// Copyright 2016 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package repo import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "path" "strings" "github.com/gogits/git-module" "github.com/gogits/gogs/models" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/auth" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/context" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/log" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/setting" "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/template" ) const ( EDIT_FILE base.TplName = "repo/editor/edit" EDIT_DIFF_PREVIEW base.TplName = "repo/editor/diff_preview" DELETE_FILE base.TplName = "repo/editor/delete" UPLOAD_FILE base.TplName = "repo/editor/upload" ) func editFile(ctx *context.Context, isNewFile bool) { ctx.Data["PageIsEdit"] = true ctx.Data["IsNewFile"] = isNewFile ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true ctx.Data["RequireSimpleMDE"] = true var treeNames []string if len(ctx.Repo.TreePath) > 0 { treeNames = strings.Split(ctx.Repo.TreePath, "/") } if !isNewFile { entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(ctx.Repo.TreePath) if err != nil { ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetTreeEntryByPath", git.IsErrNotExist, err) return } // No way to edit a directory online. if entry.IsDir() { ctx.Handle(404, "", nil) return } blob := entry.Blob() dataRc, err := blob.Data() if err != nil { ctx.Handle(404, "blob.Data", err) return } ctx.Data["FileSize"] = blob.Size() ctx.Data["FileName"] = blob.Name() buf := make([]byte, 1024) n, _ := dataRc.Read(buf) buf = buf[:n] // Only text file are editable online. if !base.IsTextFile(buf) { ctx.Handle(404, "", nil) return } d, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(dataRc) buf = append(buf, d...) if err, content := template.ToUTF8WithErr(buf); err != nil { if err != nil { log.Error(4, "ToUTF8WithErr: %v", err) } ctx.Data["FileContent"] = string(buf) } else { ctx.Data["FileContent"] = content } } else { treeNames = append(treeNames, "") // Append empty string to allow user name the new file. } ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + ctx.Repo.BranchName ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = "" ctx.Data["commit_message"] = "" ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = "direct" ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = "" ctx.Data["last_commit"] = ctx.Repo.Commit.ID ctx.Data["MarkdownFileExts"] = strings.Join(setting.Markdown.FileExtensions, ",") ctx.Data["LineWrapExtensions"] = strings.Join(setting.Repository.Editor.LineWrapExtensions, ",") ctx.Data["PreviewableFileModes"] = strings.Join(setting.Repository.Editor.PreviewableFileModes, ",") ctx.Data["EditorconfigURLPrefix"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/v1/repos/%s/editorconfig/", setting.AppSubUrl, ctx.Repo.Repository.FullName()) ctx.HTML(200, EDIT_FILE) } func EditFile(ctx *context.Context) { editFile(ctx, false) } func NewFile(ctx *context.Context) { editFile(ctx, true) } func editFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.EditRepoFileForm, isNewFile bool) { ctx.Data["PageIsEdit"] = true ctx.Data["IsNewFile"] = isNewFile ctx.Data["RequireHighlightJS"] = true ctx.Data["RequireSimpleMDE"] = true oldBranchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName branchName := oldBranchName oldTreePath := ctx.Repo.TreePath lastCommit := form.LastCommit form.LastCommit = ctx.Repo.Commit.ID.String() if form.CommitChoice == "commit-to-new-branch" { branchName = form.NewBranchName } form.TreePath = strings.Trim(form.TreePath, " /") var treeNames []string if len(form.TreePath) > 0 { treeNames = strings.Split(form.TreePath, "/") } ctx.Data["TreePath"] = form.TreePath ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName ctx.Data["FileContent"] = form.Content ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = form.CommitSummary ctx.Data["commit_message"] = form.CommitMessage ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = form.CommitChoice ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = branchName ctx.Data["last_commit"] = form.LastCommit ctx.Data["MarkdownFileExts"] = strings.Join(setting.Markdown.FileExtensions, ",") ctx.Data["LineWrapExtensions"] = strings.Join(setting.Repository.Editor.LineWrapExtensions, ",") ctx.Data["PreviewableFileModes"] = strings.Join(setting.Repository.Editor.PreviewableFileModes, ",") if ctx.HasError() { ctx.HTML(200, EDIT_FILE) return } if len(form.TreePath) == 0 { ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.filename_cannot_be_empty"), EDIT_FILE, &form) return } if oldBranchName != branchName { if _, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err == nil { ctx.Data["Err_NewBranchName"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_already_exists", branchName), EDIT_FILE, &form) return } } var newTreePath string for index, part := range treeNames { newTreePath = path.Join(newTreePath, part) entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(newTreePath) if err != nil { if git.IsErrNotExist(err) { // Means there is no item with that name, so we're good break } ctx.Handle(500, "Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath", err) return } if index != len(treeNames)-1 { if !entry.IsDir() { ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.directory_is_a_file", part), EDIT_FILE, &form) return } } else { if entry.IsLink() { ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_is_a_symlink", part), EDIT_FILE, &form) return } if entry.IsDir() { ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.filename_is_a_directory", part), EDIT_FILE, &form) return } } } if !isNewFile { _, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(oldTreePath) if err != nil { if git.IsErrNotExist(err) { ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists", oldTreePath), EDIT_FILE, &form) } else { ctx.Handle(500, "GetTreeEntryByPath", err) } return } if lastCommit != ctx.Repo.CommitID { files, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetFilesChangedSinceCommit(lastCommit) if err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "GetFilesChangedSinceCommit", err) return } for _, file := range files { if file == form.TreePath { ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_changed_while_editing", ctx.Repo.RepoLink+"/compare/"+lastCommit+"..."+ctx.Repo.CommitID), EDIT_FILE, &form) return } } } } if oldTreePath != form.TreePath { // We have a new filename (rename or completely new file) so we need to make sure it doesn't already exist, can't clobber. entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(form.TreePath) if err != nil { if !git.IsErrNotExist(err) { ctx.Handle(500, "GetTreeEntryByPath", err) return } } if entry != nil { ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_already_exists", form.TreePath), EDIT_FILE, &form) return } } message := strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitSummary) if len(message) == 0 { if isNewFile { message = ctx.Tr("repo.editor.add", form.TreePath) } else { message = ctx.Tr("repo.editor.update", form.TreePath) } } form.CommitMessage = strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitMessage) if len(form.CommitMessage) > 0 { message += "\n\n" + form.CommitMessage } if err := ctx.Repo.Repository.UpdateRepoFile(ctx.User, models.UpdateRepoFileOptions{ LastCommitID: lastCommit, OldBranch: oldBranchName, NewBranch: branchName, OldTreeName: oldTreePath, NewTreeName: form.TreePath, Message: message, Content: strings.Replace(form.Content, "\r", "", -1), IsNewFile: isNewFile, }); err != nil { ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.fail_to_update_file", form.TreePath, err), EDIT_FILE, &form) return } ctx.Redirect(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName + "/" + template.EscapePound(form.TreePath)) } func EditFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.EditRepoFileForm) { editFilePost(ctx, form, false) } func NewFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.EditRepoFileForm) { editFilePost(ctx, form, true) } func DiffPreviewPost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.EditPreviewDiffForm) { treePath := ctx.Repo.TreePath entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(treePath) if err != nil { ctx.Error(500, "GetTreeEntryByPath: "+err.Error()) return } else if entry.IsDir() { ctx.Error(422) return } diff, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetDiffPreview(ctx.Repo.BranchName, treePath, form.Content) if err != nil { ctx.Error(500, "GetDiffPreview: "+err.Error()) return } if diff.NumFiles() == 0 { ctx.PlainText(200, []byte(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.no_changes_to_show"))) return } ctx.Data["File"] = diff.Files[0] ctx.HTML(200, EDIT_DIFF_PREVIEW) } func DeleteFile(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Data["PageIsDelete"] = true ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + ctx.Repo.BranchName ctx.Data["TreePath"] = ctx.Repo.TreePath ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = "" ctx.Data["commit_message"] = "" ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = "direct" ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = "" ctx.HTML(200, DELETE_FILE) } func DeleteFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.DeleteRepoFileForm) { ctx.Data["PageIsDelete"] = true ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + ctx.Repo.BranchName ctx.Data["TreePath"] = ctx.Repo.TreePath oldBranchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName branchName := oldBranchName if form.CommitChoice == "commit-to-new-branch" { branchName = form.NewBranchName } ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = form.CommitSummary ctx.Data["commit_message"] = form.CommitMessage ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = form.CommitChoice ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = branchName if ctx.HasError() { ctx.HTML(200, DELETE_FILE) return } if oldBranchName != branchName { if _, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err == nil { ctx.Data["Err_NewBranchName"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_already_exists", branchName), DELETE_FILE, &form) return } } message := strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitSummary) if len(message) == 0 { message = ctx.Tr("repo.editor.delete", ctx.Repo.TreePath) } form.CommitMessage = strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitMessage) if len(form.CommitMessage) > 0 { message += "\n\n" + form.CommitMessage } if err := ctx.Repo.Repository.DeleteRepoFile(ctx.User, models.DeleteRepoFileOptions{ LastCommitID: ctx.Repo.CommitID, OldBranch: oldBranchName, NewBranch: branchName, TreePath: ctx.Repo.TreePath, Message: message, }); err != nil { ctx.Handle(500, "DeleteRepoFile", err) return } ctx.Flash.Success(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_delete_success", ctx.Repo.TreePath)) ctx.Redirect(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName) } func renderUploadSettings(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Data["RequireDropzone"] = true ctx.Data["UploadAllowedTypes"] = strings.Join(setting.Repository.Upload.AllowedTypes, ",") ctx.Data["UploadMaxSize"] = setting.Repository.Upload.FileMaxSize ctx.Data["UploadMaxFiles"] = setting.Repository.Upload.MaxFiles } func UploadFile(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Data["PageIsUpload"] = true renderUploadSettings(ctx) // We must at least have one element for user to input. treeNames := []string{""} if len(ctx.Repo.TreePath) > 0 { treeNames = strings.Split(ctx.Repo.TreePath, "/") } ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + ctx.Repo.BranchName ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = "" ctx.Data["commit_message"] = "" ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = "direct" ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = "" ctx.HTML(200, UPLOAD_FILE) } func UploadFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form auth.UploadRepoFileForm) { ctx.Data["PageIsUpload"] = true renderUploadSettings(ctx) oldBranchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName branchName := oldBranchName if form.CommitChoice == "commit-to-new-branch" { branchName = form.NewBranchName } form.TreePath = strings.Trim(form.TreePath, " /") // We must at least have one element for user to input. treeNames := []string{""} if len(form.TreePath) > 0 { treeNames = strings.Split(form.TreePath, "/") } ctx.Data["TreePath"] = form.TreePath ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = form.CommitSummary ctx.Data["commit_message"] = form.CommitMessage ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = form.CommitChoice ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = branchName if ctx.HasError() { ctx.HTML(200, UPLOAD_FILE) return } if oldBranchName != branchName { if _, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetBranch(branchName); err == nil { ctx.Data["Err_NewBranchName"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_already_exists", branchName), UPLOAD_FILE, &form) return } } var newTreePath string for _, part := range treeNames { newTreePath = path.Join(newTreePath, part) entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(newTreePath) if err != nil { if git.IsErrNotExist(err) { // Means there is no item with that name, so we're good break } ctx.Handle(500, "Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath", err) return } // User can only upload files to a directory. if !entry.IsDir() { ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.directory_is_a_file", part), UPLOAD_FILE, &form) return } } message := strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitSummary) if len(message) == 0 { message = ctx.Tr("repo.editor.upload_files_to_dir", form.TreePath) } form.CommitMessage = strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitMessage) if len(form.CommitMessage) > 0 { message += "\n\n" + form.CommitMessage } if err := ctx.Repo.Repository.UploadRepoFiles(ctx.User, models.UploadRepoFileOptions{ LastCommitID: ctx.Repo.CommitID, OldBranch: oldBranchName, NewBranch: branchName, TreePath: form.TreePath, Message: message, Files: form.Files, }); err != nil { ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.unable_to_upload_files", form.TreePath, err), UPLOAD_FILE, &form) return } ctx.Redirect(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + branchName + "/" + form.TreePath) } func UploadFileToServer(ctx *context.Context) { file, header, err := ctx.Req.FormFile("file") if err != nil { ctx.Error(500, fmt.Sprintf("FormFile: %v", err)) return } defer file.Close() buf := make([]byte, 1024) n, _ := file.Read(buf) if n > 0 { buf = buf[:n] } fileType := http.DetectContentType(buf) if len(setting.Repository.Upload.AllowedTypes) > 0 { allowed := false for _, t := range setting.Repository.Upload.AllowedTypes { t := strings.Trim(t, " ") if t == "*/*" || t == fileType { allowed = true break } } if !allowed { ctx.Error(400, ErrFileTypeForbidden.Error()) return } } upload, err := models.NewUpload(header.Filename, buf, file) if err != nil { ctx.Error(500, fmt.Sprintf("NewUpload: %v", err)) return } log.Trace("New file uploaded: %s", upload.UUID) ctx.JSON(200, map[string]string{ "uuid": upload.UUID, }) } func RemoveUploadFileFromServer(ctx *context.Context, form auth.RemoveUploadFileForm) { if len(form.File) == 0 { ctx.Status(204) return } if err := models.DeleteUploadByUUID(form.File); err != nil { ctx.Error(500, fmt.Sprintf("DeleteUploadByUUID: %v", err)) return } log.Trace("Upload file removed: %s", form.File) ctx.Status(204) }