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Added flask.views.View.decorators to automatically decorate class based views.

Armin Ronacher 14 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 35
  3. 21


@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ Relase date to be decided, codename to be chosen.
- Refactored test client internally. The ``APPLICATION_ROOT`` configuration
variable as well as ``SERVER_NAME`` are now properly used by the test client
as defaults.
- Added :attr:`flask.views.View.decorators` to support simpler decorating of
pluggable (class based) views.
Version 0.7.3


@ -30,10 +30,38 @@ class View(object):
return 'Hello %s!' % name
app.add_url_rule('/hello/<name>', view_func=MyView.as_view('myview'))
When you want to decorate a pluggable view you will have to either do that
when the view function is created (by wrapping the return value of
:meth:`as_view`) or you can use the :attr:`decorators` attribute::
class SecretView(View):
methods = ['GET']
decorators = [superuser_required]
def dispatch_request(self):
The decorators stored in the decorators list are applied one after another
when the view function is created. Note that you can *not* use the class
based decorators since those would decorate the view class and not the
generated view function!
#: A for which methods this pluggable view can handle.
methods = None
#: The canonical way to decorate class based views is to decorate the
#: return value of as_view(). However since this moves parts of the
#: logic from the class declaration to the place where it's hooked
#: into the routing system.
#: You can place one or more decorators in this list and whenever the
#: view function is created the result is automatically decorated.
#: .. versionadded:: 0.8
decorators = []
def dispatch_request(self):
"""Subclasses have to override this method to implement the
actual view functionc ode. This method is called with all
@ -54,6 +82,13 @@ class View(object):
def view(*args, **kwargs):
self = view.view_class(*class_args, **class_kwargs)
return self.dispatch_request(*args, **kwargs)
if cls.decorators:
view.__name__ = name
view.__module__ = cls.__module__
for decorator in cls.decorators:
view = decorator(view)
# we attach the view class to the view function for two reasons:
# first of all it allows us to easily figure out what class based
# view this thing came from, secondly it's also used for instanciating


@ -2258,6 +2258,27 @@ class ViewTestCase(FlaskTestCase):
meths = parse_set_header('/', method='OPTIONS').headers['Allow'])
self.assertEqual(sorted(meths), ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST'])
def test_view_decorators(self):
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def add_x_parachute(f):
def new_function(*args, **kwargs):
resp = flask.make_response(f(*args, **kwargs))
resp.headers['X-Parachute'] = 'awesome'
return resp
return new_function
class Index(flask.views.View):
decorators = [add_x_parachute]
def dispatch_request(self):
return 'Awesome'
app.add_url_rule('/', view_func=Index.as_view('index'))
c = app.test_client()
rv = c.get('/')
self.assertEqual(rv.headers['X-Parachute'], 'awesome')
self.assertEqual(, 'Awesome')
class DeprecationsTestCase(FlaskTestCase):
