function [allGpsEph,allGloEph] = GetNasaHourlyEphemeris(utcTime,dirName) %[allGpsEph,allGloEph] = GetNasaHourlyEphemeris(utcTime,dirName) %Get hourly ephemeris files, % If a GPS ephemeris file is in dirName, with valid ephemeris for at % least 24 svs, then read it; else download from NASA's archive of % Space Geodesy Data % %Output allGpsEph structure of ephemerides in format defined in ReadRinexNav.m % TBD: allGloEph, and any other supported by the NSA ftp site % %examples of how to call GetNasaHourlyEphemeris: %1) with /demoFiles and utcTime where ephemeris has already been downloaded: % replace '~/...' with actual path: % dirName = '~/Documents/MATLAB/gpstools/opensource/demoFiles'; % utcTime = [2016,8,22,22,50,00]; % [allGpsEph,allGloEph] = GetNasaHourlyEphemeris(utcTime,dirName) % %2) with utcTime for which ephemeris has not been downloaded, % this exercises the automatic ftp download. % Replace '~' with actual path: % dirName = '~/Documents/MATLAB/gpstools/opensource/demoFiles'; % utcTime = [2016,5,ceil(rand(1,2).*[30,24]),0,0],%a random Hour and Day in May % [allGpsEph,allGloEph] = GetNasaHourlyEphemeris(utcTime,dirName) % % More details: % The Nasa ephemeris Unix-compressed. % GetNasaHourlyEphemeris will automatically uncompress it, if you have the right % uncompress function on you computer. If you need to install an unzip utility, % see and % Search for 'uncompress' in the GetNasaHourlyEphemeris function to find and % edit the name of the unzip utility. %Author: Frank van Diggelen %Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements allGpsEph=[];allGloEph=[]; if nargin<2 dirName = []; end [bOk,dirName] = CheckInputs(utcTime,dirName); if ~bOk, return, end %Description of file names, see: % % broadcast_ephemeris_data.html#GPShourly yearNumber4Digit = utcTime(1); yearNumber2Digit = rem(utcTime(1),100); dayNumber = DayOfYear(utcTime); hourlyZFile = sprintf('hour%03d0.%02dn.Z',dayNumber,yearNumber2Digit); ephFilename = hourlyZFile(1:end-2); fullEphFilename = [dirName,ephFilename]; %full name (with directory specified) %check if ephemeris file already exists (e.g. you downloaded it 'by hand') %and if there are fresh ephemeris for lotsa sats within 2 hours of fctSeconds bGotGpsEph = false; if exist(fullEphFilename,'file')==2 %% file exists locally, so read it fprintf('Reading GPS ephemeris from ''%s'' file in local directory\n',... ephFilename); fprintf('%s\n',dirName); allGpsEph = ReadRinexNav(fullEphFilename); [~,fctSeconds] = Utc2Gps(utcTime); ephAge = [allGpsEph.GPS_Week]*GpsConstants.WEEKSEC + [allGpsEph.Toe] - ... fctSeconds; %get index into fresh and healthy ephemeris (health bit set => unhealthy) iFreshAndHealthy = abs(ephAge) 0 goodEphSvs = unique([allGpsEph(iFreshAndHealthy).PRN]); if length(goodEphSvs)>=GnssThresholds.MINNUMGPSEPH bGotGpsEph = true; end end if ~bGotGpsEph %% get ephemeris from Nasa site ftpSiteName = ''; hourlyDir=sprintf('/gnss/data/hourly/%4d/%03d/',yearNumber4Digit,dayNumber); fprintf('\nGetting GPS ephemeris ''%s'' from NASA ftp site ...',hourlyZFile) fprintf('\nftp://%s%s\n',ftpSiteName,hourlyDir); %check that the dirName has been properly specified if strfind(dirName,'~') fprintf('\nYou set: dirName = ''%s''\n',dirName) fprintf('To download ephemeris from ftp,') fprintf(' specify ''dirName'' with full path, and no tilde ''~''\n') fprintf('Change ''dirName'' or download ephemeris file ''%s'' by hand\n',... hourlyZFile); fprintf('To unzip the *.Z file, see\n') return end try nasaFtp=ftp(ftpSiteName); %connect to ftp server and create ftp object cd(nasaFtp,hourlyDir); zF = mget(nasaFtp,hourlyZFile,dirName); %get compressed (.Z) file catch %failed automatic ftp, ask user to do this by hand fprintf('\nAutomatic ftp download failed.\n') fprintf('Please go to this ftp, \n') fprintf('and get this file:%s%s \n',hourlyDir,hourlyZFile); fprintf('Extract contents to the directory with your pseudorange log file:\n') fprintf('%s\n',dirName) fprintf('To unzip the *.Z file, see\n') fprintf('Then run this function again, it will read from that directory\n') return end %Now we have the zipped file from nasa. Unzip it: unzipCommand='uncompress';%edit if your platform uses something different if any(strfind(computer,'PCWIN')) unzipCommand='gunzip'; end s = sprintf('%s "%s"',unzipCommand,zF{1}); %string for system command [sysFlag,result] = system(s); if any(sysFlag) fprintf('\nError in GetNasaHourlyEphemeris.m\n') fprintf('%s',result); fprintf('System command ''%s'' failed\n',unzipCommand) fprintf('Unzip contents of %s by hand. See\n',zF{1}) fprintf('Then run this function again, it will read the uncompressed file\n') return end bOk = bOk && ~sysFlag; if bOk fprintf('\nSuccessfully downloaded ephemeris file ''%s''\n',ephFilename) if ~isempty(dirName) fprintf('to: %s\n',dirName); end else end end allGpsEph = ReadRinexNav(fullEphFilename); end %end of function GetNasaHourlyEphemeris %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [bOk,dirName] = CheckInputs(utcTime,dirName) %% check we have the utcTime and right kind of dirName if any(size(utcTime)~=[1,6]) error('utcTime must be a (1x6) vector') end if isempty(dirName), return, end bOk = true; if ~exist(dirName,'dir') bOk = false; fprintf('Error: directory ''%s'' not found\n',dirName); if any(strfind(computer,'PCWIN')) && any(strfind(dirName,'/')) fprintf('Looks like you''re using a PC, be sure your directory is specified with back-slashes ''\\''\n'); end else % check if there is a slash at the end of dirName %decide what type of slash to use: slashChar = '/'; %default if any(strfind(dirName,'\')) slashChar = '\'; end if dirName(end)~=slashChar dirName = [dirName,slashChar]; %add slash end end end %end of function CheckInputs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2016 Google Inc. % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License.