# TextMate 2 project file # # Copyright 2015 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # build with sqlite TM_MAKE_FLAGS = 'TAGS=sqlite' # exclude binary data from search binary = '{gogs,*.{jpg,png,eot,ttf,woff,woff2,otf}}' excludeInFolderSearch = '{data,gogs-repositories*,modules/bindata,.git,*.min.css}' includeFiles = '{.bra.toml,.dockerignore,.gitignore,.gopmfile,.pkgr.yml,.travis.yml}' # set language for translations based on file name suffix [ locale_*.ini ] FILE_LANGUAGE = '${TM_FILEPATH/^.*locale_([a-z]+)-([A-Z]+).*$/$1_$2/}' windowTitle = '$TM_FILEPATH — $FILE_LANGUAGE Translation' spellingLanguage = '$FILE_LANGUAGE' # tmpl files are html [ *.tmpl ] fileType = text.html # ini files are ini [ *.ini ] fileType = source.ini # use (hard) tabs in all files [ source.go; text.html ] softTabs = false tabSize = 2 wrapColumn = 0 softWrap = true showWrapColumn = false [ README.md ] spellingLanguage = 'en_US' [ README_ZH.md ] spellingLanguage = 'zh_CN'