Code only fetched issues corresponding to the pull requests, and left
out necessary base/head repository objects, which is required later
to generate API format.
Site admin now has to enable manually by config option
[repository] ENABLE_LOCAL_PATH_MIGRATION = true.
Site admin always grants this permission, but regulars users have
to be allowed by site admins in admin user panel.
* Fix assigned/created issues in dashboard.
* Use GetUserIssueStats for getting all Dashboard stats.
* Use gofmt to format the file properly.
* Replace &Issue{} with new(Issue).
* Check if user has access to given repository.
* Remove unnecessary filtering of issues.
* Return 404 error if invalid repository is given.
* Use correct number of issues in paginater.
Fix new ssh key adding issues
Added regular exp match (108) and remove training new line (111) that cause system to think its an ssh2 key.
* #3480
An error occurred
Fix new ssh key adding issues
-Sanitizate new lines (windows format) in posted key
-Edit sanitization implementation to use string replace for code readability and maintenability.
* UpdateIssueUsersByMentions was calling database write operations while
a transaction session was in progress. MailParticipants was failing
silently because of the SQLITE_LOCKED error. Make sure failures in
MailParticipants enter the log, and pass on the transaction context.
issue: let caller pass in database context, and use it
issue_comment: obtain database context to pass to UpdateIssueMentions
issue_comment: log any error from call to MailParticipants
issue_mail: pass on database context to UpdateIssueMentions
* issue: forgot debug statement