# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Template functionality

    :copyright: (c) 2015 by Armin Ronacher.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

import pytest

import flask
import logging
from jinja2 import TemplateNotFound
import werkzeug.serving

def test_context_processing(app, client):
    def context_processor():
        return {'injected_value': 42}

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('context_template.html', value=23)

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert rv.data == b'<p>23|42'

def test_original_win(app, client):
    def index():
        return flask.render_template_string('{{ config }}', config=42)

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert rv.data == b'42'

def test_request_less_rendering(app, app_ctx):
    app.config['WORLD_NAME'] = 'Special World'

    def context_processor():
        return dict(foo=42)

    rv = flask.render_template_string('Hello {{ config.WORLD_NAME }} '
                                      '{{ foo }}')
    assert rv == 'Hello Special World 42'

def test_standard_context(app, client):
    def index():
        flask.g.foo = 23
        flask.session['test'] = 'aha'
        return flask.render_template_string('''
            {{ request.args.foo }}
            {{ g.foo }}
            {{ config.DEBUG }}
            {{ session.test }}

    rv = client.get('/?foo=42')
    assert rv.data.split() == [b'42', b'23', b'False', b'aha']

def test_escaping(app, client):
    text = '<p>Hello World!'

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('escaping_template.html', text=text,

    lines = client.get('/').data.splitlines()
    assert lines == [
        b'&lt;p&gt;Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!',
        b'&lt;p&gt;Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!'

def test_no_escaping(app, client):
    text = '<p>Hello World!'

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('non_escaping_template.txt', text=text,

    lines = client.get('/').data.splitlines()
    assert lines == [
        b'<p>Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!',
        b'&lt;p&gt;Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!',
        b'<p>Hello World!'

def test_escaping_without_template_filename(app, client, req_ctx):
    assert flask.render_template_string(
        '{{ foo }}', foo='<test>') == '&lt;test&gt;'
    assert flask.render_template('mail.txt', foo='<test>') == '<test> Mail'

def test_macros(app, req_ctx):
    macro = flask.get_template_attribute('_macro.html', 'hello')
    assert macro('World') == 'Hello World!'

def test_template_filter(app):
    def my_reverse(s):
        return s[::-1]

    assert 'my_reverse' in app.jinja_env.filters.keys()
    assert app.jinja_env.filters['my_reverse'] == my_reverse
    assert app.jinja_env.filters['my_reverse']('abcd') == 'dcba'

def test_add_template_filter(app):
    def my_reverse(s):
        return s[::-1]

    assert 'my_reverse' in app.jinja_env.filters.keys()
    assert app.jinja_env.filters['my_reverse'] == my_reverse
    assert app.jinja_env.filters['my_reverse']('abcd') == 'dcba'

def test_template_filter_with_name(app):
    def my_reverse(s):
        return s[::-1]

    assert 'strrev' in app.jinja_env.filters.keys()
    assert app.jinja_env.filters['strrev'] == my_reverse
    assert app.jinja_env.filters['strrev']('abcd') == 'dcba'

def test_add_template_filter_with_name(app):
    def my_reverse(s):
        return s[::-1]

    app.add_template_filter(my_reverse, 'strrev')
    assert 'strrev' in app.jinja_env.filters.keys()
    assert app.jinja_env.filters['strrev'] == my_reverse
    assert app.jinja_env.filters['strrev']('abcd') == 'dcba'

def test_template_filter_with_template(app, client):
    def super_reverse(s):
        return s[::-1]

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('template_filter.html', value='abcd')

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert rv.data == b'dcba'

def test_add_template_filter_with_template(app, client):
    def super_reverse(s):
        return s[::-1]


    def index():
        return flask.render_template('template_filter.html', value='abcd')

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert rv.data == b'dcba'

def test_template_filter_with_name_and_template(app, client):
    def my_reverse(s):
        return s[::-1]

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('template_filter.html', value='abcd')

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert rv.data == b'dcba'

def test_add_template_filter_with_name_and_template(app, client):
    def my_reverse(s):
        return s[::-1]

    app.add_template_filter(my_reverse, 'super_reverse')

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('template_filter.html', value='abcd')

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert rv.data == b'dcba'

def test_template_test(app):
    def boolean(value):
        return isinstance(value, bool)

    assert 'boolean' in app.jinja_env.tests.keys()
    assert app.jinja_env.tests['boolean'] == boolean
    assert app.jinja_env.tests['boolean'](False)

def test_add_template_test(app):
    def boolean(value):
        return isinstance(value, bool)

    assert 'boolean' in app.jinja_env.tests.keys()
    assert app.jinja_env.tests['boolean'] == boolean
    assert app.jinja_env.tests['boolean'](False)

def test_template_test_with_name(app):
    def is_boolean(value):
        return isinstance(value, bool)

    assert 'boolean' in app.jinja_env.tests.keys()
    assert app.jinja_env.tests['boolean'] == is_boolean
    assert app.jinja_env.tests['boolean'](False)

def test_add_template_test_with_name(app):
    def is_boolean(value):
        return isinstance(value, bool)

    app.add_template_test(is_boolean, 'boolean')
    assert 'boolean' in app.jinja_env.tests.keys()
    assert app.jinja_env.tests['boolean'] == is_boolean
    assert app.jinja_env.tests['boolean'](False)

def test_template_test_with_template(app, client):
    def boolean(value):
        return isinstance(value, bool)

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('template_test.html', value=False)

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert b'Success!' in rv.data

def test_add_template_test_with_template(app, client):
    def boolean(value):
        return isinstance(value, bool)


    def index():
        return flask.render_template('template_test.html', value=False)

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert b'Success!' in rv.data

def test_template_test_with_name_and_template(app, client):
    def is_boolean(value):
        return isinstance(value, bool)

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('template_test.html', value=False)

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert b'Success!' in rv.data

def test_add_template_test_with_name_and_template(app, client):
    def is_boolean(value):
        return isinstance(value, bool)

    app.add_template_test(is_boolean, 'boolean')

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('template_test.html', value=False)

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert b'Success!' in rv.data

def test_add_template_global(app, app_ctx):
    def get_stuff():
        return 42

    assert 'get_stuff' in app.jinja_env.globals.keys()
    assert app.jinja_env.globals['get_stuff'] == get_stuff
    assert app.jinja_env.globals['get_stuff'](), 42

    rv = flask.render_template_string('{{ get_stuff() }}')
    assert rv == '42'

def test_custom_template_loader(client):
    class MyFlask(flask.Flask):
        def create_global_jinja_loader(self):
            from jinja2 import DictLoader
            return DictLoader({'index.html': 'Hello Custom World!'})

    app = MyFlask(__name__)

    def index():
        return flask.render_template('index.html')

    c = app.test_client()
    rv = c.get('/')
    assert rv.data == b'Hello Custom World!'

def test_iterable_loader(app, client):
    def context_processor():
        return {'whiskey': 'Jameson'}

    def index():
        return flask.render_template(
            ['no_template.xml',  # should skip this one
             'simple_template.html',  # should render this

    rv = client.get('/')
    assert rv.data == b'<h1>Jameson</h1>'

def test_templates_auto_reload(app):
    # debug is False, config option is None
    assert app.debug is False
    assert app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] is None
    assert app.jinja_env.auto_reload is False
    # debug is False, config option is False
    app = flask.Flask(__name__)
    app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = False
    assert app.debug is False
    assert app.jinja_env.auto_reload is False
    # debug is False, config option is True
    app = flask.Flask(__name__)
    app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
    assert app.debug is False
    assert app.jinja_env.auto_reload is True
    # debug is True, config option is None
    app = flask.Flask(__name__)
    app.config['DEBUG'] = True
    assert app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] is None
    assert app.jinja_env.auto_reload is True
    # debug is True, config option is False
    app = flask.Flask(__name__)
    app.config['DEBUG'] = True
    app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = False
    assert app.jinja_env.auto_reload is False
    # debug is True, config option is True
    app = flask.Flask(__name__)
    app.config['DEBUG'] = True
    app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
    assert app.jinja_env.auto_reload is True

def test_templates_auto_reload_debug_run(app, monkeypatch):
    def run_simple_mock(*args, **kwargs):

    monkeypatch.setattr(werkzeug.serving, 'run_simple', run_simple_mock)

    assert app.templates_auto_reload == False
    assert app.jinja_env.auto_reload == False

    assert app.templates_auto_reload == True
    assert app.jinja_env.auto_reload == True

def test_template_loader_debugging(test_apps, monkeypatch):
    from blueprintapp import app

    called = []

    class _TestHandler(logging.Handler):
        def handle(x, record):
            text = str(record.msg)
            assert '1: trying loader of application "blueprintapp"' in text
            assert ('2: trying loader of blueprint "admin" '
                    '(blueprintapp.apps.admin)') in text
            assert ('trying loader of blueprint "frontend" '
                    '(blueprintapp.apps.frontend)') in text
            assert 'Error: the template could not be found' in text
            assert ('looked up from an endpoint that belongs to '
                    'the blueprint "frontend"') in text
            assert 'See http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/blueprints/#templates' in text

    with app.test_client() as c:
        monkeypatch.setitem(app.config, 'EXPLAIN_TEMPLATE_LOADING', True)
            logging.getLogger('flask'), 'handlers', [_TestHandler()]

        with pytest.raises(TemplateNotFound) as excinfo:

        assert 'missing_template.html' in str(excinfo.value)

    assert len(called) == 1

def test_custom_jinja_env():
    class CustomEnvironment(flask.templating.Environment):

    class CustomFlask(flask.Flask):
        jinja_environment = CustomEnvironment

    app = CustomFlask(__name__)
    assert isinstance(app.jinja_env, CustomEnvironment)