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function gnssMeas = ProcessGnssMeas(gnssRaw)
% gnssMeas = ProcessGnssMeas(gnssRaw)
% Process raw measurements read from ReadGnssLogger
% Using technique explained in "Raw GNSS Measurements from Android" tutorial
% Input: gnssRaw, output from ReadGnssLogger
% Output: gnssMeas structure formatted conveniently for batch processing:
%gnssMeas.FctSeconds = Nx1 Full cycle time tag of M batched measurements.
% .ClkDCount = Nx1 Hw clock discontinuity count
% .HwDscDelS = Nx1 Hw clock change during each discontiuity (seconds)
% .Svid = 1xM all svIds found in gnssRaw.
% .AzDeg = 1xM azimuth in degrees at last valid epoch
% .ElDeg = 1xM elevation, ditto
% .tRxSeconds = NxM time of reception, seconds of gps week
% .tTxSeconds = NxM time of transmission, seconds of gps week
% .PrM = NxM pseudoranges, row i corresponds to FctSeconds(i)
% .PrSigmaM = NxM pseudorange error estimate (1-sigma)
% .DelPrM = NxM change in pr while clock continuous
% .PrrMps = NxM pseudorange rate
% .PrrSigmaMps= NxM
% .AdrM = NxM accumulated delta range (= -k * carrier phase)
% .AdrSigmaM = NxM
% .AdrState = NxM
% .Cn0DbHz = NxM
% all gnssMeas values are doubles
% Az and El are returned NaN. Compute Az,El using ephemeris and lla,
% or read from NMEA or GnssStatus
%Author: Frank van Diggelen
%Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements
% Filter valid values first, so that rollover checks, etc, are on valid data
gnssRaw = FilterValid(gnssRaw);
%anything within 1ms is considered same epoch:
allRxMilliseconds = double(gnssRaw.allRxMillis);
gnssMeas.FctSeconds = (unique(allRxMilliseconds))*1e-3;
N = length(gnssMeas.FctSeconds);
gnssMeas.ClkDCount = zeros(N,1);
gnssMeas.HwDscDelS = zeros(N,1);
gnssMeas.Svid = unique(gnssRaw.Svid)'; %all the sv ids found in gnssRaw
M = length(gnssMeas.Svid);
gnssMeas.AzDeg = zeros(1,M)+NaN;
gnssMeas.ElDeg = zeros(1,M)+NaN;
gnssMeas.tRxSeconds = zeros(N,M)+NaN; %time of reception, seconds of gps week
gnssMeas.tTxSeconds = zeros(N,M)+NaN; %time of transmission, seconds of gps week
gnssMeas.PrM = zeros(N,M)+NaN;
gnssMeas.PrSigmaM = zeros(N,M)+NaN;
gnssMeas.DelPrM = zeros(N,M)+NaN;
gnssMeas.PrrMps = zeros(N,M)+NaN;
gnssMeas.PrrSigmaMps= zeros(N,M)+NaN;
gnssMeas.AdrM = zeros(N,M)+NaN;
gnssMeas.AdrSigmaM = zeros(N,M)+NaN;
gnssMeas.AdrState = zeros(N,M);
gnssMeas.Cn0DbHz = zeros(N,M)+NaN;
%GPS Week number:
weekNumber = floor(-double(gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos)*1e-9/GpsConstants.WEEKSEC);
%check for fields that are commonly all zero and may be missing from gnssRaw
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'BiasNanos')
gnssRaw.BiasNanos = 0;
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'TimeOffsetNanos')
gnssRaw.TimeOffsetNanos = 0;
%compute time of measurement relative to start of week
%subtract big longs (i.e. time from 1980) before casting time of week as double
WEEKNANOS = int64(GpsConstants.WEEKSEC*1e9);
weekNumberNanos = int64(weekNumber)*int64(GpsConstants.WEEKSEC*1e9);
%compute tRxNanos using gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos(1), so that
% tRxNanos includes rx clock drift since the first epoch:
tRxNanos = gnssRaw.TimeNanos -gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos(1) - weekNumberNanos;
%Assert if Tow state ~=1, because then gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos(1) might be wrong
State = gnssRaw.State(1);
assert(bitand(State,2^0) & bitand(State,2^3),...
'gnssRaw.State(1) must have bits 0 and 3 true before calling ProcessGnssMeas')
%tRxNanos is now since the beginning of the week
assert(all(tRxNanos <= WEEKNANOS),'tRxNanos should be <= WEEKNANOS')
assert(all(tRxNanos >= 0),'tRxNanos should be >= 0')
%subtract the fractional offsets TimeOffsetNanos and BiasNanos:
tRxSeconds = (double(tRxNanos)-gnssRaw.TimeOffsetNanos-gnssRaw.BiasNanos)*1e-9;
tTxSeconds = double(gnssRaw.ReceivedSvTimeNanos)*1e-9;
%check for week rollover in tRxSeconds
prSeconds = tRxSeconds - tTxSeconds;
prSeconds = CheckGpsWeekRollover(prSeconds);
%we are ready to compute pseudorange in meters:
PrM = prSeconds*GpsConstants.LIGHTSPEED;
PrSigmaM = double(gnssRaw.ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos)*1e-9*...
PrrMps = gnssRaw.PseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond;
PrrSigmaMps = gnssRaw.PseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond;
AdrM = gnssRaw.AccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters;
AdrSigmaM = gnssRaw.AccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters;
AdrState = gnssRaw.AccumulatedDeltaRangeState;
Cn0DbHz = gnssRaw.Cn0DbHz;
%Now pack these vectors into the NxM matrices
for i=1:N %i is index into gnssMeas.FctSeconds and matrix rows
%get index of measurements within 1ms of this time tag
J = find(abs(gnssMeas.FctSeconds(i)*1e3 - allRxMilliseconds)<1);
for j=1:length(J) %J(j) is index into gnssRaw.*
k = find(gnssMeas.Svid==gnssRaw.Svid(J(j)));
%k is the index into gnssMeas.Svid and matrix columns
gnssMeas.tRxSeconds(i,k) = tRxSeconds(J(j));
gnssMeas.tTxSeconds(i,k) = tTxSeconds(J(j));
gnssMeas.PrM(i,k) = PrM(J(j));
gnssMeas.PrSigmaM(i,k) = PrSigmaM(J(j));
gnssMeas.PrrMps(i,k) = PrrMps(J(j));
gnssMeas.PrrSigmaMps(i,k)= PrrSigmaMps(J(j));
gnssMeas.AdrM(i,k) = AdrM(J(j));
gnssMeas.AdrSigmaM(i,k) = AdrSigmaM(J(j));
gnssMeas.AdrState(i,k) = AdrState(J(j));
gnssMeas.Cn0DbHz(i,k) = Cn0DbHz(J(j));
%save the hw clock discontinuity count for this epoch:
gnssMeas.ClkDCount(i) = gnssRaw.HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount(J(1));
if gnssRaw.HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount(J(1)) ~= ...
error('HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount changed within the same epoch');
gnssMeas = GetDelPr(gnssMeas);
end %of function ProcessGnssMeas
function gnssRaw = FilterValid(gnssRaw)
%utility function for ProcessGnssMeas,
%remove fields corresponding to measurements that are invalid
%NOTE: this makes it simpler to process data. But it removes data,
% so if you want to investigate *why* fields are invalid, then do so
% before calling this function
%check ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos, PseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond
%for now keep only Svid with towUnc<0.5 microseconds and prrUnc < 10 mps
iTowUnc = gnssRaw.ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos > GnssThresholds.MAXTOWUNCNS;
iPrrUnc = gnssRaw.PseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond > ...
iBad = iTowUnc | iPrrUnc;
if any(iBad)
numBad = sum(iBad);
%assert if we're about to remove everything:
assert(numBad<length(iBad),'Removing all measurements in gnssRaw')
names = fieldnames(gnssRaw);
for i=1:length(names)
ts = sprintf('gnssRaw.%s(iBad) = [];',names{i});
eval(ts); %remove fields for invalid meas
%explain to user what happened:
fprintf('\nRemoved %d bad meas inside ProcessGnssMeas>FilterValid because:\n',...
if any(iTowUnc)
fprintf('towUnc > %.0f ns\n',GnssThresholds.MAXTOWUNCNS)
if any(iPrrUnc)
fprintf('prrUnc > %.0f m/s\n',GnssThresholds.MAXPRRUNCMPS)
end %end of function FilterValid
function gnssMeas = GetDelPr(gnssMeas)
% utility function for ProcessGnssMeas, compute DelPr
% gnssMeas.DelPrM = NxM, change in pr while clock is continuous
N = length(gnssMeas.FctSeconds);
M = length(gnssMeas.Svid);
bClockDis = [0;diff(gnssMeas.ClkDCount)~=0];%binary, 1 <=> clock discontinuity
%initialize first epoch to zero (by definition), rest to NaN
delPrM = zeros(N,M); delPrM(2:end,:) = NaN;
for j=1:M
i0=1; %i0 = index from where we compute DelPr
for i=2:N
if bClockDis(i) || isnan(gnssMeas.PrM(i0,j))
i0 = i; %reset to i if clock discont or a break in tracking
if bClockDis(i)
delPrM(i,j) = NaN;
delPrM(i,j) = gnssMeas.PrM(i,j) - gnssMeas.PrM(i0,j);
gnssMeas.DelPrM = delPrM;
end %of function GetDelPr
function prSeconds = CheckGpsWeekRollover(prSeconds)
%utility function for ProcessGnssMeas
iRollover = prSeconds > GpsConstants.WEEKSEC/2;
if any(iRollover)
fprintf('\nWARNING: week rollover detected in time tags. Adjusting ...')
prS = prSeconds(iRollover);
prS = prS - round(prS/GpsConstants.WEEKSEC)*GpsConstants.WEEKSEC;
%prS are in the range [-WEEKSEC/2 : WEEKSEC/2];
%check that common bias is not huge (like, bigger than 10s)
maxBiasSeconds = 10;
if any(prS>maxBiasSeconds)
error('Failed to correct week rollover')
prSeconds(iRollover) = prS; %put back into prSeconds vector
fprintf('\nCorrected week rollover')
%TBD Unit test this
end %end of function CheckGpsWeekRollover
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% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
% You may obtain a copy of the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
% limitations under the License.