LoadCommandUsage=Fail to load command(%s) usage[ %s ] ReadCoammndUsage=Unacceptable command(%s) usage file. LoadLocalData=Fail to load local data[ %s ] ParseJSON=Fail to parse JSON[ %s ] OpenFile=Fail to open file[ %s ] RemoveFile=Fail to remove file[ %s ] UnknownCommand=gpm: Unknown command %q. Run 'gpm help' for usage. MoveFile=Fail to move file from $GOPATH(%s) to current directory(%s). UnknownFlag=Unknown flag: %s. DownloadError=Fail to download package(%s)[ %s ] NotFoundError=Import path prefix matches known service, but regexp does not. ErrNoMatch=Unsupported project hosting. PackageNotFound=Cannot find package: %s. MovedFile=Moved file from $GOPATH(%s) to current directory(%s). PureDownload=You enabled pure download. DownloadOnly=You enabled download without installing. DownloadExDeps=You enabled download dependencies in example. DownloadFromSrcs=You enabled download from sources. NoPackage=Please list at least one package/bundle/snapshot. DownloadPath=Packages will be downloaded to GOPATH(%s). InstallStatus=Installing package: %s. BundleInfo=Bundle(%s) contains following nodes: ContinueDownload=Continue to download?(Y/n). SkipDownloaded=Skipped downloaded package: %s. SkipInvalidPath=Skipped invalid import path: %s. InstallByGoGet=Installing package(%s) through 'go get'. NoVCSTool=No version control tool is available, pure download enabled! DownloadStatus=Downloading package: %s. RemovePackage=Removing package: %s.