"> |
<h1>This is blueprint example</h1> |
<p> |
A simple page blueprint is registered under / and /pages |
you can access it using this URLs: |
<ul> |
<li><a href="{{ url_for('simple_page.show', page='hello') }}">/hello</a> |
<li><a href="{{ url_for('simple_page.show', page='world') }}">/world</a> |
</ul> |
<p> |
Also you can register the same blueprint under another path |
<ul> |
<li><a href="/pages/hello">/pages/hello</a> |
<li><a href="/pages/world">/pages/world</a> |
</ul> |
{% block body %}{% endblock %} |
</div> |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
{% extends "pages/layout.html" %} |
{% block body %} |
World |
{% endblock %} |
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
Blueprint Example Tests |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
import pytest |
import blueprintexample |
@pytest.fixture |
def client(): |
return blueprintexample.app.test_client() |
def test_urls(client): |
r = client.get('/') |
assert r.status_code == 200 |
r = client.get('/hello') |
assert r.status_code == 200 |
r = client.get('/world') |
assert r.status_code == 200 |
# second blueprint instance |
r = client.get('/pages/hello') |
assert r.status_code == 200 |
r = client.get('/pages/world') |
assert r.status_code == 200 |
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ |
/ Flaskr / |
a minimal blog application |
~ What is Flaskr? |
A sqlite powered thumble blog application |
~ How do I use it? |
1. edit the configuration in the factory.py file or |
export a FLASKR_SETTINGS environment variable |
pointing to a configuration file or pass in a |
dictionary with config values using the create_app |
function. |
2. install the app from the root of the project directory |
pip install --editable . |
3. instruct flask to use the right application |
export FLASK_APP="flaskr.factory:create_app()" |
4. initialize the database with this command: |
flask initdb |
5. now you can run flaskr: |
flask run |
the application will greet you on |
http://localhost:5000/ |
~ Is it tested? |
You betcha. Run `python setup.py test` to see |
the tests pass. |
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
Flaskr |
~~~~~~ |
A microblog example application written as Flask tutorial with |
Flask and sqlite3. |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 |
from flask import Blueprint, request, session, g, redirect, url_for, abort, \ |
render_template, flash, current_app |
# create our blueprint :) |
bp = Blueprint('flaskr', __name__) |
def connect_db(): |
"""Connects to the specific database.""" |
rv = sqlite3.connect(current_app.config['DATABASE']) |
rv.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
return rv |
def init_db(): |
"""Initializes the database.""" |
db = get_db() |
with current_app.open_resource('schema.sql', mode='r') as f: |
db.cursor().executescript(f.read()) |
db.commit() |
def get_db(): |
"""Opens a new database connection if there is none yet for the |
current application context. |
""" |
if not hasattr(g, 'sqlite_db'): |
g.sqlite_db = connect_db() |
return g.sqlite_db |
@bp.route('/') |
def show_entries(): |
db = get_db() |
cur = db.execute('select title, text from entries order by id desc') |
entries = cur.fetchall() |
return render_template('show_entries.html', entries=entries) |
@bp.route('/add', methods=['POST']) |
def add_entry(): |
if not session.get('logged_in'): |
abort(401) |
db = get_db() |
db.execute('insert into entries (title, text) values (?, ?)', |
[request.form['title'], request.form['text']]) |
db.commit() |
flash('New entry was successfully posted') |
return redirect(url_for('flaskr.show_entries')) |
@bp.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
def login(): |
error = None |
if request.method == 'POST': |
if request.form['username'] != current_app.config['USERNAME']: |
error = 'Invalid username' |
elif request.form['password'] != current_app.config['PASSWORD']: |
error = 'Invalid password' |
else: |
session['logged_in'] = True |
flash('You were logged in') |
return redirect(url_for('flaskr.show_entries')) |
return render_template('login.html', error=error) |
@bp.route('/logout') |
def logout(): |
session.pop('logged_in', None) |
flash('You were logged out') |
return redirect(url_for('flaskr.show_entries')) |
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
Flaskr |
~~~~~~ |
A microblog example application written as Flask tutorial with |
Flask and sqlite3. |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
import os |
from flask import Flask, g |
from werkzeug.utils import find_modules, import_string |
from flaskr.blueprints.flaskr import init_db |
def create_app(config=None): |
app = Flask('flaskr') |
app.config.update(dict( |
DATABASE=os.path.join(app.root_path, 'flaskr.db'), |
DEBUG=True, |
SECRET_KEY=b'_5#y2L"F4Q8z\n\xec]/', |
USERNAME='admin', |
PASSWORD='default' |
)) |
app.config.update(config or {}) |
app.config.from_envvar('FLASKR_SETTINGS', silent=True) |
register_blueprints(app) |
register_cli(app) |
register_teardowns(app) |
return app |
def register_blueprints(app): |
"""Register all blueprint modules |
Reference: Armin Ronacher, "Flask for Fun and for Profit" PyBay 2016. |
""" |
for name in find_modules('flaskr.blueprints'): |
mod = import_string(name) |
if hasattr(mod, 'bp'): |
app.register_blueprint(mod.bp) |
return None |
def register_cli(app): |
@app.cli.command('initdb') |
def initdb_command(): |
"""Creates the database tables.""" |
init_db() |
print('Initialized the database.') |
def register_teardowns(app): |
@app.teardown_appcontext |
def close_db(error): |
"""Closes the database again at the end of the request.""" |
if hasattr(g, 'sqlite_db'): |
g.sqlite_db.close() |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
drop table if exists entries; |
create table entries ( |
id integer primary key autoincrement, |
title text not null, |
'text' text not null |
); |
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
body { font-family: sans-serif; background: #eee; } |
a, h1, h2 { color: #377BA8; } |
h1, h2 { font-family: 'Georgia', serif; margin: 0; } |
h1 { border-bottom: 2px solid #eee; } |
h2 { font-size: 1.2em; } |
.page { margin: 2em auto; width: 35em; border: 5px solid #ccc; |
padding: 0.8em; background: white; } |
.entries { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } |
.entries li { margin: 0.8em 1.2em; } |
.entries li h2 { margin-left: -1em; } |
.add-entry { font-size: 0.9em; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } |
.add-entry dl { font-weight: bold; } |
.metanav { text-align: right; font-size: 0.8em; padding: 0.3em; |
margin-bottom: 1em; background: #fafafa; } |
.flash { background: #CEE5F5; padding: 0.5em; |
border: 1px solid #AACBE2; } |
.error { background: #F0D6D6; padding: 0.5em; } |
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ |
<!doctype html> |
<title>Flaskr</title> |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='style.css') }}"> |
<div class="page"> |
<h1>Flaskr</h1> |
<div class="metanav"> |
{% if not session.logged_in %} |
<a href="{{ url_for('flaskr.login') }}">log in</a> |
{% else %} |
<a href="{{ url_for('flaskr.logout') }}">log out</a> |
{% endif %} |
</div> |
{% for message in get_flashed_messages() %} |
<div class="flash">{{ message }}</div> |
{% endfor %} |
{% block body %}{% endblock %} |
</div> |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
{% extends "layout.html" %} |
{% block body %} |
<h2>Login</h2> |
{% if error %}<p class="error"><strong>Error:</strong> {{ error }}{% endif %} |
<form action="{{ url_for('flaskr.login') }}" method="post"> |
<dl> |
<dt>Username: |
<dd><input type="text" name="username"> |
<dt>Password: |
<dd><input type="password" name="password"> |
<dd><input type="submit" value="Login"> |
</dl> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ |
{% extends "layout.html" %} |
{% block body %} |
{% if session.logged_in %} |
<form action="{{ url_for('flaskr.add_entry') }}" method="post" class="add-entry"> |
<dl> |
<dt>Title: |
<dd><input type="text" size="30" name="title"> |
<dt>Text: |
<dd><textarea name="text" rows="5" cols="40"></textarea> |
<dd><input type="submit" value="Share"> |
</dl> |
</form> |
{% endif %} |
<ul class="entries"> |
{% for entry in entries %} |
<li><h2>{{ entry.title }}</h2>{{ entry.text|safe }}</li> |
{% else %} |
<li><em>Unbelievable. No entries here so far</em></li> |
{% endfor %} |
</ul> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
Flaskr Tests |
~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Tests the Flaskr application. |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
from setuptools import setup, find_packages |
setup( |
name='flaskr', |
packages=find_packages(), |
include_package_data=True, |
install_requires=[ |
'flask', |
], |
setup_requires=[ |
'pytest-runner', |
], |
tests_require=[ |
'pytest', |
], |
) |
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
Flaskr Tests |
~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Tests the Flaskr application. |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
import os |
import tempfile |
import pytest |
from flaskr.factory import create_app |
from flaskr.blueprints.flaskr import init_db |
@pytest.fixture |
def app(): |
db_fd, db_path = tempfile.mkstemp() |
config = { |
'DATABASE': db_path, |
'TESTING': True, |
} |
app = create_app(config=config) |
with app.app_context(): |
init_db() |
yield app |
os.close(db_fd) |
os.unlink(db_path) |
@pytest.fixture |
def client(app): |
return app.test_client() |
def login(client, username, password): |
return client.post('/login', data=dict( |
username=username, |
password=password |
), follow_redirects=True) |
def logout(client): |
return client.get('/logout', follow_redirects=True) |
def test_empty_db(client): |
"""Start with a blank database.""" |
rv = client.get('/') |
assert b'No entries here so far' in rv.data |
def test_login_logout(client, app): |
"""Make sure login and logout works""" |
rv = login(client, app.config['USERNAME'], |
app.config['PASSWORD']) |
assert b'You were logged in' in rv.data |
rv = logout(client) |
assert b'You were logged out' in rv.data |
rv = login(client,app.config['USERNAME'] + 'x', |
app.config['PASSWORD']) |
assert b'Invalid username' in rv.data |
rv = login(client, app.config['USERNAME'], |
app.config['PASSWORD'] + 'x') |
assert b'Invalid password' in rv.data |
def test_messages(client, app): |
"""Test that messages work""" |
login(client, app.config['USERNAME'], |
app.config['PASSWORD']) |
rv = client.post('/add', data=dict( |
title='<Hello>', |
text='<strong>HTML</strong> allowed here' |
), follow_redirects=True) |
assert b'No entries here so far' not in rv.data |
assert b'<Hello>' in rv.data |
assert b'<strong>HTML</strong> allowed here' in rv.data |
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
jQuery Example |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
A simple application that shows how Flask and jQuery get along. |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, request |
app = Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/_add_numbers') |
def add_numbers(): |
"""Add two numbers server side, ridiculous but well...""" |
a = request.args.get('a', 0, type=int) |
b = request.args.get('b', 0, type=int) |
return jsonify(result=a + b) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return render_template('index.html') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
app.run() |
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ |
{% extends "layout.html" %} |
{% block body %} |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
$(function() { |
var submit_form = function(e) { |
$.getJSON($SCRIPT_ROOT + '/_add_numbers', { |
a: $('input[name="a"]').val(), |
b: $('input[name="b"]').val() |
}, function(data) { |
$('#result').text(data.result); |
$('input[name=a]').focus().select(); |
}); |
return false; |
}; |
$('a#calculate').bind('click', submit_form); |
$('input[type=text]').bind('keydown', function(e) { |
if (e.keyCode == 13) { |
submit_form(e); |
} |
}); |
$('input[name=a]').focus(); |
}); |
</script> |
<h1>jQuery Example</h1> |
<p> |
<input type="text" size="5" name="a"> + |
<input type="text" size="5" name="b"> = |
<span id="result">?</span> |
<p><a href=# id="calculate">calculate server side</a> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ |
<!doctype html> |
<title>jQuery Example</title> |
<script type="text/javascript" |
src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var $SCRIPT_ROOT = {{ request.script_root|tojson|safe }}; |
</script> |
{% block body %}{% endblock %} |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
graft minitwit/templates |
graft minitwit/static |
include minitwit/schema.sql |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
/ MiniTwit / |
because writing todo lists is not fun |
~ What is MiniTwit? |
A SQLite and Flask powered twitter clone |
~ How do I use it? |
1. edit the configuration in the minitwit.py file or |
export an MINITWIT_SETTINGS environment variable |
pointing to a configuration file. |
2. install the app from the root of the project directory |
pip install --editable . |
3. tell flask about the right application: |
export FLASK_APP=minitwit |
4. fire up a shell and run this: |
flask initdb |
5. now you can run minitwit: |
flask run |
the application will greet you on |
http://localhost:5000/ |
~ Is it tested? |
You betcha. Run the `python setup.py test` file to |
see the tests pass. |
@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
MiniTwit |
~~~~~~~~ |
A microblogging application written with Flask and sqlite3. |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
import time |
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 |
from hashlib import md5 |
from datetime import datetime |
from flask import Flask, request, session, url_for, redirect, \ |
render_template, abort, g, flash, _app_ctx_stack |
from werkzeug import check_password_hash, generate_password_hash |
# configuration |
DATABASE = '/tmp/minitwit.db' |
PER_PAGE = 30 |
DEBUG = True |
SECRET_KEY = b'_5#y2L"F4Q8z\n\xec]/' |
# create our little application :) |
app = Flask('minitwit') |
app.config.from_object(__name__) |
app.config.from_envvar('MINITWIT_SETTINGS', silent=True) |
def get_db(): |
"""Opens a new database connection if there is none yet for the |
current application context. |
""" |
top = _app_ctx_stack.top |
if not hasattr(top, 'sqlite_db'): |
top.sqlite_db = sqlite3.connect(app.config['DATABASE']) |
top.sqlite_db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
return top.sqlite_db |
@app.teardown_appcontext |
def close_database(exception): |
"""Closes the database again at the end of the request.""" |
top = _app_ctx_stack.top |
if hasattr(top, 'sqlite_db'): |
top.sqlite_db.close() |
def init_db(): |
"""Initializes the database.""" |
db = get_db() |
with app.open_resource('schema.sql', mode='r') as f: |
db.cursor().executescript(f.read()) |
db.commit() |
@app.cli.command('initdb') |
def initdb_command(): |
"""Creates the database tables.""" |
init_db() |
print('Initialized the database.') |
def query_db(query, args=(), one=False): |
"""Queries the database and returns a list of dictionaries.""" |
cur = get_db().execute(query, args) |
rv = cur.fetchall() |
return (rv[0] if rv else None) if one else rv |
def get_user_id(username): |
"""Convenience method to look up the id for a username.""" |
rv = query_db('select user_id from user where username = ?', |
[username], one=True) |
return rv[0] if rv else None |
def format_datetime(timestamp): |
"""Format a timestamp for display.""" |
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d @ %H:%M') |
def gravatar_url(email, size=80): |
"""Return the gravatar image for the given email address.""" |
return 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/%s?d=identicon&s=%d' % \ |
(md5(email.strip().lower().encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), size) |
@app.before_request |
def before_request(): |
g.user = None |
if 'user_id' in session: |
g.user = query_db('select * from user where user_id = ?', |
[session['user_id']], one=True) |
@app.route('/') |
def timeline(): |
"""Shows a users timeline or if no user is logged in it will |
redirect to the public timeline. This timeline shows the user's |
messages as well as all the messages of followed users. |
""" |
if not g.user: |
return redirect(url_for('public_timeline')) |
return render_template('timeline.html', messages=query_db(''' |
select message.*, user.* from message, user |
where message.author_id = user.user_id and ( |
user.user_id = ? or |
user.user_id in (select whom_id from follower |
where who_id = ?)) |
order by message.pub_date desc limit ?''', |
[session['user_id'], session['user_id'], PER_PAGE])) |
@app.route('/public') |
def public_timeline(): |
"""Displays the latest messages of all users.""" |
return render_template('timeline.html', messages=query_db(''' |
select message.*, user.* from message, user |
where message.author_id = user.user_id |
order by message.pub_date desc limit ?''', [PER_PAGE])) |
@app.route('/<username>') |
def user_timeline(username): |
"""Display's a users tweets.""" |
profile_user = query_db('select * from user where username = ?', |
[username], one=True) |
if profile_user is None: |
abort(404) |
followed = False |
if g.user: |
followed = query_db('''select 1 from follower where |
follower.who_id = ? and follower.whom_id = ?''', |
[session['user_id'], profile_user['user_id']], |
one=True) is not None |
return render_template('timeline.html', messages=query_db(''' |
select message.*, user.* from message, user where |
user.user_id = message.author_id and user.user_id = ? |
order by message.pub_date desc limit ?''', |
[profile_user['user_id'], PER_PAGE]), followed=followed, |
profile_user=profile_user) |
@app.route('/<username>/follow') |
def follow_user(username): |
"""Adds the current user as follower of the given user.""" |
if not g.user: |
abort(401) |
whom_id = get_user_id(username) |
if whom_id is None: |
abort(404) |
db = get_db() |
db.execute('insert into follower (who_id, whom_id) values (?, ?)', |
[session['user_id'], whom_id]) |
db.commit() |
flash('You are now following "%s"' % username) |
return redirect(url_for('user_timeline', username=username)) |
@app.route('/<username>/unfollow') |
def unfollow_user(username): |
"""Removes the current user as follower of the given user.""" |
if not g.user: |
abort(401) |
whom_id = get_user_id(username) |
if whom_id is None: |
abort(404) |
db = get_db() |
db.execute('delete from follower where who_id=? and whom_id=?', |
[session['user_id'], whom_id]) |
db.commit() |
flash('You are no longer following "%s"' % username) |
return redirect(url_for('user_timeline', username=username)) |
@app.route('/add_message', methods=['POST']) |
def add_message(): |
"""Registers a new message for the user.""" |
if 'user_id' not in session: |
abort(401) |
if request.form['text']: |
db = get_db() |
db.execute('''insert into message (author_id, text, pub_date) |
values (?, ?, ?)''', (session['user_id'], request.form['text'], |
int(time.time()))) |
db.commit() |
flash('Your message was recorded') |
return redirect(url_for('timeline')) |
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
def login(): |
"""Logs the user in.""" |
if g.user: |
return redirect(url_for('timeline')) |
error = None |
if request.method == 'POST': |
user = query_db('''select * from user where |
username = ?''', [request.form['username']], one=True) |
if user is None: |
error = 'Invalid username' |
elif not check_password_hash(user['pw_hash'], |
request.form['password']): |
error = 'Invalid password' |
else: |
flash('You were logged in') |
session['user_id'] = user['user_id'] |
return redirect(url_for('timeline')) |
return render_template('login.html', error=error) |
@app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
def register(): |
"""Registers the user.""" |
if g.user: |
return redirect(url_for('timeline')) |
error = None |
if request.method == 'POST': |
if not request.form['username']: |
error = 'You have to enter a username' |
elif not request.form['email'] or \ |
'@' not in request.form['email']: |
error = 'You have to enter a valid email address' |
elif not request.form['password']: |
error = 'You have to enter a password' |
elif request.form['password'] != request.form['password2']: |
error = 'The two passwords do not match' |
elif get_user_id(request.form['username']) is not None: |
error = 'The username is already taken' |
else: |
db = get_db() |
db.execute('''insert into user ( |
username, email, pw_hash) values (?, ?, ?)''', |
[request.form['username'], request.form['email'], |
generate_password_hash(request.form['password'])]) |
db.commit() |
flash('You were successfully registered and can login now') |
return redirect(url_for('login')) |
return render_template('register.html', error=error) |
@app.route('/logout') |
def logout(): |
"""Logs the user out.""" |
flash('You were logged out') |
session.pop('user_id', None) |
return redirect(url_for('public_timeline')) |
# add some filters to jinja |
app.jinja_env.filters['datetimeformat'] = format_datetime |
app.jinja_env.filters['gravatar'] = gravatar_url |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ |
drop table if exists user; |
create table user ( |
user_id integer primary key autoincrement, |
username text not null, |
email text not null, |
pw_hash text not null |
); |
drop table if exists follower; |
create table follower ( |
who_id integer, |
whom_id integer |
); |
drop table if exists message; |
create table message ( |
message_id integer primary key autoincrement, |
author_id integer not null, |
text text not null, |
pub_date integer |
); |
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ |
body { |
background: #CAECE9; |
font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif; |
font-size: 14px; |
} |
a { |
color: #26776F; |
} |
a:hover { |
color: #333; |
} |
input[type="text"], |
input[type="password"] { |
background: white; |
border: 1px solid #BFE6E2; |
padding: 2px; |
font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif; |
font-size: 14px; |
-moz-border-radius: 2px; |
-webkit-border-radius: 2px; |
color: #105751; |
} |
input[type="submit"] { |
background: #105751; |
border: 1px solid #073B36; |
padding: 1px 3px; |
font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif; |
font-size: 14px; |
font-weight: bold; |
-moz-border-radius: 2px; |
-webkit-border-radius: 2px; |
color: white; |
} |
div.page { |
background: white; |
border: 1px solid #6ECCC4; |
width: 700px; |
margin: 30px auto; |
} |
div.page h1 { |
background: #6ECCC4; |
margin: 0; |
padding: 10px 14px; |
color: white; |
letter-spacing: 1px; |
text-shadow: 0 0 3px #24776F; |
font-weight: normal; |
} |
div.page div.navigation { |
background: #DEE9E8; |
padding: 4px 10px; |
border-top: 1px solid #ccc; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; |
color: #888; |
font-size: 12px; |
letter-spacing: 0.5px; |
} |
div.page div.navigation a { |
color: #444; |
font-weight: bold; |
} |
div.page h2 { |
margin: 0 0 15px 0; |
color: #105751; |
text-shadow: 0 1px 2px #ccc; |
} |
div.page div.body { |
padding: 10px; |
} |
div.page div.footer { |
background: #eee; |
color: #888; |
padding: 5px 10px; |
font-size: 12px; |
} |
div.page div.followstatus { |
border: 1px solid #ccc; |
background: #E3EBEA; |
-moz-border-radius: 2px; |
-webkit-border-radius: 2px; |
padding: 3px; |
font-size: 13px; |
} |
div.page ul.messages { |
list-style: none; |
margin: 0; |
padding: 0; |
} |
div.page ul.messages li { |
margin: 10px 0; |
padding: 5px; |
background: #F0FAF9; |
border: 1px solid #DBF3F1; |
-moz-border-radius: 5px; |
-webkit-border-radius: 5px; |
min-height: 48px; |
} |
div.page ul.messages p { |
margin: 0; |
} |
div.page ul.messages li img { |
float: left; |
padding: 0 10px 0 0; |
} |
div.page ul.messages li small { |
font-size: 0.9em; |
color: #888; |
} |
div.page div.twitbox { |
margin: 10px 0; |
padding: 5px; |
background: #F0FAF9; |
border: 1px solid #94E2DA; |
-moz-border-radius: 5px; |
-webkit-border-radius: 5px; |
} |
div.page div.twitbox h3 { |
margin: 0; |
font-size: 1em; |
color: #2C7E76; |
} |
div.page div.twitbox p { |
margin: 0; |
} |
div.page div.twitbox input[type="text"] { |
width: 585px; |
} |
div.page div.twitbox input[type="submit"] { |
width: 70px; |
margin-left: 5px; |
} |
ul.flashes { |
list-style: none; |
margin: 10px 10px 0 10px; |
padding: 0; |
} |
ul.flashes li { |
background: #B9F3ED; |
border: 1px solid #81CEC6; |
-moz-border-radius: 2px; |
-webkit-border-radius: 2px; |
padding: 4px; |
font-size: 13px; |
} |
div.error { |
margin: 10px 0; |
background: #FAE4E4; |
border: 1px solid #DD6F6F; |
-moz-border-radius: 2px; |
-webkit-border-radius: 2px; |
padding: 4px; |
font-size: 13px; |
} |
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
<!doctype html> |
<title>{% block title %}Welcome{% endblock %} | MiniTwit</title> |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='style.css') }}"> |
<div class="page"> |
<h1>MiniTwit</h1> |
<div class="navigation"> |
{% if g.user %} |
<a href="{{ url_for('timeline') }}">my timeline</a> | |
<a href="{{ url_for('public_timeline') }}">public timeline</a> | |
<a href="{{ url_for('logout') }}">sign out [{{ g.user.username }}]</a> |
{% else %} |
<a href="{{ url_for('public_timeline') }}">public timeline</a> | |
<a href="{{ url_for('register') }}">sign up</a> | |
<a href="{{ url_for('login') }}">sign in</a> |
{% endif %} |
</div> |
{% with flashes = get_flashed_messages() %} |
{% if flashes %} |
<ul class="flashes"> |
{% for message in flashes %} |
<li>{{ message }} |
{% endfor %} |
</ul> |
{% endif %} |
{% endwith %} |
<div class="body"> |
{% block body %}{% endblock %} |
</div> |
<div class="footer"> |
MiniTwit — A Flask Application |
</div> |
</div> |
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
{% extends "layout.html" %} |
{% block title %}Sign In{% endblock %} |
{% block body %} |
<h2>Sign In</h2> |
{% if error %}<div class="error"><strong>Error:</strong> {{ error }}</div>{% endif %} |
<form action="" method="post"> |
<dl> |
<dt>Username: |
<dd><input type="text" name="username" size="30" value="{{ request.form.username }}"> |
<dt>Password: |
<dd><input type="password" name="password" size="30"> |
</dl> |
<div class="actions"><input type="submit" value="Sign In"></div> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ |
{% extends "layout.html" %} |
{% block title %}Sign Up{% endblock %} |
{% block body %} |
<h2>Sign Up</h2> |
{% if error %}<div class="error"><strong>Error:</strong> {{ error }}</div>{% endif %} |
<form action="" method="post"> |
<dl> |
<dt>Username: |
<dd><input type="text" name="username" size="30" value="{{ request.form.username }}"> |
<dt>E-Mail: |
<dd><input type="text" name="email" size="30" value="{{ request.form.email }}"> |
<dt>Password: |
<dd><input type="password" name="password" size="30"> |
<dt>Password <small>(repeat)</small>: |
<dd><input type="password" name="password2" size="30"> |
</dl> |
<div class="actions"><input type="submit" value="Sign Up"></div> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ |
{% extends "layout.html" %} |
{% block title %} |
{% if request.endpoint == 'public_timeline' %} |
Public Timeline |
{% elif request.endpoint == 'user_timeline' %} |
{{ profile_user.username }}'s Timeline |
{% else %} |
My Timeline |
{% endif %} |
{% endblock %} |
{% block body %} |
<h2>{{ self.title() }}</h2> |
{% if g.user %} |
{% if request.endpoint == 'user_timeline' %} |
<div class="followstatus"> |
{% if g.user.user_id == profile_user.user_id %} |
This is you! |
{% elif followed %} |
You are currently following this user. |
<a class="unfollow" href="{{ url_for('unfollow_user', username=profile_user.username) |
}}">Unfollow user</a>. |
{% else %} |
You are not yet following this user. |
<a class="follow" href="{{ url_for('follow_user', username=profile_user.username) |
}}">Follow user</a>. |
{% endif %} |
</div> |
{% elif request.endpoint == 'timeline' %} |
<div class="twitbox"> |
<h3>What's on your mind {{ g.user.username }}?</h3> |
<form action="{{ url_for('add_message') }}" method="post"> |
<p><input type="text" name="text" size="60"><!-- |
--><input type="submit" value="Share"> |
</form> |
</div> |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
<ul class="messages"> |
{% for message in messages %} |
<li><img src="{{ message.email|gravatar(size=48) }}"><p> |
<strong><a href="{{ url_for('user_timeline', username=message.username) |
}}">{{ message.username }}</a></strong> |
{{ message.text }} |
<small>— {{ message.pub_date|datetimeformat }}</small> |
{% else %} |
<li><em>There's no message so far.</em> |
{% endfor %} |
</ul> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
from setuptools import setup |
setup( |
name='minitwit', |
packages=['minitwit'], |
include_package_data=True, |
install_requires=[ |
'flask', |
], |
setup_requires=[ |
'pytest-runner', |
], |
tests_require=[ |
'pytest', |
], |
) |
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
MiniTwit Tests |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Tests the MiniTwit application. |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
import os |
import tempfile |
import pytest |
from minitwit import minitwit |
@pytest.fixture |
def client(): |
db_fd, minitwit.app.config['DATABASE'] = tempfile.mkstemp() |
client = minitwit.app.test_client() |
with minitwit.app.app_context(): |
minitwit.init_db() |
yield client |
os.close(db_fd) |
os.unlink(minitwit.app.config['DATABASE']) |
def register(client, username, password, password2=None, email=None): |
"""Helper function to register a user""" |
if password2 is None: |
password2 = password |
if email is None: |
email = username + '@example.com' |
return client.post('/register', data={ |
'username': username, |
'password': password, |
'password2': password2, |
'email': email, |
}, follow_redirects=True) |
def login(client, username, password): |
"""Helper function to login""" |
return client.post('/login', data={ |
'username': username, |
'password': password |
}, follow_redirects=True) |
def register_and_login(client, username, password): |
"""Registers and logs in in one go""" |
register(client, username, password) |
return login(client, username, password) |
def logout(client): |
"""Helper function to logout""" |
return client.get('/logout', follow_redirects=True) |
def add_message(client, text): |
"""Records a message""" |
rv = client.post('/add_message', data={'text': text}, |
follow_redirects=True) |
if text: |
assert b'Your message was recorded' in rv.data |
return rv |
def test_register(client): |
"""Make sure registering works""" |
rv = register(client, 'user1', 'default') |
assert b'You were successfully registered ' \ |
b'and can login now' in rv.data |
rv = register(client, 'user1', 'default') |
assert b'The username is already taken' in rv.data |
rv = register(client, '', 'default') |
assert b'You have to enter a username' in rv.data |
rv = register(client, 'meh', '') |
assert b'You have to enter a password' in rv.data |
rv = register(client, 'meh', 'x', 'y') |
assert b'The two passwords do not match' in rv.data |
rv = register(client, 'meh', 'foo', email='broken') |
assert b'You have to enter a valid email address' in rv.data |
def test_login_logout(client): |
"""Make sure logging in and logging out works""" |
rv = register_and_login(client, 'user1', 'default') |
assert b'You were logged in' in rv.data |
rv = logout(client) |
assert b'You were logged out' in rv.data |
rv = login(client, 'user1', 'wrongpassword') |
assert b'Invalid password' in rv.data |
rv = login(client, 'user2', 'wrongpassword') |
assert b'Invalid username' in rv.data |
def test_message_recording(client): |
"""Check if adding messages works""" |
register_and_login(client, 'foo', 'default') |
add_message(client, 'test message 1') |
add_message(client, '<test message 2>') |
rv = client.get('/') |
assert b'test message 1' in rv.data |
assert b'<test message 2>' in rv.data |
def test_timelines(client): |
"""Make sure that timelines work""" |
register_and_login(client, 'foo', 'default') |
add_message(client, 'the message by foo') |
logout(client) |
register_and_login(client, 'bar', 'default') |
add_message(client, 'the message by bar') |
rv = client.get('/public') |
assert b'the message by foo' in rv.data |
assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data |
# bar's timeline should just show bar's message |
rv = client.get('/') |
assert b'the message by foo' not in rv.data |
assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data |
# now let's follow foo |
rv = client.get('/foo/follow', follow_redirects=True) |
assert b'You are now following "foo"' in rv.data |
# we should now see foo's message |
rv = client.get('/') |
assert b'the message by foo' in rv.data |
assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data |
# but on the user's page we only want the user's message |
rv = client.get('/bar') |
assert b'the message by foo' not in rv.data |
assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data |
rv = client.get('/foo') |
assert b'the message by foo' in rv.data |
assert b'the message by bar' not in rv.data |
# now unfollow and check if that worked |
rv = client.get('/foo/unfollow', follow_redirects=True) |
assert b'You are no longer following "foo"' in rv.data |
rv = client.get('/') |
assert b'the message by foo' not in rv.data |
assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
from setuptools import setup |
setup( |
name='yourapplication', |
packages=['yourapplication'], |
include_package_data=True, |
install_requires=[ |
'flask', |
], |
) |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
Larger App Tests |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
from yourapplication import app |
import pytest |
@pytest.fixture |
def client(): |
app.config['TESTING'] = True |
client = app.test_client() |
return client |
def test_index(client): |
rv = client.get('/') |
assert b"Hello World!" in rv.data |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
yourapplication |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
from flask import Flask |
app = Flask('yourapplication') |
import yourapplication.views |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
""" |
yourapplication.views |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
:copyright: © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. |
""" |
from yourapplication import app |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return 'Hello World!' |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
venv/ |
*.pyc |
__pycache__/ |
instance/ |
.cache/ |
.pytest_cache/ |
.coverage |
htmlcov/ |
dist/ |
build/ |
*.egg-info/ |
.idea/ |
*.swp |
*~ |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
Copyright © 2010 by the Pallets team. |
Some rights reserved. |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms of the software as |
well as documentation, with or without modification, are permitted |
provided that the following conditions are met: |
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its |
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from |
this software without specific prior written permission. |
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ |
graft flaskr/templates |
include LICENSE |
graft flaskr/static |
include flaskr/schema.sql |
include flaskr/schema.sql |
graft flaskr/static |
graft flaskr/templates |
graft tests |
global-exclude *.pyc |
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ |
Flaskr |
====== |
The basic blog app built in the Flask `tutorial`_. |
.. _tutorial: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/tutorial/ |
Install |
------- |
**Be sure to use the same version of the code as the version of the docs |
you're reading.** You probably want the latest tagged version, but the |
default Git version is the master branch. :: |
# clone the repository |
git clone https://github.com/pallets/flask |
cd flask |
# checkout the correct version |
git tag # shows the tagged versions |
git checkout latest-tag-found-above |
cd examples/tutorial |
Create a virtualenv and activate it:: |
python3 -m venv venv |
. venv/bin/activate |
Or on Windows cmd:: |
py -3 -m venv venv |
venv\Scripts\activate.bat |
Install Flaskr:: |
pip install -e . |
Or if you are using the master branch, install Flask from source before |
installing Flaskr:: |
pip install -e ../.. |
pip install -e . |
Run |
--- |
:: |
export FLASK_APP=flaskr |
export FLASK_ENV=development |
flask run |
Or on Windows cmd:: |
set FLASK_APP=flaskr |
set FLASK_ENV=development |
flask run |
Open in a browser. |
Test |
---- |
:: |
pip install pytest |
pytest |
Run with coverage report:: |
pip install pytest coverage |
coverage run -m pytest |
coverage report |
coverage html # open htmlcov/index.html in a browser |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
import os |
from flask import Flask |
def create_app(test_config=None): |
"""Create and configure an instance of the Flask application.""" |
app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) |
app.config.from_mapping( |
# a default secret that should be overridden by instance config |
SECRET_KEY='dev', |
# store the database in the instance folder |
DATABASE=os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'flaskr.sqlite'), |
) |
if test_config is None: |
# load the instance config, if it exists, when not testing |
app.config.from_pyfile('config.py', silent=True) |
else: |
# load the test config if passed in |
app.config.update(test_config) |
# ensure the instance folder exists |
try: |
os.makedirs(app.instance_path) |
except OSError: |
pass |
@app.route('/hello') |
def hello(): |
return 'Hello, World!' |
# register the database commands |
from flaskr import db |
db.init_app(app) |
# apply the blueprints to the app |
from flaskr import auth, blog |
app.register_blueprint(auth.bp) |
app.register_blueprint(blog.bp) |
# make url_for('index') == url_for('blog.index') |
# in another app, you might define a separate main index here with |
# app.route, while giving the blog blueprint a url_prefix, but for |
# the tutorial the blog will be the main index |
app.add_url_rule('/', endpoint='index') |
return app |
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
import functools |
from flask import ( |
Blueprint, flash, g, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for |
) |
from werkzeug.security import check_password_hash, generate_password_hash |
from flaskr.db import get_db |
bp = Blueprint('auth', __name__, url_prefix='/auth') |
def login_required(view): |
"""View decorator that redirects anonymous users to the login page.""" |
@functools.wraps(view) |
def wrapped_view(**kwargs): |
if g.user is None: |
return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) |
return view(**kwargs) |
return wrapped_view |
@bp.before_app_request |
def load_logged_in_user(): |
"""If a user id is stored in the session, load the user object from |
the database into ``g.user``.""" |
user_id = session.get('user_id') |
if user_id is None: |
g.user = None |
else: |
g.user = get_db().execute( |
'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?', (user_id,) |
).fetchone() |
@bp.route('/register', methods=('GET', 'POST')) |
def register(): |
"""Register a new user. |
Validates that the username is not already taken. Hashes the |
password for security. |
""" |
if request.method == 'POST': |
username = request.form['username'] |
password = request.form['password'] |
db = get_db() |
error = None |
if not username: |
error = 'Username is required.' |
elif not password: |
error = 'Password is required.' |
elif db.execute( |
'SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = ?', (username,) |
).fetchone() is not None: |
error = 'User {} is already registered.'.format(username) |
if error is None: |
# the name is available, store it in the database and go to |
# the login page |
db.execute( |
'INSERT INTO user (username, password) VALUES (?, ?)', |
(username, generate_password_hash(password)) |
) |
db.commit() |
return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) |
flash(error) |
return render_template('auth/register.html') |
@bp.route('/login', methods=('GET', 'POST')) |
def login(): |
"""Log in a registered user by adding the user id to the session.""" |
if request.method == 'POST': |
username = request.form['username'] |
password = request.form['password'] |
db = get_db() |
error = None |
user = db.execute( |
'SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ?', (username,) |
).fetchone() |
if user is None: |
error = 'Incorrect username.' |
elif not check_password_hash(user['password'], password): |
error = 'Incorrect password.' |
if error is None: |
# store the user id in a new session and return to the index |
session.clear() |
session['user_id'] = user['id'] |
return redirect(url_for('index')) |
flash(error) |
return render_template('auth/login.html') |
@bp.route('/logout') |
def logout(): |
"""Clear the current session, including the stored user id.""" |
session.clear() |
return redirect(url_for('index')) |
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ |
from flask import ( |
Blueprint, flash, g, redirect, render_template, request, url_for |
) |
from werkzeug.exceptions import abort |
from flaskr.auth import login_required |
from flaskr.db import get_db |
bp = Blueprint('blog', __name__) |
@bp.route('/') |
def index(): |
"""Show all the posts, most recent first.""" |
db = get_db() |
posts = db.execute( |
'SELECT p.id, title, body, created, author_id, username' |
' FROM post p JOIN user u ON p.author_id = u.id' |
' ORDER BY created DESC' |
).fetchall() |
return render_template('blog/index.html', posts=posts) |
def get_post(id, check_author=True): |
"""Get a post and its author by id. |
Checks that the id exists and optionally that the current user is |
the author. |
:param id: id of post to get |
:param check_author: require the current user to be the author |
:return: the post with author information |
:raise 404: if a post with the given id doesn't exist |
:raise 403: if the current user isn't the author |
""" |
post = get_db().execute( |
'SELECT p.id, title, body, created, author_id, username' |
' FROM post p JOIN user u ON p.author_id = u.id' |
' WHERE p.id = ?', |
(id,) |
).fetchone() |
if post is None: |
abort(404, "Post id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id)) |
if check_author and post['author_id'] != g.user['id']: |
abort(403) |
return post |
@bp.route('/create', methods=('GET', 'POST')) |
@login_required |
def create(): |
"""Create a new post for the current user.""" |
if request.method == 'POST': |
title = request.form['title'] |
body = request.form['body'] |
error = None |
if not title: |
error = 'Title is required.' |
if error is not None: |
flash(error) |
else: |
db = get_db() |
db.execute( |
'INSERT INTO post (title, body, author_id)' |
' VALUES (?, ?, ?)', |
(title, body, g.user['id']) |
) |
db.commit() |
return redirect(url_for('blog.index')) |
return render_template('blog/create.html') |
@bp.route('/<int:id>/update', methods=('GET', 'POST')) |
@login_required |
def update(id): |
"""Update a post if the current user is the author.""" |
post = get_post(id) |
if request.method == 'POST': |
title = request.form['title'] |
body = request.form['body'] |
error = None |
if not title: |
error = 'Title is required.' |
if error is not None: |
flash(error) |
else: |
db = get_db() |
db.execute( |
'UPDATE post SET title = ?, body = ? WHERE id = ?', |
(title, body, id) |
) |
db.commit() |
return redirect(url_for('blog.index')) |
return render_template('blog/update.html', post=post) |
@bp.route('/<int:id>/delete', methods=('POST',)) |
@login_required |
def delete(id): |
"""Delete a post. |
Ensures that the post exists and that the logged in user is the |
author of the post. |
""" |
get_post(id) |
db = get_db() |
db.execute('DELETE FROM post WHERE id = ?', (id,)) |
db.commit() |
return redirect(url_for('blog.index')) |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
import sqlite3 |
import click |
from flask import current_app, g |
from flask.cli import with_appcontext |
def get_db(): |
"""Connect to the application's configured database. The connection |
is unique for each request and will be reused if this is called |
again. |
""" |
if 'db' not in g: |
g.db = sqlite3.connect( |
current_app.config['DATABASE'], |
detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES |
) |
g.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
return g.db |
def close_db(e=None): |
"""If this request connected to the database, close the |
connection. |
""" |
db = g.pop('db', None) |
if db is not None: |
db.close() |
def init_db(): |
"""Clear existing data and create new tables.""" |
db = get_db() |
with current_app.open_resource('schema.sql') as f: |
db.executescript(f.read().decode('utf8')) |
@click.command('init-db') |
@with_appcontext |
def init_db_command(): |
"""Clear existing data and create new tables.""" |
init_db() |
click.echo('Initialized the database.') |
def init_app(app): |
"""Register database functions with the Flask app. This is called by |
the application factory. |
""" |
app.teardown_appcontext(close_db) |
app.cli.add_command(init_db_command) |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
-- Initialize the database. |
-- Drop any existing data and create empty tables. |
password TEXT NOT NULL |
); |
author_id INTEGER NOT NULL, |
title TEXT NOT NULL, |
FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES user (id) |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ |
html { |
font-family: sans-serif; |
background: #eee; |
padding: 1rem; |
} |
body { |
max-width: 960px; |
margin: 0 auto; |
background: white; |
} |
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { |
font-family: serif; |
color: #377ba8; |
margin: 1rem 0; |
} |
a { |
color: #377ba8; |
} |
hr { |
border: none; |
border-top: 1px solid lightgray; |
} |
nav { |
background: lightgray; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
padding: 0 0.5rem; |
} |
nav h1 { |
flex: auto; |
margin: 0; |
} |
nav h1 a { |
text-decoration: none; |
padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem; |
} |
nav ul { |
display: flex; |
list-style: none; |
margin: 0; |
padding: 0; |
} |
nav ul li a, nav ul li span, header .action { |
display: block; |
padding: 0.5rem; |
} |
.content { |
padding: 0 1rem 1rem; |
} |
.content > header { |
border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray; |
display: flex; |
align-items: flex-end; |
} |
.content > header h1 { |
flex: auto; |
margin: 1rem 0 0.25rem 0; |
} |
.flash { |
margin: 1em 0; |
padding: 1em; |
background: #cae6f6; |
border: 1px solid #377ba8; |
} |
.post > header { |
display: flex; |
align-items: flex-end; |
font-size: 0.85em; |
} |
.post > header > div:first-of-type { |
flex: auto; |
} |
.post > header h1 { |
font-size: 1.5em; |
margin-bottom: 0; |
} |
.post .about { |
color: slategray; |
font-style: italic; |
} |
.post .body { |
white-space: pre-line; |
} |
.content:last-child { |
margin-bottom: 0; |
} |
.content form { |
margin: 1em 0; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
} |
.content label { |
font-weight: bold; |
margin-bottom: 0.5em; |
} |
.content input, .content textarea { |
margin-bottom: 1em; |
} |
.content textarea { |
min-height: 12em; |
resize: vertical; |
} |
input.danger { |
color: #cc2f2e; |
} |
input[type=submit] { |
align-self: start; |
min-width: 10em; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
{% block header %} |
<h1>{% block title %}Log In{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content %} |
<form method="post"> |
<label for="username">Username</label> |
<input name="username" id="username" required> |
<label for="password">Password</label> |
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" required> |
<input type="submit" value="Log In"> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
{% block header %} |
<h1>{% block title %}Register{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content %} |
<form method="post"> |
<label for="username">Username</label> |
<input name="username" id="username" required> |
<label for="password">Password</label> |
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" required> |
<input type="submit" value="Register"> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
<!doctype html> |
<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} - Flaskr</title> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='style.css') }}"> |
<nav> |
<h1><a href="{{ url_for('index') }}">Flaskr</a></h1> |
<ul> |
{% if g.user %} |
<li><span>{{ g.user['username'] }}</span> |
<li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.logout') }}">Log Out</a> |
{% else %} |
<li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.register') }}">Register</a> |
<li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.login') }}">Log In</a> |
{% endif %} |
</ul> |
</nav> |
<section class="content"> |
<header> |
{% block header %}{% endblock %} |
</header> |
{% for message in get_flashed_messages() %} |
<div class="flash">{{ message }}</div> |
{% endfor %} |
{% block content %}{% endblock %} |
</section> |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
{% block header %} |
<h1>{% block title %}New Post{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content %} |
<form method="post"> |
<label for="title">Title</label> |
<input name="title" id="title" value="{{ request.form['title'] }}" required> |
<label for="body">Body</label> |
<textarea name="body" id="body">{{ request.form['body'] }}</textarea> |
<input type="submit" value="Save"> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
{% block header %} |
<h1>{% block title %}Posts{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% if g.user %} |
<a class="action" href="{{ url_for('blog.create') }}">New</a> |
{% endif %} |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content %} |
{% for post in posts %} |
<article class="post"> |
<header> |
<div> |
<h1>{{ post['title'] }}</h1> |
<div class="about">by {{ post['username'] }} on {{ post['created'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}</div> |
</div> |
{% if g.user['id'] == post['author_id'] %} |
<a class="action" href="{{ url_for('blog.update', id=post['id']) }}">Edit</a> |
{% endif %} |
</header> |
<p class="body">{{ post['body'] }}</p> |
</article> |
{% if not loop.last %} |
<hr> |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endblock %} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
{% extends 'base.html' %} |
{% block header %} |
<h1>{% block title %}Edit "{{ post['title'] }}"{% endblock %}</h1> |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content %} |
<form method="post"> |
<label for="title">Title</label> |
<input name="title" id="title" value="{{ request.form['title'] or post['title'] }}" required> |
<label for="body">Body</label> |
<textarea name="body" id="body">{{ request.form['body'] or post['body'] }}</textarea> |
<input type="submit" value="Save"> |
</form> |
<hr> |
<form action="{{ url_for('blog.delete', id=post['id']) }}" method="post"> |
<input class="danger" type="submit" value="Delete" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');"> |
</form> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
[metadata] |
license_file = LICENSE |
[bdist_wheel] |
universal = False |
[tool:pytest] |
testpaths = tests |
[coverage:run] |
branch = True |
source = |
flaskr |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
import io |
from setuptools import find_packages, setup |
with io.open('README.rst', 'rt', encoding='utf8') as f: |
readme = f.read() |
setup( |
name='flaskr', |
version='1.0.0', |
url='http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/tutorial/', |
license='BSD', |
maintainer='Pallets team', |
maintainer_email='contact@palletsprojects.com', |
description='The basic blog app built in the Flask tutorial.', |
long_description=readme, |
packages=find_packages(), |
include_package_data=True, |
zip_safe=False, |
install_requires=[ |
'flask', |
], |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
import os |
import tempfile |
import pytest |
from flaskr import create_app |
from flaskr.db import get_db, init_db |
# read in SQL for populating test data |
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data.sql'), 'rb') as f: |
_data_sql = f.read().decode('utf8') |
@pytest.fixture |
def app(): |
"""Create and configure a new app instance for each test.""" |
# create a temporary file to isolate the database for each test |
db_fd, db_path = tempfile.mkstemp() |
# create the app with common test config |
app = create_app({ |
'TESTING': True, |
'DATABASE': db_path, |
}) |
# create the database and load test data |
with app.app_context(): |
init_db() |
get_db().executescript(_data_sql) |
yield app |
# close and remove the temporary database |
os.close(db_fd) |
os.unlink(db_path) |
@pytest.fixture |
def client(app): |
"""A test client for the app.""" |
return app.test_client() |
@pytest.fixture |
def runner(app): |
"""A test runner for the app's Click commands.""" |
return app.test_cli_runner() |
class AuthActions(object): |
def __init__(self, client): |
self._client = client |
def login(self, username='test', password='test'): |
return self._client.post( |
'/auth/login', |
data={'username': username, 'password': password} |
) |
def logout(self): |
return self._client.get('/auth/logout') |
@pytest.fixture |
def auth(client): |
return AuthActions(client) |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
INSERT INTO user (username, password) |
('test', 'pbkdf2:sha256:50000$TCI4GzcX$0de171a4f4dac32e3364c7ddc7c14f3e2fa61f2d17574483f7ffbb431b4acb2f'), |
('other', 'pbkdf2:sha256:50000$kJPKsz6N$d2d4784f1b030a9761f5ccaeeaca413f27f2ecb76d6168407af962ddce849f79'); |
INSERT INTO post (title, body, author_id, created) |
('test title', 'test' || x'0a' || 'body', 1, '2018-01-01 00:00:00'); |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
import pytest |
from flask import g, session |
from flaskr.db import get_db |
def test_register(client, app): |
# test that viewing the page renders without template errors |
assert client.get('/auth/register').status_code == 200 |
# test that successful registration redirects to the login page |
response = client.post( |
'/auth/register', data={'username': 'a', 'password': 'a'} |
) |
assert 'http://localhost/auth/login' == response.headers['Location'] |
# test that the user was inserted into the database |
with app.app_context(): |
assert get_db().execute( |
"select * from user where username = 'a'", |
).fetchone() is not None |
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('username', 'password', 'message'), ( |
('', '', b'Username is required.'), |
('a', '', b'Password is required.'), |
('test', 'test', b'already registered'), |
)) |
def test_register_validate_input(client, username, password, message): |
response = client.post( |
'/auth/register', |
data={'username': username, 'password': password} |
) |
assert message in response.data |
def test_login(client, auth): |
# test that viewing the page renders without template errors |
assert client.get('/auth/login').status_code == 200 |
# test that successful login redirects to the index page |
response = auth.login() |
assert response.headers['Location'] == 'http://localhost/' |
# login request set the user_id in the session |
# check that the user is loaded from the session |
with client: |
client.get('/') |
assert session['user_id'] == 1 |
assert g.user['username'] == 'test' |
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('username', 'password', 'message'), ( |
('a', 'test', b'Incorrect username.'), |
('test', 'a', b'Incorrect password.'), |
)) |
def test_login_validate_input(auth, username, password, message): |
response = auth.login(username, password) |
assert message in response.data |
def test_logout(client, auth): |
auth.login() |
with client: |
auth.logout() |
assert 'user_id' not in session |
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ |
import pytest |
from flaskr.db import get_db |
def test_index(client, auth): |
response = client.get('/') |
assert b"Log In" in response.data |
assert b"Register" in response.data |
auth.login() |
response = client.get('/') |
assert b'test title' in response.data |
assert b'by test on 2018-01-01' in response.data |
assert b'test\nbody' in response.data |
assert b'href="/1/update"' in response.data |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', ( |
'/create', |
'/1/update', |
'/1/delete', |
)) |
def test_login_required(client, path): |
response = client.post(path) |
assert response.headers['Location'] == 'http://localhost/auth/login' |
def test_author_required(app, client, auth): |
# change the post author to another user |
with app.app_context(): |
db = get_db() |
db.execute('UPDATE post SET author_id = 2 WHERE id = 1') |
db.commit() |
auth.login() |
# current user can't modify other user's post |
assert client.post('/1/update').status_code == 403 |
assert client.post('/1/delete').status_code == 403 |
# current user doesn't see edit link |
assert b'href="/1/update"' not in client.get('/').data |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', ( |
'/2/update', |
'/2/delete', |
)) |
def test_exists_required(client, auth, path): |
auth.login() |
assert client.post(path).status_code == 404 |
def test_create(client, auth, app): |
auth.login() |
assert client.get('/create').status_code == 200 |
client.post('/create', data={'title': 'created', 'body': ''}) |
with app.app_context(): |
db = get_db() |
count = db.execute('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM post').fetchone()[0] |
assert count == 2 |
def test_update(client, auth, app): |
auth.login() |
assert client.get('/1/update').status_code == 200 |
client.post('/1/update', data={'title': 'updated', 'body': ''}) |
with app.app_context(): |
db = get_db() |
post = db.execute('SELECT * FROM post WHERE id = 1').fetchone() |
assert post['title'] == 'updated' |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', ( |
'/create', |
'/1/update', |
)) |
def test_create_update_validate(client, auth, path): |
auth.login() |
response = client.post(path, data={'title': '', 'body': ''}) |
assert b'Title is required.' in response.data |
def test_delete(client, auth, app): |
auth.login() |
response = client.post('/1/delete') |
assert response.headers['Location'] == 'http://localhost/' |
with app.app_context(): |
db = get_db() |
post = db.execute('SELECT * FROM post WHERE id = 1').fetchone() |
assert post is None |
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