mirror of https://github.com/gogits/gogs.git
Meaglith Ma
11 years ago
5 changed files with 0 additions and 920 deletions
@ -1,464 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package models |
import ( |
"bufio" |
"container/list" |
"fmt" |
"io" |
"os" |
"os/exec" |
"path" |
"strings" |
"github.com/gogits/git" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" |
) |
// RepoFile represents a file object in git repository.
type RepoFile struct { |
*git.TreeEntry |
Path string |
Size int64 |
Repo *git.Repository |
Commit *git.Commit |
} |
// LookupBlob returns the content of an object.
func (file *RepoFile) LookupBlob() (*git.Blob, error) { |
if file.Repo == nil { |
return nil, ErrRepoFileNotLoaded |
} |
return file.Repo.LookupBlob(file.Id) |
} |
// GetBranches returns all branches of given repository.
func GetBranches(userName, repoName string) ([]string, error) { |
repo, err := git.OpenRepository(RepoPath(userName, repoName)) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
refs, err := repo.AllReferences() |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
brs := make([]string, len(refs)) |
for i, ref := range refs { |
brs[i] = ref.BranchName() |
} |
return brs, nil |
} |
// GetTags returns all tags of given repository.
func GetTags(userName, repoName string) ([]string, error) { |
repo, err := git.OpenRepository(RepoPath(userName, repoName)) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
refs, err := repo.AllTags() |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
tags := make([]string, len(refs)) |
for i, ref := range refs { |
tags[i] = ref.Name |
} |
return tags, nil |
} |
func IsBranchExist(userName, repoName, branchName string) bool { |
repo, err := git.OpenRepository(RepoPath(userName, repoName)) |
if err != nil { |
return false |
} |
return repo.IsBranchExist(branchName) |
} |
func GetTargetFile(userName, repoName, branchName, commitId, rpath string) (*RepoFile, error) { |
repo, err := git.OpenRepository(RepoPath(userName, repoName)) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
commit, err := repo.GetCommitOfBranch(branchName) |
if err != nil { |
commit, err = repo.GetCommit(commitId) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
} |
parts := strings.Split(path.Clean(rpath), "/") |
var entry *git.TreeEntry |
tree := commit.Tree |
for i, part := range parts { |
if i == len(parts)-1 { |
entry = tree.EntryByName(part) |
if entry == nil { |
return nil, ErrRepoFileNotExist |
} |
} else { |
tree, err = repo.SubTree(tree, part) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
} |
} |
size, err := repo.ObjectSize(entry.Id) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
repoFile := &RepoFile{ |
entry, |
rpath, |
size, |
repo, |
commit, |
} |
return repoFile, nil |
} |
// GetReposFiles returns a list of file object in given directory of repository.
// func GetReposFilesOfBranch(userName, repoName, branchName, rpath string) ([]*RepoFile, error) {
// return getReposFiles(userName, repoName, commitId, rpath)
// }
// GetReposFiles returns a list of file object in given directory of repository.
func GetReposFiles(userName, repoName, commitId, rpath string) ([]*RepoFile, error) { |
return getReposFiles(userName, repoName, commitId, rpath) |
} |
func getReposFiles(userName, repoName, commitId string, rpath string) ([]*RepoFile, error) { |
repo, err := git.OpenRepository(RepoPath(userName, repoName)) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
commit, err := repo.GetCommit(commitId) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
var repodirs []*RepoFile |
var repofiles []*RepoFile |
commit.Tree.Walk(func(dirname string, entry *git.TreeEntry) int { |
if dirname == rpath { |
// TODO: size get method shoule be improved
size, err := repo.ObjectSize(entry.Id) |
if err != nil { |
return 0 |
} |
var cm = commit |
var i int |
for { |
i = i + 1 |
//fmt.Println(".....", i, cm.Id(), cm.ParentCount())
if cm.ParentCount() == 0 { |
break |
} else if cm.ParentCount() == 1 { |
pt, _ := repo.SubTree(cm.Parent(0).Tree, dirname) |
if pt == nil { |
break |
} |
pEntry := pt.EntryByName(entry.Name) |
if pEntry == nil || !pEntry.Id.Equal(entry.Id) { |
break |
} else { |
cm = cm.Parent(0) |
} |
} else { |
var emptyCnt = 0 |
var sameIdcnt = 0 |
var lastSameCm *git.Commit |
//fmt.Println(".....", cm.ParentCount())
for i := 0; i < cm.ParentCount(); i++ { |
//fmt.Println("parent", i, cm.Parent(i).Id())
p := cm.Parent(i) |
pt, _ := repo.SubTree(p.Tree, dirname) |
var pEntry *git.TreeEntry |
if pt != nil { |
pEntry = pt.EntryByName(entry.Name) |
} |
//fmt.Println("pEntry", pEntry)
if pEntry == nil { |
emptyCnt = emptyCnt + 1 |
if emptyCnt+sameIdcnt == cm.ParentCount() { |
if lastSameCm == nil { |
goto loop |
} else { |
cm = lastSameCm |
break |
} |
} |
} else { |
//fmt.Println(i, "pEntry", pEntry.Id, "entry", entry.Id)
if !pEntry.Id.Equal(entry.Id) { |
goto loop |
} else { |
lastSameCm = cm.Parent(i) |
sameIdcnt = sameIdcnt + 1 |
if emptyCnt+sameIdcnt == cm.ParentCount() { |
// TODO: now follow the first parent commit?
cm = lastSameCm |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
loop: |
rp := &RepoFile{ |
entry, |
path.Join(dirname, entry.Name), |
size, |
repo, |
cm, |
} |
if entry.IsFile() { |
repofiles = append(repofiles, rp) |
} else if entry.IsDir() { |
repodirs = append(repodirs, rp) |
} |
} |
return 0 |
}) |
return append(repodirs, repofiles...), nil |
} |
func GetCommit(userName, repoName, commitId string) (*git.Commit, error) { |
repo, err := git.OpenRepository(RepoPath(userName, repoName)) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return repo.GetCommit(commitId) |
} |
// GetCommitsByBranch returns all commits of given branch of repository.
func GetCommitsByBranch(userName, repoName, branchName string) (*list.List, error) { |
repo, err := git.OpenRepository(RepoPath(userName, repoName)) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
r, err := repo.LookupReference(fmt.Sprintf("refs/heads/%s", branchName)) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return r.AllCommits() |
} |
// GetCommitsByCommitId returns all commits of given commitId of repository.
func GetCommitsByCommitId(userName, repoName, commitId string) (*list.List, error) { |
repo, err := git.OpenRepository(RepoPath(userName, repoName)) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
oid, err := git.NewOidFromString(commitId) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return repo.CommitsBefore(oid) |
} |
// Diff line types.
const ( |
DIFF_LINE_PLAIN = iota + 1 |
) |
const ( |
DIFF_FILE_ADD = iota + 1 |
) |
type DiffLine struct { |
LeftIdx int |
RightIdx int |
Type int |
Content string |
} |
func (d DiffLine) GetType() int { |
return d.Type |
} |
type DiffSection struct { |
Name string |
Lines []*DiffLine |
} |
type DiffFile struct { |
Name string |
Addition, Deletion int |
Type int |
Sections []*DiffSection |
} |
type Diff struct { |
TotalAddition, TotalDeletion int |
Files []*DiffFile |
} |
func (diff *Diff) NumFiles() int { |
return len(diff.Files) |
} |
const DIFF_HEAD = "diff --git " |
func ParsePatch(reader io.Reader) (*Diff, error) { |
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader) |
var ( |
curFile *DiffFile |
curSection = &DiffSection{ |
Lines: make([]*DiffLine, 0, 10), |
} |
leftLine, rightLine int |
) |
diff := &Diff{Files: make([]*DiffFile, 0)} |
var i int |
for scanner.Scan() { |
line := scanner.Text() |
// fmt.Println(i, line)
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "+++ ") || strings.HasPrefix(line, "--- ") { |
continue |
} |
i = i + 1 |
if line == "" { |
continue |
} |
if line[0] == ' ' { |
diffLine := &DiffLine{Type: DIFF_LINE_PLAIN, Content: line, LeftIdx: leftLine, RightIdx: rightLine} |
leftLine++ |
rightLine++ |
curSection.Lines = append(curSection.Lines, diffLine) |
continue |
} else if line[0] == '@' { |
curSection = &DiffSection{} |
curFile.Sections = append(curFile.Sections, curSection) |
ss := strings.Split(line, "@@") |
diffLine := &DiffLine{Type: DIFF_LINE_SECTION, Content: line} |
curSection.Lines = append(curSection.Lines, diffLine) |
// Parse line number.
ranges := strings.Split(ss[len(ss)-2][1:], " ") |
leftLine, _ = base.StrTo(strings.Split(ranges[0], ",")[0][1:]).Int() |
rightLine, _ = base.StrTo(strings.Split(ranges[1], ",")[0]).Int() |
continue |
} else if line[0] == '+' { |
curFile.Addition++ |
diff.TotalAddition++ |
diffLine := &DiffLine{Type: DIFF_LINE_ADD, Content: line, RightIdx: rightLine} |
rightLine++ |
curSection.Lines = append(curSection.Lines, diffLine) |
continue |
} else if line[0] == '-' { |
curFile.Deletion++ |
diff.TotalDeletion++ |
diffLine := &DiffLine{Type: DIFF_LINE_DEL, Content: line, LeftIdx: leftLine} |
if leftLine > 0 { |
leftLine++ |
} |
curSection.Lines = append(curSection.Lines, diffLine) |
continue |
} |
// Get new file.
if strings.HasPrefix(line, DIFF_HEAD) { |
fs := strings.Split(line[len(DIFF_HEAD):], " ") |
a := fs[0] |
curFile = &DiffFile{ |
Name: a[strings.Index(a, "/")+1:], |
Sections: make([]*DiffSection, 0, 10), |
} |
diff.Files = append(diff.Files, curFile) |
// Check file diff type.
for scanner.Scan() { |
switch { |
case strings.HasPrefix(scanner.Text(), "new file"): |
curFile.Type = DIFF_FILE_ADD |
case strings.HasPrefix(scanner.Text(), "deleted"): |
curFile.Type = DIFF_FILE_DEL |
case strings.HasPrefix(scanner.Text(), "index"): |
curFile.Type = DIFF_FILE_CHANGE |
} |
if curFile.Type > 0 { |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return diff, nil |
} |
func GetDiff(repoPath, commitid string) (*Diff, error) { |
repo, err := git.OpenRepository(repoPath) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
commit, err := repo.GetCommit(commitid) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
// First commit of repository.
if commit.ParentCount() == 0 { |
rd, wr := io.Pipe() |
go func() { |
cmd := exec.Command("git", "show", commitid) |
cmd.Dir = repoPath |
cmd.Stdout = wr |
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin |
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr |
cmd.Run() |
wr.Close() |
}() |
defer rd.Close() |
return ParsePatch(rd) |
} |
rd, wr := io.Pipe() |
go func() { |
cmd := exec.Command("git", "diff", commit.Parent(0).Oid.String(), commitid) |
cmd.Dir = repoPath |
cmd.Stdout = wr |
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin |
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr |
cmd.Run() |
wr.Close() |
}() |
defer rd.Close() |
return ParsePatch(rd) |
} |
@ -1,233 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package oauth2 contains Martini handlers to provide
// user login via an OAuth 2.0 backend.
package oauth2 |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"net/http" |
"net/url" |
"strings" |
"time" |
"code.google.com/p/goauth2/oauth" |
"github.com/go-martini/martini" |
"github.com/martini-contrib/sessions" |
) |
const ( |
codeRedirect = 302 |
keyToken = "oauth2_token" |
keyNextPage = "next" |
) |
var ( |
// Path to handle OAuth 2.0 logins.
PathLogin = "/login" |
// Path to handle OAuth 2.0 logouts.
PathLogout = "/logout" |
// Path to handle callback from OAuth 2.0 backend
// to exchange credentials.
PathCallback = "/oauth2callback" |
// Path to handle error cases.
PathError = "/oauth2error" |
) |
// Represents OAuth2 backend options.
type Options struct { |
ClientId string |
ClientSecret string |
RedirectURL string |
Scopes []string |
AuthUrl string |
TokenUrl string |
} |
// Represents a container that contains
// user's OAuth 2.0 access and refresh tokens.
type Tokens interface { |
Access() string |
Refresh() string |
IsExpired() bool |
ExpiryTime() time.Time |
ExtraData() map[string]string |
} |
type token struct { |
oauth.Token |
} |
func (t *token) ExtraData() map[string]string { |
return t.Extra |
} |
// Returns the access token.
func (t *token) Access() string { |
return t.AccessToken |
} |
// Returns the refresh token.
func (t *token) Refresh() string { |
return t.RefreshToken |
} |
// Returns whether the access token is
// expired or not.
func (t *token) IsExpired() bool { |
if t == nil { |
return true |
} |
return t.Expired() |
} |
// Returns the expiry time of the user's
// access token.
func (t *token) ExpiryTime() time.Time { |
return t.Expiry |
} |
// Formats tokens into string.
func (t *token) String() string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("tokens: %v", t) |
} |
// Returns a new Google OAuth 2.0 backend endpoint.
func Google(opts *Options) martini.Handler { |
opts.AuthUrl = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth" |
opts.TokenUrl = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token" |
return NewOAuth2Provider(opts) |
} |
// Returns a new Github OAuth 2.0 backend endpoint.
func Github(opts *Options) martini.Handler { |
opts.AuthUrl = "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize" |
opts.TokenUrl = "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token" |
return NewOAuth2Provider(opts) |
} |
func Facebook(opts *Options) martini.Handler { |
opts.AuthUrl = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth" |
opts.TokenUrl = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token" |
return NewOAuth2Provider(opts) |
} |
// Returns a generic OAuth 2.0 backend endpoint.
func NewOAuth2Provider(opts *Options) martini.Handler { |
config := &oauth.Config{ |
ClientId: opts.ClientId, |
ClientSecret: opts.ClientSecret, |
RedirectURL: opts.RedirectURL, |
Scope: strings.Join(opts.Scopes, " "), |
AuthURL: opts.AuthUrl, |
TokenURL: opts.TokenUrl, |
} |
transport := &oauth.Transport{ |
Config: config, |
Transport: http.DefaultTransport, |
} |
return func(s sessions.Session, c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
if r.Method == "GET" { |
switch r.URL.Path { |
case PathLogin: |
login(transport, s, w, r) |
case PathLogout: |
logout(transport, s, w, r) |
case PathCallback: |
handleOAuth2Callback(transport, s, w, r) |
} |
} |
tk := unmarshallToken(s) |
if tk != nil { |
// check if the access token is expired
if tk.IsExpired() && tk.Refresh() == "" { |
s.Delete(keyToken) |
tk = nil |
} |
} |
// Inject tokens.
c.MapTo(tk, (*Tokens)(nil)) |
} |
} |
// Handler that redirects user to the login page
// if user is not logged in.
// Sample usage:
// m.Get("/login-required", oauth2.LoginRequired, func() ... {})
var LoginRequired martini.Handler = func() martini.Handler { |
return func(s sessions.Session, c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
token := unmarshallToken(s) |
if token == nil || token.IsExpired() { |
next := url.QueryEscape(r.URL.RequestURI()) |
http.Redirect(w, r, PathLogin+"?next="+next, codeRedirect) |
} |
} |
}() |
func login(t *oauth.Transport, s sessions.Session, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
next := extractPath(r.URL.Query().Get(keyNextPage)) |
if s.Get(keyToken) == nil { |
// User is not logged in.
http.Redirect(w, r, t.Config.AuthCodeURL(next), codeRedirect) |
return |
} |
// No need to login, redirect to the next page.
http.Redirect(w, r, next, codeRedirect) |
} |
func logout(t *oauth.Transport, s sessions.Session, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
next := extractPath(r.URL.Query().Get(keyNextPage)) |
s.Delete(keyToken) |
http.Redirect(w, r, next, codeRedirect) |
} |
func handleOAuth2Callback(t *oauth.Transport, s sessions.Session, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
next := extractPath(r.URL.Query().Get("state")) |
code := r.URL.Query().Get("code") |
tk, err := t.Exchange(code) |
if err != nil { |
// Pass the error message, or allow dev to provide its own
// error handler.
http.Redirect(w, r, PathError, codeRedirect) |
return |
} |
// Store the credentials in the session.
val, _ := json.Marshal(tk) |
s.Set(keyToken, val) |
http.Redirect(w, r, next, codeRedirect) |
} |
func unmarshallToken(s sessions.Session) (t *token) { |
if s.Get(keyToken) == nil { |
return |
} |
data := s.Get(keyToken).([]byte) |
var tk oauth.Token |
json.Unmarshal(data, &tk) |
return &token{tk} |
} |
func extractPath(next string) string { |
n, err := url.Parse(next) |
if err != nil { |
return "/" |
} |
return n.Path |
} |
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package oauth2 |
import ( |
"net/http" |
"net/http/httptest" |
"testing" |
"github.com/go-martini/martini" |
"github.com/martini-contrib/sessions" |
) |
func Test_LoginRedirect(t *testing.T) { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
m := martini.New() |
m.Use(sessions.Sessions("my_session", sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret123")))) |
m.Use(Google(&Options{ |
ClientId: "client_id", |
ClientSecret: "client_secret", |
RedirectURL: "refresh_url", |
Scopes: []string{"x", "y"}, |
})) |
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/login", nil) |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, r) |
location := recorder.HeaderMap["Location"][0] |
if recorder.Code != 302 { |
t.Errorf("Not being redirected to the auth page.") |
} |
if location != "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?access_type=&approval_prompt=&client_id=client_id&redirect_uri=refresh_url&response_type=code&scope=x+y&state=" { |
t.Errorf("Not being redirected to the right page, %v found", location) |
} |
} |
func Test_LoginRedirectAfterLoginRequired(t *testing.T) { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
m := martini.Classic() |
m.Use(sessions.Sessions("my_session", sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret123")))) |
m.Use(Google(&Options{ |
ClientId: "client_id", |
ClientSecret: "client_secret", |
RedirectURL: "refresh_url", |
Scopes: []string{"x", "y"}, |
})) |
m.Get("/login-required", LoginRequired, func(tokens Tokens) (int, string) { |
return 200, tokens.Access() |
}) |
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/login-required?key=value", nil) |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, r) |
location := recorder.HeaderMap["Location"][0] |
if recorder.Code != 302 { |
t.Errorf("Not being redirected to the auth page.") |
} |
if location != "/login?next=%2Flogin-required%3Fkey%3Dvalue" { |
t.Errorf("Not being redirected to the right page, %v found", location) |
} |
} |
func Test_Logout(t *testing.T) { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
s := sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret123")) |
m := martini.Classic() |
m.Use(sessions.Sessions("my_session", s)) |
m.Use(Google(&Options{ |
// no need to configure
})) |
m.Get("/", func(s sessions.Session) { |
s.Set(keyToken, "dummy token") |
}) |
m.Get("/get", func(s sessions.Session) { |
if s.Get(keyToken) != nil { |
t.Errorf("User credentials are still kept in the session.") |
} |
}) |
logout, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/logout", nil) |
index, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil) |
m.ServeHTTP(httptest.NewRecorder(), index) |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, logout) |
if recorder.Code != 302 { |
t.Errorf("Not being redirected to the next page.") |
} |
} |
func Test_LogoutOnAccessTokenExpiration(t *testing.T) { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
s := sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret123")) |
m := martini.Classic() |
m.Use(sessions.Sessions("my_session", s)) |
m.Use(Google(&Options{ |
// no need to configure
})) |
m.Get("/addtoken", func(s sessions.Session) { |
s.Set(keyToken, "dummy token") |
}) |
m.Get("/", func(s sessions.Session) { |
if s.Get(keyToken) != nil { |
t.Errorf("User not logged out although access token is expired.") |
} |
}) |
addtoken, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/addtoken", nil) |
index, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil) |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, addtoken) |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, index) |
} |
func Test_InjectedTokens(t *testing.T) { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
m := martini.Classic() |
m.Use(sessions.Sessions("my_session", sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret123")))) |
m.Use(Google(&Options{ |
// no need to configure
})) |
m.Get("/", func(tokens Tokens) string { |
return "Hello world!" |
}) |
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil) |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, r) |
} |
func Test_LoginRequired(t *testing.T) { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
m := martini.Classic() |
m.Use(sessions.Sessions("my_session", sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret123")))) |
m.Use(Google(&Options{ |
// no need to configure
})) |
m.Get("/", LoginRequired, func(tokens Tokens) string { |
return "Hello world!" |
}) |
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil) |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, r) |
if recorder.Code != 302 { |
t.Errorf("Not being redirected to the auth page although user is not logged in.") |
} |
} |
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ |
{{template "mail/base.html" .}} |
{{define "title"}} |
{{if eq .Lang "zh-CN"}} |
{{.User.NickName}},重置账户密码 |
{{end}} |
{{if eq .Lang "en-US"}} |
{{.User.NickName}}, reset your password |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |
{{define "body"}} |
{{if eq .Lang "zh-CN"}} |
<p style="margin:0;padding:0 0 9px 0;">点击链接重置密码,{{.ResetPwdCodeLives}} 分钟内有效</p> |
<p style="margin:0;padding:0 0 9px 0;"> |
<a href="{{.AppUrl}}reset/{{.Code}}">{{.AppUrl}}reset/{{.Code}}</a> |
</p> |
<p style="margin:0;padding:0 0 9px 0;">如果链接点击无反应,请复制到浏览器打开。</p> |
{{end}} |
{{if eq .Lang "en-US"}} |
<p style="margin:0;padding:0 0 9px 0;">Please click following link to reset your password in {{.ResetPwdCodeLives}} hours</p> |
<p style="margin:0;padding:0 0 9px 0;"> |
<a href="{{.AppUrl}}reset/{{.Code}}">{{.AppUrl}}reset/{{.Code}}</a> |
</p> |
<p style="margin:0;padding:0 0 9px 0;">Copy and paste it to your browser if it's not working.</p> |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ |
{{template "base/head" .}} |
{{template "base/navbar" .}} |
<div id="body" class="container"> |
<form action="/user/activate" method="post" class="form-horizontal card" id="login-card"> |
{{.CsrfTokenHtml}} |
<h3>Activate Your Account</h3> |
{{if .IsActivatePage}} |
{{if .ServiceNotEnabled}} |
<p>Sorry, Register Mail Confirmation has been disabled.</p> |
{{else if .ResendLimited}} |
<p>Sorry, you are sending activation e-mail too frequently, please wait 3 minutes.</p> |
{{else}} |
<p>New confirmation e-mail has been sent to <b>{{.SignedUser.Email}}</b>, please check your inbox within {{.Hours}} hours to complete your registeration.</p> |
<hr/> |
<a href="http://{{Mail2Domain .SignedUser.Email}}" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Sign in to your e-mail</a> |
{{end}} |
{{else}} |
{{if .IsSendRegisterMail}} |
<p>A confirmation e-mail has been sent to <b>{{.Email}}</b>, please check your inbox within {{.Hours}} hours to complete your registeration.</p> |
<hr/> |
<a href="http://{{Mail2Domain .Email}}" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Sign in to your e-mail</a> |
{{else if .IsActivateFailed}} |
<p>Sorry, your confirmation code has been exipired or not valid.</p> |
{{else}} |
<p>Hi, {{.SignedUser.Name}}, you have an unconfirmed email address(<b>{{.SignedUser.Email}}</b>). If you haven't received a confirmation e-mail or need to resend a new one, please click botton below.</p> |
<hr/> |
<div class="form-group"> |
<div class="col-md-offset-4 col-md-6"> |
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary">Click here to resend your active e-mail</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |
</form> |
</div> |
{{template "base/footer" .}} |
Reference in new issue