@ -4,61 +4,97 @@ Gogs LDAP Authentication Module
## About |
This authentication module attempts to authorize and authenticate a user |
against an LDAP server. Like most LDAP authentication systems, this module does |
this in two steps. First, it queries the LDAP server using a Bind DN and |
against an LDAP server. It provides two methods of authenitcation: LDAP via |
BindDN, and LDAP simple authentication. |
LDAP via BindDN functions like most LDAP authentication systems. |
First, it queries the LDAP server using a Bind DN and |
searches for the user that is attempting to sign in. If the user is found, the |
module attempts to bind to the server using the user's supplied credentials. If |
this succeeds, the user has been authenticated, and his account information is |
retrieved and passed to the Gogs login infrastructure. |
LDAP simple authentication does not utilize a Bind DN. Instead, it binds |
directly with the LDAP server using the user's supplied credentials. If the bind |
succeeds and no filter rules out the user, the user is authenticated. |
LDAP via BindDN is recommended for most users. By using a Bind DN, the server |
can perform authorization by restricting which entries the Bind DN account can |
read. Further, using a Bind DN with reduced permissions can reduce security risk |
in the face of application bugs. |
## Usage |
To use this module, add an LDAP authentication source via the Authentications |
section in the admin panel. The fields should be set as follows: |
section in the admin panel. Both the LDAP via BindDN and the simple auth LDAP |
share the following fields: |
* Authorization Name **(required)** |
* A name to assign to the new method of authorization. |
* A name to assign to the new method of authorization. |
* Host **(required)** |
* The address where the LDAP server can be reached. |
* Example: mydomain.com |
* The address where the LDAP server can be reached. |
* Example: mydomain.com |
* Port **(required)** |
* The port to use when connecting to the server. |
* Example: 636 |
* The port to use when connecting to the server. |
* Example: 636 |
* Enable TLS Encryption (optional) |
* Whether to use TLS when connecting to the LDAP server. |
* Whether to use TLS when connecting to the LDAP server. |
* Admin Filter (optional) |
* An LDAP filter specifying if a user should be given administrator |
privileges. If a user accounts passes the filter, the user will be |
privileged as an administrator. |
* Example: (objectClass=adminAccount) |
* First name attribute (optional) |
* The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's first name. |
This will be used to populate their account information. |
* Example: givenName |
* Surname attribute (optional) |
* The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's surname This |
will be used to populate their account information. |
* Example: sn |
* E-mail attribute **(required)** |
* The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's email |
address. This will be used to populate their account information. |
* Example: mail |
**LDAP via BindDN** adds the following fields: |
* Bind DN (optional) |
* The DN to bind to the LDAP server with when searching for the user. |
This may be left blank to perform an anonymous search. |
* Example: cn=Search,dc=mydomain,dc=com |
* The DN to bind to the LDAP server with when searching for the user. This |
may be left blank to perform an anonymous search. |
* Example: cn=Search,dc=mydomain,dc=com |
* Bind Password (optional) |
* The password for the Bind DN specified above, if any. |
* The password for the Bind DN specified above, if any. _Note: The password |
is stored in plaintext at the server. As such, ensure that your Bind DN |
has as few privileges as possible._ |
* User Search Base **(required)** |
* The LDAP base at which user accounts will be searched for. |
* Example: ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com |
* The LDAP base at which user accounts will be searched for. |
* Example: ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com |
* User Filter **(required)** |
* An LDAP filter declaring how to find the user record that is attempting |
to authenticate. The '%s' matching parameter will be substituted with |
the user's username. |
* Example: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s)) |
* An LDAP filter declaring how to find the user record that is attempting to |
authenticate. The '%s' matching parameter will be substituted with the |
user's username. |
* Example: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s)) |
* First name attribute (optional) |
* The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's first |
name. This will be used to populate their account information. |
* Example: givenName |
**LDAP using simple auth** adds the following fields: |
* Surname name attribute (optional) |
* The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's surname |
This will be used to populate their account information. |
* Example: sn |
* User DN **(required)** |
* A template to use as the user's DN. The `%s` matching parameter will be |
substituted with the user's username. |
* Example: cn=%s,ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com |
* Example: uid=%s,ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com |
* E-mail attribute **(required)** |
* The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's email |
address. This will be used to populate their account information. |
* Example: mail |
* User Filter **(required)** |
* An LDAP filter declaring when a user should be allowed to log in. The `%s` |
matching parameter will be substituted with the user's username. |
* Example: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s)) |