.. _deferred-callbacks:

Deferred Request Callbacks

One of the design principles of Flask is that response objects are created and
passed down a chain of potential callbacks that can modify them or replace
them. When the request handling starts, there is no response object yet. It is
created as necessary either by a view function or by some other component in
the system.

What happens if you want to modify the response at a point where the response
does not exist yet?  A common example for that would be a
:meth:`~flask.Flask.before_request` callback that wants to set a cookie on the
response object.

One way is to avoid the situation. Very often that is possible. For instance
you can try to move that logic into a :meth:`~flask.Flask.after_request`
callback instead. However, sometimes moving code there makes it more
more complicated or awkward to reason about.

As an alternative, you can use :func:`~flask.after_this_request` to register
callbacks that will execute after only the current request. This way you can
defer code execution from anywhere in the application, based on the current

At any time during a request, we can register a function to be called at the
end of the request. For example you can remember the current language of the
user in a cookie in a :meth:`~flask.Flask.before_request` callback::

    from flask import request, after_this_request

    def detect_user_language():
        language = request.cookies.get('user_lang')

        if language is None:
            language = guess_language_from_request()

            # when the response exists, set a cookie with the language
            def remember_language(response):
                response.set_cookie('user_lang', language)

        g.language = language