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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:copyright: (c) 2016 by the Flask Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
# This file was part of Flask-CLI and was modified under the terms its license,
# the Revised BSD License.
# Copyright (C) 2015 CERN.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
import sys
import click
import pytest
from click.testing import CliRunner
from flask import Flask, current_app
from flask.cli import AppGroup, FlaskGroup, NoAppException, ScriptInfo, \
find_best_app, locate_app, with_appcontext, prepare_exec_for_file, \
find_default_import_path, get_version
def test_cli_name(test_apps):
"""Make sure the CLI object's name is the app's name and not the app itself"""
from import testapp
assert ==
def test_find_best_app(test_apps):
"""Test if `find_best_app` behaves as expected with different combinations of input."""
class Module:
app = Flask('appname')
assert find_best_app(Module) ==
class Module:
application = Flask('appname')
assert find_best_app(Module) == Module.application
class Module:
myapp = Flask('appname')
assert find_best_app(Module) == Module.myapp
class Module:
pytest.raises(NoAppException, find_best_app, Module)
class Module:
myapp1 = Flask('appname1')
myapp2 = Flask('appname2')
pytest.raises(NoAppException, find_best_app, Module)
def test_prepare_exec_for_file(test_apps):
"""Expect the correct path to be set and the correct module name to be returned.
:func:`prepare_exec_for_file` has a side effect, where
the parent directory of given file is added to `sys.path`.
realpath = os.path.realpath('/tmp/share/')
dirname = os.path.dirname(realpath)
assert prepare_exec_for_file('/tmp/share/') == 'test'
assert dirname in sys.path
realpath = os.path.realpath('/tmp/share/')
dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(realpath))
assert prepare_exec_for_file('/tmp/share/') == 'share'
assert dirname in sys.path
with pytest.raises(NoAppException):
def test_locate_app(test_apps):
"""Test of locate_app."""
assert locate_app("").name == "testapp"
assert locate_app("").name == "testapp"
assert locate_app("cliapp.multiapp:app1").name == "app1"
pytest.raises(NoAppException, locate_app, "")
pytest.raises(NoAppException, locate_app, "cliapp/app")
pytest.raises(RuntimeError, locate_app, "")
def test_find_default_import_path(test_apps, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
"""Test of find_default_import_path."""
monkeypatch.delitem(os.environ, 'FLASK_APP', raising=False)
assert find_default_import_path() == None
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'FLASK_APP', 'notanapp')
assert find_default_import_path() == 'notanapp'
tmpfile = tmpdir.join('')
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'FLASK_APP', str(tmpfile))
expect_rv = prepare_exec_for_file(str(tmpfile))
assert find_default_import_path() == expect_rv
def test_get_version(test_apps, capsys):
"""Test of get_version."""
from flask import __version__ as flask_ver
from sys import version as py_ver
class MockCtx(object):
resilient_parsing = False
color = None
def exit(self): return
ctx = MockCtx()
get_version(ctx, None, "test")
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert flask_ver in out
assert py_ver in out
def test_scriptinfo(test_apps):
"""Test of ScriptInfo."""
obj = ScriptInfo(app_import_path="")
assert obj.load_app().name == "testapp"
assert obj.load_app().name == "testapp"
def create_app(info):
return Flask("createapp")
obj = ScriptInfo(create_app=create_app)
app = obj.load_app()
assert == "createapp"
assert obj.load_app() == app
def test_with_appcontext():
"""Test of with_appcontext."""
def testcmd():
obj = ScriptInfo(create_app=lambda info: Flask("testapp"))
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(testcmd, obj=obj)
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == 'testapp\n'
def test_appgroup():
"""Test of with_appcontext."""
def cli():
def test():
def subgroup():
def test2():
obj = ScriptInfo(create_app=lambda info: Flask("testappgroup"))
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['test'], obj=obj)
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == 'testappgroup\n'
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['subgroup', 'test2'], obj=obj)
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == 'testappgroup\n'
def test_flaskgroup():
"""Test FlaskGroup."""
def create_app(info):
return Flask("flaskgroup"), create_app=create_app)
def cli(**params):
def test():
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['test'])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == 'flaskgroup\n'
def test_override_builtin_cli():
cli = FlaskGroup(create_app=lambda info: Flask('override_builtin'))
@cli.command('run', help="foo")
def run():
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['run'])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == 'override_builtin\n'