// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package repo
import (
const (
HOME base.TplName = "repo/home"
WATCHERS base.TplName = "repo/watchers"
FORKS base.TplName = "repo/forks"
func Home(ctx *middleware.Context) {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
ctx.Data["PageIsViewCode"] = true
ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true
branchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
userName := ctx.Repo.Owner.Name
repoName := ctx.Repo.Repository.Name
repoLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink
branchLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName
treeLink := branchLink
rawLink := ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/raw/" + branchName
// Get tree path
treename := ctx.Repo.TreeName
if len(treename) > 0 {
if treename[len(treename)-1] == '/' {
ctx.Redirect(repoLink + "/src/" + branchName + "/" + treename[:len(treename)-1])
treeLink += "/" + treename
treePath := treename
if len(treePath) != 0 {
treePath = treePath + "/"
entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(treename)
if err != nil && git.IsErrNotExist(err) {
ctx.Handle(404, "GetTreeEntryByPath", err)
if len(treename) != 0 && entry == nil {
ctx.Handle(404, "repo.Home", nil)
if entry != nil && !entry.IsDir() {
blob := entry.Blob()
if dataRc, err := blob.Data(); err != nil {
ctx.Handle(404, "blob.Data", err)
} else {
ctx.Data["FileSize"] = blob.Size()
ctx.Data["IsFile"] = true
ctx.Data["FileName"] = blob.Name()
ext := path.Ext(blob.Name())
if len(ext) > 0 {
ext = ext[1:]
ctx.Data["FileExt"] = ext
ctx.Data["FileLink"] = rawLink + "/" + treename
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
n, _ := dataRc.Read(buf)
if n > 0 {
buf = buf[:n]
_, isTextFile := base.IsTextFile(buf)
_, isImageFile := base.IsImageFile(buf)
ctx.Data["IsFileText"] = isTextFile
switch {
case isImageFile:
ctx.Data["IsImageFile"] = true
case isTextFile:
d, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(dataRc)
buf = append(buf, d...)
readmeExist := base.IsMarkdownFile(blob.Name()) || base.IsReadmeFile(blob.Name())
ctx.Data["ReadmeExist"] = readmeExist
if readmeExist {
ctx.Data["FileContent"] = string(base.RenderMarkdown(buf, path.Dir(treeLink), ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas()))
} else {
if err, content := template.ToUtf8WithErr(buf); err != nil {
if err != nil {
log.Error(4, "Convert content encoding: %s", err)
ctx.Data["FileContent"] = string(buf)
} else {
ctx.Data["FileContent"] = content
} else {
// Directory and file list.
tree, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.SubTree(treename)
if err != nil {
ctx.Handle(404, "SubTree", err)
entries, err := tree.ListEntries()
if err != nil {
ctx.Handle(500, "ListEntries", err)
ctx.Data["Files"], err = entries.GetCommitsInfo(ctx.Repo.Commit, treePath)
if err != nil {
ctx.Handle(500, "GetCommitsInfo", err)
var readmeFile *git.Blob
for _, f := range entries {
if f.IsDir() || !base.IsReadmeFile(f.Name()) {
} else {
readmeFile = f.Blob()
if readmeFile != nil {
ctx.Data["ReadmeInList"] = true
ctx.Data["ReadmeExist"] = true
if dataRc, err := readmeFile.Data(); err != nil {
ctx.Handle(404, "repo.SinglereadmeFile.Data", err)
} else {
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
n, _ := dataRc.Read(buf)
if n > 0 {
buf = buf[:n]
ctx.Data["FileSize"] = readmeFile.Size()
ctx.Data["FileLink"] = rawLink + "/" + treename
_, isTextFile := base.IsTextFile(buf)
ctx.Data["FileIsText"] = isTextFile
ctx.Data["FileName"] = readmeFile.Name()
if isTextFile {
d, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(dataRc)
buf = append(buf, d...)
switch {
case base.IsMarkdownFile(readmeFile.Name()):
buf = base.RenderMarkdown(buf, treeLink, ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas())
buf = bytes.Replace(buf, []byte("\n"), []byte(`<br>`), -1)
ctx.Data["FileContent"] = string(buf)
lastCommit := ctx.Repo.Commit
if len(treePath) > 0 {
c, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetCommitByPath(treePath)
if err != nil {
ctx.Handle(500, "GetCommitByPath", err)
lastCommit = c
ctx.Data["LastCommit"] = lastCommit
ctx.Data["LastCommitUser"] = models.ValidateCommitWithEmail(lastCommit)
branchId, err := ctx.Repo.GitRepo.GetBranchCommitID(branchName)
if err != nil || branchId != lastCommit.ID.String() {
branchId = lastCommit.ID.String()
Langs := getLanguageStats(ctx, branchId)
ctx.Data["LanguageStats"] = Langs
ctx.Data["Username"] = userName
ctx.Data["Reponame"] = repoName
var treenames []string
Paths := make([]string, 0)
if len(treename) > 0 {
treenames = strings.Split(treename, "/")
for i, _ := range treenames {
Paths = append(Paths, strings.Join(treenames[0:i+1], "/"))
ctx.Data["HasParentPath"] = true
if len(Paths)-2 >= 0 {
ctx.Data["ParentPath"] = "/" + Paths[len(Paths)-2]
ctx.Data["Paths"] = Paths
ctx.Data["TreeName"] = treename
ctx.Data["Treenames"] = treenames
ctx.Data["TreePath"] = treePath
ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = branchLink
ctx.HTML(200, HOME)
func renderItems(ctx *middleware.Context, total int, getter func(page int) ([]*models.User, error)) {
page := ctx.QueryInt("page")
if page <= 0 {
page = 1
pager := paginater.New(total, models.ItemsPerPage, page, 5)
ctx.Data["Page"] = pager
items, err := getter(pager.Current())
if err != nil {
ctx.Handle(500, "getter", err)
ctx.Data["Watchers"] = items
func Watchers(ctx *middleware.Context) {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.watchers")
ctx.Data["PageIsWatchers"] = true
renderItems(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.NumWatches, ctx.Repo.Repository.GetWatchers)
func Stars(ctx *middleware.Context) {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.stargazers")
ctx.Data["PageIsStargazers"] = true
renderItems(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.NumStars, ctx.Repo.Repository.GetStargazers)
func Forks(ctx *middleware.Context) {
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repos.forks")
forks, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetForks()
if err != nil {
ctx.Handle(500, "GetForks", err)
for _, fork := range forks {
if err = fork.GetOwner(); err != nil {
ctx.Handle(500, "GetOwner", err)
ctx.Data["Forks"] = forks
ctx.HTML(200, FORKS)
func getLanguageStats(ctx *middleware.Context, branchId string) interface{} {
all_files := linguistlstree(ctx, branchId)
languages := map[string]float64{}
var total_size float64
for _, f := range all_files {
languages[f.Language] += f.Size
total_size += f.Size
percent := []float64{}
results := map[float64]string{}
for lang, size := range languages {
p := size / total_size * 100.0
percent = append(percent, p)
results[p] = lang
ret := []*LanguageStat{}
for i, p := range percent {
// limit result set
if i > 10 {
lang := results[p]
color := linguist.LanguageColor(lang)
if color == "" {
color = "#ccc" //grey
ret = append(ret, &LanguageStat{Name: lang,
Percent: fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", p),
Color: color})
return ret
type LanguageStat struct {
Name string
Percent string
Color string
// see below
type file struct {
Name string
Size float64
Language string
// just some utilities...
func gitcmd(ctx *middleware.Context, args ...string) string {
stdout, _, err := com.ExecCmdDir(ctx.Repo.GitRepo.Path, "git", args...)
tsoErr(ctx, err)
return stdout
func gitcmdbytes(ctx *middleware.Context, args ...string) []byte {
stdout, _, err := com.ExecCmdDirBytes(ctx.Repo.GitRepo.Path, "git", args...)
tsoErr(ctx, err)
return stdout
func tsoErr(ctx *middleware.Context, err error) {
if err != nil {
ctx.Handle(500, "*blames tso*", err)
// returns every file in a tree
// additionally detecting programming language
func linguistlstree(ctx *middleware.Context, treeish string) (files []*file) {
files = []*file{}
lstext := gitcmd(ctx, "ls-tree", treeish)
for _, ln := range strings.Split(lstext, "\n") {
fields := strings.Split(ln, " ")
if len(fields) != 3 {
//fmode := fields[0]
ftype := fields[1]
fields = strings.Split(fields[2], "\t")
if len(fields) != 2 {
fhash := fields[0]
fname := fields[1]
switch ftype {
case "tree":
subdir := linguistlstree(ctx, fhash)
files = append(files, subdir...)
case "blob":
ssize := gitcmd(ctx, "cat-file", "-s", fhash)
fsize, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(ssize), 64)
tsoErr(ctx, err)
// if it's an empty file don't even waste time
if fsize == 0 {
// language detection
// see github.com/generaltso/linguist
if linguist.ShouldIgnoreFilename(fname) {
f := &file{}
f.Name = fname
f.Size = fsize
by_name := linguist.LanguageByFilename(fname)
if by_name != "" {
f.Language = by_name
files = append(files, f)
hints := linguist.LanguageHints(fname)
contents := gitcmdbytes(ctx, "cat-file", "blob", fhash)
if linguist.ShouldIgnoreContents(contents) {
by_contents := linguist.LanguageByContents(contents, hints)
if by_contents != "" {
f.Language = by_contents
} else {
f.Language = "(unknown)"
files = append(files, f)
return files