// Copyright 2013-2014 gopm authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package cmd
import (
var (
installRepoPath string // The path of gopm local repository.
installGopath string // The first path in the GOPATH.
isHasGopath bool // Indicates whether system has GOPATH.
downloadCache map[string]bool // Saves packages that have been downloaded.
downloadCount int
failConut int
var CmdGet = cli.Command{
Name: "get",
Usage: "fetch remote package(s) and dependencies to local repository",
Description: `Command get fetches a package, and any pakcage that it depents on.
If the package has a gopmfile, the fetch process will be driven by that.
gopm get
gopm get <import path>@[<tag|commit|branch>:<value>]
gopm get <package name>@[<tag|commit|branch>:<value>]
Can specify one or more: gopm get beego@tag:v0.9.0 github.com/beego/bee
If no version specified and package exists in GOPATH,
it will be skipped unless user enabled '--remote, -r' option
then all the packages go into gopm local repository.`,
Action: runGet,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
cli.BoolFlag{"gopath, g", "download all pakcages to GOPATH"},
cli.BoolFlag{"update, u", "update pakcage(s) and dependencies if any"},
cli.BoolFlag{"example, e", "download dependencies for example folder"},
cli.BoolFlag{"remote, r", "download all pakcages to gopm local repository"},
cli.BoolFlag{"verbose, v", "show process details"},
func init() {
downloadCache = make(map[string]bool)
func runGet(ctx *cli.Context) {
// Check conflicts.
if ctx.Bool("gopath") && ctx.Bool("remote") {
log.Error("get", "Command options have conflicts")
log.Error("", "Following options are not supposed to use at same time:")
log.Error("", "\t'--gopath, -g' '--remote, -r'")
log.Help("Try 'gopm help get' to get more information")
if !ctx.Bool("remote") {
// Get GOPATH.
installGopath = com.GetGOPATHs()[0]
if com.IsDir(installGopath) {
isHasGopath = true
log.Log("Indicated GOPATH: %s", installGopath)
installGopath += "/src"
} else {
if ctx.Bool("gopath") {
log.Error("get", "Invalid GOPATH path")
log.Error("", "GOPATH does not exist or is not a directory:")
log.Error("", "\t"+installGopath)
log.Help("Try 'go help gopath' to get more information")
} else {
// It's OK that no GOPATH setting
// when user does not specify to use.
log.Warn("No GOPATH setting available")
// The gopm local repository.
installRepoPath = path.Join(doc.HomeDir, "repos")
log.Log("Local repository path: %s", installRepoPath)
// Check number of arguments to decide which function to call.
switch len(ctx.Args()) {
case 0:
func getByGopmfile(ctx *cli.Context) {
// Check if gopmfile exists and generate one if not.
if !com.IsFile(".gopmfile") {
gf := doc.NewGopmfile(".")
targetPath := parseTarget(gf.MustValue("target", "path"))
// Get dependencies.
imports := doc.GetAllImports([]string{workDir}, targetPath, ctx.Bool("example"))
nodes := make([]*doc.Node, 0, len(imports))
for _, p := range imports {
p = doc.GetProjectPath(p)
// Skip subpackage(s) of current project.
if isSubpackage(p, targetPath) {
node := doc.NewNode(p, p, doc.BRANCH, "", true)
// Check if user specified the version.
if v, err := gf.GetValue("deps", p); err == nil && len(v) > 0 {
node.Type, node.Value = validPath(v)
nodes = append(nodes, node)
downloadPackages(ctx, nodes)
log.Log("%d package(s) downloaded, %d failed", downloadCount, failConut)
func getByPath(ctx *cli.Context) {
nodes := make([]*doc.Node, 0, len(ctx.Args()))
for _, info := range ctx.Args() {
pkgPath := info
node := doc.NewNode(pkgPath, pkgPath, doc.BRANCH, "", true)
if i := strings.Index(info, "@"); i > -1 {
pkgPath = info[:i]
tp, ver := validPath(info[i+1:])
node = doc.NewNode(pkgPath, pkgPath, tp, ver, true)
// Check package name.
if !strings.Contains(pkgPath, "/") {
pkgPath = doc.GetPkgFullPath(pkgPath)
nodes = append(nodes, node)
downloadPackages(ctx, nodes)
log.Log("%d package(s) downloaded, %d failed", downloadCount, failConut)
func copyToGopath(srcPath, destPath string) {
importPath := strings.TrimPrefix(destPath, installGopath+"/")
if len(getVcsName(destPath)) > 0 {
log.Warn("Package in GOPATH has version control: %s", importPath)
err := com.CopyDir(srcPath, destPath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("download", "Fail to copy to GOPATH:")
log.Fatal("", "\t"+err.Error())
log.Log("Package copied to GOPATH: %s", importPath)
// downloadPackages downloads packages with certain commit,
// if the commit is empty string, then it downloads all dependencies,
// otherwise, it only downloada package with specific commit only.
func downloadPackages(ctx *cli.Context, nodes []*doc.Node) {
for _, node := range nodes {
// Check all packages, they may be raw packages path.
for _, n := range nodes {
// Check if local reference
if n.Type == doc.LOCAL {
// Check if it is a valid remote path or C.
if n.ImportPath == "C" {
} else if !doc.IsValidRemotePath(n.ImportPath) {
// Invalid import path.
log.Error("download", "Skipped invalid package: "+fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s:%s",
n.ImportPath, n.Type, doc.CheckNodeValue(n.Value)))
// Valid import path.
gopathDir := path.Join(installGopath, n.ImportPath)
n.RootPath = doc.GetProjectPath(n.ImportPath)
installPath := path.Join(installRepoPath, n.RootPath) + versionSuffix(n.Value)
if isSubpackage(n.RootPath, ".") {
// Indicates whether need to download package again.
if n.IsFixed() && com.IsExist(installPath) {
n.IsGetDepsOnly = true
if !ctx.Bool("update") {
// Check if package has been downloaded.
if (len(n.Value) == 0 && !ctx.Bool("remote") && com.IsExist(gopathDir)) ||
com.IsExist(installPath) {
log.Trace("Skipped installed package: %s@%s:%s",
n.ImportPath, n.Type, doc.CheckNodeValue(n.Value))
// Only copy when no version control.
if ctx.Bool("gopath") && com.IsExist(installPath) ||
len(getVcsName(gopathDir)) == 0 {
copyToGopath(installPath, gopathDir)
} else {
doc.LocalNodes.SetValue(n.RootPath, "value", "")
if downloadCache[n.RootPath] {
log.Trace("Skipped downloaded package: %s@%s:%s",
n.ImportPath, n.Type, doc.CheckNodeValue(n.Value))
// Download package.
nod, imports := downloadPackage(ctx, n)
if len(imports) > 0 {
var gf *goconfig.ConfigFile
// Check if has gopmfile.
if com.IsFile(installPath + "/" + doc.GOPM_FILE_NAME) {
log.Log("Found gopmfile: %s@%s:%s",
n.ImportPath, n.Type, doc.CheckNodeValue(n.Value))
gf = doc.NewGopmfile(installPath)
// Need to download dependencies.
// Generate temporary nodes.
nodes := make([]*doc.Node, len(imports))
for i := range nodes {
nodes[i] = doc.NewNode(imports[i], imports[i], doc.BRANCH, "", true)
if gf == nil {
// Check if user specified the version.
if v, err := gf.GetValue("deps", imports[i]); err == nil && len(v) > 0 {
nodes[i].Type, nodes[i].Value = validPath(v)
downloadPackages(ctx, nodes)
// Only save package information with specific commit.
if nod == nil {
// Save record in local nodes.
log.Success("SUCC", "GET", fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s:%s",
n.ImportPath, n.Type, doc.CheckNodeValue(n.Value)))
// Only save non-commit node.
if len(nod.Value) == 0 && len(nod.Revision) > 0 {
doc.LocalNodes.SetValue(nod.RootPath, "value", nod.Revision)
if ctx.Bool("gopath") && com.IsExist(installPath) && !ctx.Bool("update") &&
len(getVcsName(path.Join(installGopath, nod.RootPath))) == 0 {
copyToGopath(installPath, gopathDir)
// downloadPackage downloads package either use version control tools or not.
func downloadPackage(ctx *cli.Context, nod *doc.Node) (*doc.Node, []string) {
log.Message("Downloading", fmt.Sprintf("package: %s@%s:%s",
nod.ImportPath, nod.Type, doc.CheckNodeValue(nod.Value)))
// Mark as donwloaded.
downloadCache[nod.RootPath] = true
// Check if only need to use VCS tools.
var imports []string
var err error
gopathDir := path.Join(installGopath, nod.RootPath)
vcs := getVcsName(gopathDir)
if ctx.Bool("update") && ctx.Bool("gopath") && len(vcs) > 0 {
err = updateByVcs(vcs, gopathDir)
imports = doc.GetAllImports([]string{gopathDir}, nod.RootPath, false)
} else {
// If package has revision and exist, then just check dependencies.
if nod.IsGetDepsOnly {
return nod, doc.GetAllImports([]string{path.Join(installRepoPath, nod.RootPath) + versionSuffix(nod.Value)},
nod.RootPath, ctx.Bool("example"))
nod.Revision = doc.LocalNodes.MustValue(nod.RootPath, "value")
imports, err = doc.PureDownload(nod, installRepoPath, ctx) //CmdGet.Flags)
if err != nil {
log.Error("get", "Fail to download pakage: "+nod.ImportPath)
log.Error("", "\t"+err.Error())
os.RemoveAll(installRepoPath + "/" + nod.RootPath)
return nil, nil
return nod, imports
func getVcsName(dirPath string) string {
switch {
case com.IsExist(path.Join(dirPath, ".git")):
return "git"
case com.IsExist(path.Join(dirPath, ".hg")):
return "hg"
case com.IsExist(path.Join(dirPath, ".svn")):
return "svn"
return ""
func updateByVcs(vcs, dirPath string) error {
err := os.Chdir(dirPath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Update by VCS", "Fail to change work directory:")
log.Fatal("", "\t"+err.Error())
defer os.Chdir(workDir)
switch vcs {
case "git":
branch, _, err := com.ExecCmd("git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD")
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "Error occurs when 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'")
log.Error("", "\t"+err.Error())
_, _, err = com.ExecCmd("git", "pull", "origin", branch)
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "Error occurs when 'git pull origin "+branch+"'")
log.Error("", "\t"+err.Error())
case "hg":
_, stderr, err := com.ExecCmd("hg", "pull")
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "Error occurs when 'hg pull'")
log.Error("", "\t"+err.Error())
if len(stderr) > 0 {
log.Error("", "Error: "+stderr)
_, stderr, err = com.ExecCmd("hg", "up")
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "Error occurs when 'hg up'")
log.Error("", "\t"+err.Error())
if len(stderr) > 0 {
log.Error("", "Error: "+stderr)
case "svn":
_, stderr, err := com.ExecCmd("svn", "update")
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "Error occurs when 'svn update'")
log.Error("", "\t"+err.Error())
if len(stderr) > 0 {
log.Error("", "Error: "+stderr)
return nil