function [colorsOut] = PlotPseudoranges(gnssMeas,prFileName,colors) %[colors] = PlotPseudoranges(gnssMeas,[prFileName],[colors]) % plot the Pseudoranges obtained from ProcessGnssMeas % %gnssMeas.FctSeconds = Nx1 vector. Rx time tag of measurements. % .ClkDCount = Nx1 vector. Hw clock discontinuity count % .Svid = 1xM vector of all svIds found in gnssRaw. % ... % .PrM = NxM matrix, row i corresponds to FctSeconds(i) % ... % .Cn0DbHz = NxM % % Optional inputs: prFileName = string with file name % colors, Mx3 color matrix % if colors is not Mx3, it will be ignored % %Output: colors, color matrix, so we match colors each time we plot the same sv if nargin<2 prFileName = ''; end M = length(gnssMeas.Svid); N = length(gnssMeas.FctSeconds); if nargin<3 || any(size(colors)~=[M,3]) colors = zeros(M,3); %initialize color matrix for storing colors bGotColors = false; else bGotColors = true; end timeSeconds =gnssMeas.FctSeconds-gnssMeas.FctSeconds(1);%elapsed time in seconds for i=1:M %plot pseudoranges in meters h123(1) = subplot(5,1,1:2); hold on, priM = gnssMeas.PrM(:,i); iF = find(isfinite(priM)); if ~isempty(iF) ti = timeSeconds(iF(end)); h=plot(timeSeconds,priM); set(h,'Marker','.','MarkerSize',4) if bGotColors set(h,'Color',colors(i,:)); else colors(i,:) = get(h,'Color'); end text(ti,priM(iF(end)),int2str(gnssMeas.Svid(i)),'Color',colors(i,:)); %plot change in pseudoranges since first epoch h123(2) = subplot(5,1,3:4); hold on y = priM-priM(iF(1)); h=plot(timeSeconds,y);set(h,'Marker','.','MarkerSize',4) set(h,'Color',colors(i,:)); text(ti,y(iF(end)),int2str(gnssMeas.Svid(i)),'Color',colors(i,:)); end end subplot(5,1,1:2); ax=axis; title('Pseudoranges vs time'), ylabel('(meters)') subplot(5,1,3:4); set(gca,'XLim',ax(1:2)); title('Pseudoranges change from initial value'),ylabel('(meters)') bClockDis = [0;diff(gnssMeas.ClkDCount)~=0];%binary, 1 <=> clock discontinuity %plot Clock discontinuity h123(3) = subplot(5,1,5); iCont = ~bClockDis;%index into where clock is continuous plot(timeSeconds(iCont),bClockDis(iCont),'.b');%blue dots for continuous hold on plot(timeSeconds(~iCont),bClockDis(~iCont),'.r');%red dots for discontinuous set(gca,'XLim',ax(1:2),'YLim',[-0.5 1.5]); grid on set(gca,'YTick',[0 1],'YTickLabel',{'continuous ','discontinuous'}) set(gca,'YTickLabelRotation',45) title('HW Clock Discontinuity') xs = sprintf('time (seconds)\n%s',prFileName); xlabel(xs,'Interpreter','none') linkaxes(h123,'x'); if nargout colorsOut = colors; end end %end of function PlotPseudoranges %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2016 Google Inc. % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License.