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Updated design decisions. This fixes #63

Armin Ronacher 14 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 22


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Release date to be announced, codename to be selected.
- because the Python standard library caches loggers, the name of
the logger is configurable now to better support unittests.
- added `TESTING` switch that can activate unittesting helpers.
- the logger switches to `DEBUG` mode now if debug is enabled.
Version 0.3.1


@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ want to apply a WSGI middleware, just wrap it and you're done (though
there are better ways to do that so that you do not lose the reference
to the application object :meth:`~flask.Flask.wsgi_app`).
Furthermore this design makes it possible to use a factory function to
create the application which is very helpful for unittesting and similar
things (:ref:`app-factories`).
One Template Engine
@ -145,3 +149,21 @@ quick and easy to write a traditional web application.
Also see the :ref:`becomingbig` section of the documentation for some
inspiration for larger applications based on Flask.
What Flask is, What Flask is Not
Flask will never have a database layer. It will not have a form library
or anything else in that direction. Flask itself just bridges to Werkzeug
to implement a proper WSGI application and to Jinja2 to handle templating.
It also binds to a few common standard library packages such as logging.
Everything else is up for extensions.
Why is this the case? Because people have different preferences and
requirements and Flask could not meet those if it would force any of this
into the core. The majority of web applications will need a template
engine in some sort. However not every application needs a SQL database.
The idea of Flask is to build a good foundation for all applications.
Everything else is up to you or extensions.
