@ -156,3 +156,72 @@ specify a list of decorators to apply in the class declaration:: |
Due to the implicit self from the caller's perspective you cannot use |
Due to the implicit self from the caller's perspective you cannot use |
regular view decorators on the individual methods of the view however, |
regular view decorators on the individual methods of the view however, |
keep this in mind. |
keep this in mind. |
Method Views for APIs |
--------------------- |
Web APIs are often working very closely with HTTP verbs so it makes a lot |
of sense to implement such an API based on the |
:class:`~flask.views.MethodView`. That said, you will notice that the API |
will require different URL rules that go to the same method view most of |
the time. For instance consider that you are exposing a user object on |
the web: |
=============== =============== ====================================== |
URL Method Description |
--------------- --------------- -------------------------------------- |
``/users/`` ``GET`` Gives a list of all users |
``/users/`` ``POST`` Creates a new user |
``/users/<id>`` ``GET`` Shows a single user |
``/users/<id>`` ``PUT`` Updates a single user |
``/users/<id>`` ``DELETE`` Deletes a single user |
=============== =============== ====================================== |
So how would you go about doing that with the |
:class:`~flask.views.MethodView`? The trick is to take advantage of the |
fact that you can provide multiple rules to the same view. |
Let's assume for the moment the view would look like this:: |
class UserAPI(MethodView): |
def get(self, user_id): |
if user_id is None: |
# return a list of users |
pass |
else: |
# expose a single user |
pass |
def post(self): |
# create a new user |
pass |
def delete(self, user_id): |
# delete a single user |
pass |
def put(self, user_id): |
# update a single user |
pass |
So how do we hook this up with the routing system? By adding two rules |
and explicitly mentioning the methods for each:: |
user_view = UserAPI.as_view('user_api') |
app.add_url_rule('/users/', defaults={'user_id': None}, |
view_func=user_view, methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
app.add_url_rule('/users/<int:user_id>', view_func=user_view, |
methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) |
If you have a lot of APIs that look similar you can refactor that |
registration code:: |
def register_api(view, endpoint, url, pk='id', pk_type='int'): |
view_func = view.as_view(endpoint) |
app.add_url_rule(url, defaults={pk: None}, |
view_func=view_func, methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
app.add_url_rule('%s<%s:%s>' % (url, pk), view_func=view_func, |
methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) |
register_api(UserAPI, 'user_api', '/users/', pk='user_id') |