docker_helper=If you're running Gogs inside Docker, please read <a target="_blank" href="%s">Guidelines</a> carefully before you change anything in this page!
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 or TiDB.
db_title=Database Settings
db_type=Database Type
db_name=Database Name
db_helper=Please use INNODB engine with utf8_general_ci charset for MySQL.
ssl_mode=SSL Mode
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 or TiDB database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 or TiDB database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=You cannot disable registration without creating an admin account.
err_empty_admin_password=Admin password cannot be empty.
general_title=Application General Settings
app_name=Application Name
app_name_helper=Put your organisation name here huge and loud!
repo_path=Repository Root Path
repo_path_helper=All Git remote repositories will be saved to this directory.
run_user=Run User
run_user_helper=The user must have access to Repository Root Path and run Gogs.
domain_helper=This affects SSH clone URLs.
ssh_port=SSH Port
ssh_port_helper=Port number which your SSH server is using, leave it empty to disable SSH feature.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=HTTP Port
http_port_helper=Port number which application will listen on.
app_url=Application URL
app_url_helper=This affects HTTP/HTTPS clone URL and somewhere in email.
log_root_path=Log Path
log_root_path_helper=Directory to write log files to.
enable_console_mode=Enable Console Mode
enable_console_mode_popup=In addition to file mode, also print logs to console.
optional_title=Optional Settings
email_title=Email Service Settings
smtp_host=SMTP Host
smtp_from_helper=Mail from address, RFC 5322. It can be just an email address, or the "Name" <> format.
mailer_user=Sender Email
mailer_password=Sender Password
register_confirm=Enable Register Confirmation
mail_notify=Enable Mail Notification
server_service_title=Server and Other Services Settings
offline_mode=Enable Offline Mode
offline_mode_popup=Disable CDN even in production mode, all resource files will be served locally.
disable_gravatar=Disable Gravatar Service
disable_gravatar_popup=Disable Gravatar and custom sources, all avatars are uploaded by users or default.
federated_avatar_lookup_popup=Enable federated avatars lookup to use federated open source service based on libravatar.
disable_registration=Disable Self-registration
disable_registration_popup=Disable user self-registration, only admin can create accounts.
enable_captcha=Enable Captcha
enable_captcha_popup=Require validate captcha for user self-registration.
require_sign_in_view=Enable Require Sign In to View Pages
require_sign_in_view_popup=Only signed in users can view pages, visitors will only be able to see sign in/up pages.
admin_setting_desc=You do not have to create an admin account right now, user whoever ID=1 will gain admin access automatically.
admin_title=Admin Account Settings
confirm_password=Confirm Password
admin_email=Admin Email
install_gogs=Install Gogs
test_git_failed=Fail to test 'git' command: %v
sqlite3_not_available=Your release version does not support SQLite3, please download the official binary version from %s, NOT the gobuild version.
invalid_db_setting=Database setting is not correct: %v
invalid_repo_path=Repository root path is invalid: %v
run_user_not_match=Run user isn't the current user: %s -> %s
smtp_host_missing_port=SMTP Host is missing port in address.
invalid_smtp_from=SMTP From field is not valid: %v
save_config_failed=Fail to save configuration: %v
invalid_admin_setting=Admin account setting is invalid: %v
install_success=Welcome! We're glad that you chose Gogs, have fun and take care.
invalid_log_root_path=Log root path is invalid: %v
uname_holder=Username or email
switch_dashboard_context=Switch Dashboard Context
my_repos=My Repositories
show_more_repos=Show more repositories...
collaborative_repos=Collaborative Repositories
my_orgs=My Organisations
my_mirrors=My Mirrors
view_home=View %s
issues.in_your_repos=In your repositories
create_new_account=Create New Account
register_hepler_msg=Already have an account? Sign in now!
social_register_hepler_msg=Already have an account? Bind now!
disable_register_prompt=Sorry, registration has been disabled. Please contact the site administrator.
disable_register_mail=Sorry, Register Mail Confirmation has been disabled.
remember_me=Remember Me
forgot_password=Forgot Password
forget_password=Forgot password?
sign_up_now=Need an account? Sign up now.
confirmation_mail_sent_prompt=A new confirmation email has been sent to <b>%s</b>, please check your inbox within the next %d hours to complete the registration process.
active_your_account=Activate Your Account
prohibit_login=Login Prohibited
prohibit_login_desc=Your account is prohibited to login, please contact site admin.
resent_limit_prompt=Sorry, you already requested an activation email recently. Please wait 3 minutes then try again.
has_unconfirmed_mail=Hi %s, you have an unconfirmed email address (<b>%s</b>). If you haven't received a confirmation email or need to resend a new one, please click on the button below.
resend_mail=Click here to resend your activation email
send_reset_mail=Click here to (re)send your password reset email
reset_password=Reset Your Password
invalid_code=Sorry, your confirmation code has expired or not valid.
reset_password_helper=Click here to reset your password
password_too_short=Password length cannot be less then 6.
non_local_account=Non-local accounts cannot change passwords through Gogs.
login_two_factor=Two-factor Authentication
login_two_factor_passcode=Authentication Passcode
login_two_factor_enter_recovery_code=Enter a two-factor recovery code
login_two_factor_recovery=Two-factor Recovery
login_two_factor_recovery_code=Recovery Code
login_two_factor_enter_passcode=Enter a two-factor passcode
login_two_factor_invalid_recovery_code=Recovery code has been used or does not valid.
activate_account=Please activate your account
activate_email=Verify your email address
reset_password=Reset your password
register_success=Registration successful, welcome
register_notify=Welcome on board
RepoName=Repository name
Email=Email address
Retype=Re-type password
SSHTitle=SSH key name
PayloadUrl=Payload URL
TeamName=Team name
AuthName=Authorisation name
AdminEmail=Admin email
NewBranchName=New branch name
CommitSummary=Commit summary
CommitMessage=Commit message
CommitChoice=Commit choice
TreeName=File path
require_error=` cannot be empty.`
alpha_dash_error=` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) characters.`
alpha_dash_dot_error=` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) or dot characters.`
alpha_dash_dot_slash_error=` must be valid alpha or numeric or dash(-_) or dot characters or slashes.`
size_error=` must be size %s.`
min_size_error=` must contain at least %s characters.`
max_size_error=` must contain at most %s characters.`
email_error=` is not a valid email address.`
url_error=` is not a valid URL.`
include_error=` must contain substring '%s'.`
unknown_error=Unknown error:
captcha_incorrect=Captcha didn't match.
password_not_match=Password and confirm password are not same.
username_been_taken=Username has already been taken.
repo_name_been_taken=Repository name has already been taken.
org_name_been_taken=Organisation name has already been taken.
team_name_been_taken=Team name has already been taken.
email_been_used=Email address has already been used.
username_password_incorrect=Username or password is not correct.
enterred_invalid_repo_name=Please make sure that the repository name you have entered is correct.
enterred_invalid_owner_name=Please make sure that the owner name you have entered is correct.
enterred_invalid_password=Please make sure the that password you have entered is correct.
user_not_exist=Given user does not exist.
last_org_owner=Removing the last user from a owner team isn't allowed, as there must always be at least one owner in any given organisation.
invalid_ssh_key=Sorry, we're not able to verify your SSH key: %s
unable_verify_ssh_key=Gogs cannot verify your SSH key, but we assume that it is valid, please double-check it.
auth_failed=Authentication failed: %v
still_own_repo=Your account still has ownership over at least one repository, you have to delete or transfer them first.
still_has_org=Your account still has membership in at least one organisation, you have to leave or delete your memberships first.
org_still_own_repo=This organisation still has ownership of repositories, you must delete or transfer them first.
target_branch_not_exist=Target branch does not exist.
change_avatar=Change your avatar
join_on=Joined on
activity=Public Activity
starred=Starred repositories
form.name_reserved=Username '%s' is reserved.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Username pattern '%s' is not allowed.
ssh_keys=SSH Keys
delete=Delete Account
public_profile=Public Profile
profile_desc=Your email address is public and will be used for any account related notifications, and any web based operations made via the site.
password_username_disabled=Non-local type users are not allowed to change their username.
full_name=Full Name
update_profile=Update Profile
update_profile_success=Your profile has been updated successfully.
change_username=Username Changed
change_username_prompt=This change will affect the way how links relate to your account.
lookup_avatar_by_mail=Lookup Avatar by mail
federated_avatar_lookup=Federated Avatar Lookup
enable_custom_avatar=Use Custom Avatar
choose_new_avatar=Choose new avatar
update_avatar=Update Avatar Setting
delete_current_avatar=Delete Current Avatar
uploaded_avatar_not_a_image=Uploaded file is not a image.
update_avatar_success=Your avatar setting has been updated successfully.
change_password=Change Password
old_password=Current Password
new_password=New Password
retype_new_password=Retype New Password
password_incorrect=Current password is not correct.
change_password_success=Your password was successfully changed. You can now sign using this new password.
password_change_disabled=Non-local type users are not allowed to change their password.
emails=Email Addresses
manage_emails=Manage email addresses
email_desc=Your primary email address will be used for notifications and other operations.
primary_email=Set as primary
email_deletion=Email Deletion
email_deletion_desc=Deleting this email address will remove related information from your account. Do you want to continue?
email_deletion_success=Email has been deleted successfully!
add_new_email=Add new email address
add_email=Add email
add_email_confirmation_sent=A new confirmation email has been sent to '%s', please check your inbox within the next %d hours to complete the confirmation process.
add_email_success=Your new email address was successfully added.
manage_ssh_keys=Manage SSH Keys
add_key=Add Key
ssh_desc=This is a list of SSH keys associated with your account. As these keys allow anyone using them to gain access to your repositories, it is highly important that you make sure you recognise them.
ssh_helper=<strong>Don't know how?</strong> Check out GitHub's guide to <a href="%s">create your own SSH keys</a> or solve <a href="%s">common problems</a> you might encounter using SSH.
add_new_key=Add SSH Key
ssh_key_been_used=Public key content has been used.
ssh_key_name_used=Public key with same name already exists.
key_name=Key Name
add_key_success=New SSH key '%s' has been added successfully!
ssh_key_deletion=SSH Key Deletion
ssh_key_deletion_desc=Deleting this SSH key will remove all related accesses for your account. Do you want to continue?
ssh_key_deletion_success=SSH key has been deleted successfully!
add_on=Added on
last_used=Last used on
no_activity=No recent activity
key_state_desc=This key is used in last 7 days
token_state_desc=This token is used in last 7 days
two_factor=Two-factor Authentication
two_factor_view_recovery_codes=View and save <a href="%s%s">your recovery codes</a> in a safe place. You can use them as passcode if you lose access to your authentication application.
two_factor_http=For HTTP/HTTPS operations, you are no longer able to use plain username and password. Please create and use <a href="%[1]s%[2]s">Personal Access Token</a> as your credential, e.g. <code>%[3]s</code>.
two_factor_recovery_codes_desc=Recovery codes are used when you temporarily lose access to your authentication application. Each recovery code can only be used once, <b>please keep these codes in a safe place</b>.
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=You must be on a branch to make or propose changes to this file
editor.fork_before_edit=You must fork this repository before editing the file
editor.delete_this_file=Delete this file
editor.must_have_write_access=You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file
editor.file_delete_success=File '%s' has been deleted successfully!
editor.name_your_file=Name your file...
editor.filename_help=To add directory, just type it and press /. To remove a directory, go to the beginning of the field and press backspace.
editor.commit_changes=Commit Changes
editor.add_tmpl=Add '%s/<filename>'
editor.add=Add '%s'
editor.update=Update '%s'
editor.delete=Delete '%s'
editor.commit_message_desc=Add an optional extended description...
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Commit directly to the <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> branch.
editor.create_new_branch=Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit and start a pull request.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=New branch name...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Filename cannot be empty.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Entry '%s' in the parent path is a file not a directory in this repository.
editor.file_is_a_symlink=The file '%s' is a symlink that cannot be modified from the web editor.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=The filename '%s' is an existing directory in this repository.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=The file '%s' you are editing no longer exists in the repository.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=File content has been changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Click here</a> to see what have been changed or <strong>press commit again</strong> to overwrite those changes.
editor.file_already_exists=A file with name '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.no_changes_to_show=There are no changes to show.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
editor.add_subdir=Add subdirectory...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v
editor.upload_files_to_dir=Upload files to '%s'
commits.commit_history=Commit History
commits.commits=Commits commits
commits.newer=Newer Issue Label labels Milestone milestone Milestones Milestones assignee assignee
issues.create=Create Issue
issues.new_label=New Label
issues.new_label_placeholder=Label name...
issues.create_label=Create Label
issues.label_templates.title=Load a predefined set of labels aren't any labels yet. You can click on the "New Label" button above to create one or use a predefined set below.
issues.label_templates.helper=Select a label set
issues.label_templates.use=Use this label set
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Failed to load label template file '%s': %v
pulls.has_pull_request=`There is already a pull request between these two targets: <a href="%[1]s/pulls/%[3]d">%[2]s#%[3]d</a>`
pulls.create=Create Pull Request
pulls.title_desc=wants to merge %[1]d commits from <code>%[2]s</code> into <code>%[3]s</code>
pulls.merged_title_desc=merged %[1]d commits from <code>%[2]s</code> into <code>%[3]s</code> %[4]s
pulls.tab_files=Files changed
pulls.reopen_to_merge=Please reopen this pull request to perform merge operation.
pulls.has_merged=This pull request has been merged successfully!
pulls.data_broken=Data of this pull request has been broken due to deletion of fork information.
pulls.is_checking=The conflict checking is still in progress, please refresh page in few moments.
pulls.can_auto_merge_desc=This pull request can be merged automatically.
pulls.cannot_auto_merge_desc=This pull request can't be merged automatically because there are conflicts.
pulls.cannot_auto_merge_helper=Please merge manually in order to resolve the conflicts.
pulls.merge_pull_request=Merge Pull Request
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`You can't perform reopen operation because there is already an open pull request (#%d) from same repository with same merge information and is waiting for merging.`
pulls.delete_branch=Delete Branch
pulls.delete_branch_has_new_commits=Branch cannot be deleted because it has new commits after mergence. Milestone
milestones.open_tab=%d Open
milestones.close_tab=%d Closed
milestones.closed=Closed %s
milestones.no_due_date=No due date
milestones.new_subheader=Create milestones to organise your issues.
milestones.create=Create Milestone
milestones.due_date=Due Date (optional)
milestones.invalid_due_date_format=Due date format is invalid, must be 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
milestones.create_success=Milestone '%s' has been created successfully!
milestones.edit=Edit Milestone
milestones.edit_subheader=Use a better description for milestones so people won't be confused.
milestones.modify=Modify Milestone
milestones.edit_success=Changes of milestone '%s' has been saved successfully!
milestones.deletion=Milestone Deletion
milestones.deletion_desc=Deleting this milestone will remove its information in all related issues. Do you want to continue?
milestones.deletion_success=Milestone has been deleted successfully!
wiki.welcome=Welcome to Wiki!
wiki.welcome_desc=Wiki is the place where you would like to document your project together and make it better.
wiki.create_first_page=Create the first page
wiki.filter_page=Filter page
wiki.new_page=Create New Page
wiki.default_commit_message=Write a note about this update (optional).
wiki.save_page=Save Page
wiki.last_commit_info=%s edited this page %s
wiki.new_page_button=New Page
wiki.delete_page_button=Delete Page
wiki.delete_page_notice_1=This will delete the page <code>"%s"</code>. Please be certain.
wiki.page_already_exists=Wiki page with same name already exists.
wiki.last_updated=Last updated %s
settings.branches_bare=You cannot manage branches for bare repository. Please push some content first.
settings.default_branch=Default Branch
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_unsupported=Change default branch is not supported by the Git version on server.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch. Users in whitelist will bypass require pull request check.
settings.protect_whitelist_users=Users who can push to this branch
settings.tracker_url_format_desc=You can use placeholder <code>{user} {repo} {index}</code> for user name, repository name and issue index.
settings.pulls_desc=Enable pull requests to accept public contributions
settings.danger_zone=Danger Zone
settings.cannot_fork_to_same_owner=You cannot fork a repository to its original owner.
settings.new_owner_has_same_repo=The new owner already has a repository with same name. Please choose another name.
settings.convert=Convert To Regular Repository
settings.convert_desc=You can convert this mirror to a regular repository. This cannot be reversed.
settings.convert_notices_1=- This operation will convert this repository mirror into a regular repository and cannot be undone.
settings.convert_confirm=Confirm Conversion
settings.convert_succeed=Repository has been converted to regular type successfully.
settings.transfer=Transfer Ownership
settings.transfer_desc=Transfer this repository to another user or to an organisation in which you have admin rights.
settings.transfer_notices_1=- You will lose access if new owner is a individual user.
settings.transfer_notices_2=- You will conserve access if new owner is an organisation and if you're one of the owners.
settings.transfer_form_title=Please enter following information to confirm your operation:
settings.wiki_delete=Erase Wiki Data
settings.wiki_delete_desc=Once you erase wiki data there is no going back. Please be certain.
settings.wiki_delete_notices_1=- This will delete and disable the wiki for %s
settings.wiki_deletion_success=Repository wiki data have been erased successfully.
settings.delete=Delete This Repository
settings.delete_desc=Once you delete a repository, there is no going back. Please be certain.
settings.delete_notices_1=- This operation <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undone.
settings.delete_notices_2=- This operation will permanently delete the everything of this repository, including Git data, issues, comments and accesses of collaborators.
settings.delete_notices_fork_1=- All forks will become independent after deletion.
settings.deletion_success=Repository has been deleted successfully!
settings.update_settings_success=Repository options has been updated successfully.
settings.transfer_owner=New Owner
settings.make_transfer=Make Transfer
settings.transfer_succeed=Repository ownership has been transferred successfully.
settings.confirm_delete=Confirm Deletion
settings.add_collaborator=Add New Collaborator
settings.add_collaborator_success=New collaborator has been added.
settings.collaborator_deletion_desc=This user will no longer have collaboration access to this repository after deletion. Do you want to continue?
settings.remove_collaborator_success=Collaborator has been removed.
settings.search_user_placeholder=Search user...
settings.org_not_allowed_to_be_collaborator=Organisation is not allowed to be added as a collaborator.
settings.add_webhook=Add Webhook
settings.hooks_desc=Webhooks are much like basic HTTP POST event triggers. Whenever something occurs in Gogs, we will handle the notification to the target host you specify. Learn more in this <a target="_blank" href="%s">Webhooks Guide</a>.
settings.webhook_deletion=Delete Webhook
settings.webhook_deletion_desc=Delete this webhook will remove its information and all delivery history. Do you want to continue?
settings.webhook_deletion_success=Webhook has been deleted successfully!
settings.webhook.test_delivery=Test Delivery
settings.webhook.test_delivery_desc=Send a fake push event delivery to test your webhook settings
settings.webhook.test_delivery_success=Test webhook has been added to delivery queue. It may take few seconds before it shows up in the delivery history.
settings.webhook.redelivery_success=Hook task '%s' has been readded to delivery queue. It may take few seconds to update delivery status in history.
settings.githooks_desc=Git Hooks are powered by Git itself, you can edit files of supported hooks in the list below to perform custom operations.
settings.githook_edit_desc=If the hook is inactive, sample content will be presented. Leaving content to an empty value will disable this hook.
settings.githook_name=Hook Name
settings.githook_content=Hook Content
settings.update_githook=Update Hook
settings.add_webhook_desc=Gogs will send a <code>POST</code> request to the URL you specify, along with regarding the event that occured. You can also specify what kind of data format you'd like to get upon triggering the hook (JSON, x-www-form-urlencoded, XML, etc). More information can be found in our <a target="_blank" href="%s">Webhooks Guide</a>.
settings.payload_url=Payload URL
settings.content_type=Content Type
settings.secret_desc=Secret will be sent as SHA256 HMAC hex digest of payload via <code>X-Gogs-Signature</code> header.
settings.slack_icon_url=Icon URL
settings.event_desc=When should this webhook be triggered?
settings.event_push_only=Just the <code>push</code> event.
settings.event_send_everything=I need <strong>everything</strong>.
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Add Deploy Key
settings.deploy_key_desc=Deploy keys have read-only access. They are not the same as personal account SSH keys.
settings.no_deploy_keys=You haven't added any deploy keys.
settings.key_been_used=Deploy key content has been used.
settings.key_name_used=Deploy key with the same name already exists.
settings.add_key_success=New deploy key '%s' has been added successfully!
settings.deploy_key_deletion=Delete Deploy Key
settings.deploy_key_deletion_desc=Deleting this deploy key will remove all related accesses for this repository. Do you want to continue?
settings.deploy_key_deletion_success=Deploy key has been deleted successfully!
diff.browse_source=Browse Source
diff.data_not_available=Diff Data Not Available.
diff.show_diff_stats=Show Diff Stats
diff.show_split_view=Split View
diff.show_unified_view=Unified View
diff.stats_desc=<strong> %d changed files</strong> with <strong>%d additions</strong> and <strong>%d deletions</strong>
diff.view_file=View File
diff.file_suppressed=File diff suppressed because it is too large
diff.too_many_files=Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff
release.new_release=New Release
release.ahead=<strong>%d</strong> commits to %s since this release
release.source_code=Source Code
release.new_subheader=Publish releases to iterate product.
release.edit_subheader=Detailed change log can help users understand what has been improved.
release.tag_name=Tag name
release.tag_helper=Choose an existing tag, or create a new tag on publish.
release.prerelease_desc=This is a pre-release
release.prerelease_helper=We'll point out that this release is not production-ready.
release.publish=Publish Release
release.save_draft=Save Draft
release.edit_release=Edit Release
release.delete_release=Delete This Release
release.deletion=Release Deletion
release.deletion_desc=Deleting this release will delete the corresponding Git tag. Do you want to continue?
release.deletion_success=Release has been deleted successfully!
release.tag_name_already_exist=Release with this tag name already exists.
release.tag_name_invalid=Tag name is not valid.
org_name_holder=Organisation Name
org_full_name_holder=Organisation Full Name
org_name_helper=Great organisation names are short and memorable.
create_org=Create Organisation
invite_someone=Invite Someone
create_new_team=Create New Team
team_name=Team Name
team_name_helper=You'll use this name to mention this team in conversations.
team_desc_helper=What is this team all about?
team_permission_desc=What permission level should this team have?
form.name_reserved=Organisation name '%s' is reserved.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Organisation name pattern '%s' is not allowed.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
settings.full_name=Full Name
settings.update_settings=Update Settings
settings.update_setting_success=Organisation settings has been updated successfully.
settings.change_orgname_prompt=This change will affect how links relate to the organisation.
settings.update_avatar_success=Organisation avatar setting has been updated successfully.
settings.delete=Delete Organisation
settings.delete_account=Delete This Organisation
settings.delete_prompt=The organisation will be permanently removed, and this <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undone!
settings.confirm_delete_account=Confirm Deletion
settings.delete_org_title=Organisation Deletion
settings.delete_org_desc=This organisation is going to be deleted permanently, do you want to continue?
settings.hooks_desc=Add webhooks that will be triggered for <strong>all repositories</strong> under this organisation.
teams.read_access_helper=This team will be able to view and clone its repositories.
teams.write_access=Write Access
teams.write_access_helper=This team will be able to read its repositories, as well as push to them.
teams.admin_access=Admin Access
teams.admin_access_helper=This team will be able to push/pull to its repositories, as well as add other collaborators to them.
teams.no_desc=This team has no description
teams.owners_permission_desc=Owners have full access to <strong>all repositories</strong> and have <strong>admin rights</strong> to the organisation.
teams.members=Team Members
teams.update_settings=Update Settings
teams.delete_team=Delete This Team
teams.add_team_member=Add Team Member
teams.delete_team_title=Team Deletion
teams.delete_team_desc=As this team will be deleted, members of this team may lose access to some repositories. Do you want to continue?
teams.delete_team_success=Given team has been deleted successfully.
teams.read_permission_desc=This team grants <strong>Read</strong> access: members can view and clone the team's repositories.
teams.write_permission_desc=This team grants <strong>Write</strong> access: members can read from and push to the team's repositories.
teams.admin_permission_desc=This team grants <strong>Admin</strong> access: members can read from, push to, and add collaborators to the team's repositories.