# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    MiniTwit Tests

    Tests the MiniTwit application.

    :copyright: (c) 2015 by Armin Ronacher.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import os
import minitwit
import tempfile
import pytest

def client(request):
    db_fd, minitwit.app.config['DATABASE'] = tempfile.mkstemp()
    client = minitwit.app.test_client()
    with minitwit.app.app_context():

    def teardown():
        """Get rid of the database again after each test."""
    return client

def register(client, username, password, password2=None, email=None):
    """Helper function to register a user"""
    if password2 is None:
        password2 = password
    if email is None:
        email = username + '@example.com'
    return client.post('/register', data={
        'username':     username,
        'password':     password,
        'password2':    password2,
        'email':        email,
    }, follow_redirects=True)

def login(client, username, password):
    """Helper function to login"""
    return client.post('/login', data={
        'username': username,
        'password': password
    }, follow_redirects=True)

def register_and_login(client, username, password):
    """Registers and logs in in one go"""
    register(client, username, password)
    return login(client, username, password)

def logout(client):
    """Helper function to logout"""
    return client.get('/logout', follow_redirects=True)

def add_message(client, text):
    """Records a message"""
    rv = client.post('/add_message', data={'text': text},
    if text:
        assert b'Your message was recorded' in rv.data
    return rv

def test_register(client):
    """Make sure registering works"""
    rv = register(client, 'user1', 'default')
    assert b'You were successfully registered ' \
           b'and can login now' in rv.data
    rv = register(client, 'user1', 'default')
    assert b'The username is already taken' in rv.data
    rv = register(client, '', 'default')
    assert b'You have to enter a username' in rv.data
    rv = register(client, 'meh', '')
    assert b'You have to enter a password' in rv.data
    rv = register(client, 'meh', 'x', 'y')
    assert b'The two passwords do not match' in rv.data
    rv = register(client, 'meh', 'foo', email='broken')
    assert b'You have to enter a valid email address' in rv.data

def test_login_logout(client):
    """Make sure logging in and logging out works"""
    rv = register_and_login(client, 'user1', 'default')
    assert b'You were logged in' in rv.data
    rv = logout(client)
    assert b'You were logged out' in rv.data
    rv = login(client, 'user1', 'wrongpassword')
    assert b'Invalid password' in rv.data
    rv = login(client, 'user2', 'wrongpassword')
    assert b'Invalid username' in rv.data

def test_message_recording(client):
    """Check if adding messages works"""
    register_and_login(client, 'foo', 'default')
    add_message(client, 'test message 1')
    add_message(client, '<test message 2>')
    rv = client.get('/')
    assert b'test message 1' in rv.data
    assert b'&lt;test message 2&gt;' in rv.data

def test_timelines(client):
    """Make sure that timelines work"""
    register_and_login(client, 'foo', 'default')
    add_message(client, 'the message by foo')
    register_and_login(client, 'bar', 'default')
    add_message(client, 'the message by bar')
    rv = client.get('/public')
    assert b'the message by foo' in rv.data
    assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data

    # bar's timeline should just show bar's message
    rv = client.get('/')
    assert b'the message by foo' not in rv.data
    assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data

    # now let's follow foo
    rv = client.get('/foo/follow', follow_redirects=True)
    assert b'You are now following &#34;foo&#34;' in rv.data

    # we should now see foo's message
    rv = client.get('/')
    assert b'the message by foo' in rv.data
    assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data

    # but on the user's page we only want the user's message
    rv = client.get('/bar')
    assert b'the message by foo' not in rv.data
    assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data
    rv = client.get('/foo')
    assert b'the message by foo' in rv.data
    assert b'the message by bar' not in rv.data

    # now unfollow and check if that worked
    rv = client.get('/foo/unfollow', follow_redirects=True)
    assert b'You are no longer following &#34;foo&#34;' in rv.data
    rv = client.get('/')
    assert b'the message by foo' not in rv.data
    assert b'the message by bar' in rv.data