function [llaDegDegM] = Xyz2Lla(xyzM) % [llaDegDegM] = Xyz2Lla(xyzM) % % Transform Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed x,y,z, coordinates to lat,lon,alt. % Input: xyzM = [mx3] matrix of ECEF coordinates in meters % Output: llaDegDegM = [mx3] matrix = [latDeg,lonDeg,altM] % latitude, longitude are returned in degrees and altitude in meters % % See also Lla2Xyz %Author: Frank van Diggelen %Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements % check inputs if size(xyzM,2)~=3 error('Input xyzM must have three columns'); end % algorithm: Hoffman-Wellenhof, Lichtenegger & Collins "GPS Theory & Practice" R2D = 180/pi; %if x and y ecef positions are both zero then lla is undefined iZero = ( xyzM(:,1)==0 & xyzM(:,2)==0); xyzM(iZero,:) = NaN; %set to NaN, so lla will also be NaN xM = xyzM(:,1); yM = xyzM(:,2); zM = xyzM(:,3); %following algorithm from Hoffman-Wellenhof, et al. "GPS Theory & Practice": a = GpsConstants.EARTHSEMIMAJOR; a2 = a^2; b2 = a2*(1-GpsConstants.EARTHECCEN2); b = sqrt(b2); e2 = GpsConstants.EARTHECCEN2; ep2 = (a2-b2)/b2; p=sqrt(xM.^2 + yM.^2); % two sides and hypotenuse of right angle triangle with one angle = theta: s1 = zM*a; s2 = p*b; h = sqrt(s1.^2 + s2.^2); sin_theta = s1./h; cos_theta = s2./h; %theta = atan(s1./s2); % two sides and hypotenuse of right angle triangle with one angle = lat: s1 = zM+ep2*b*(sin_theta.^3); s2 = p-a*e2.*(cos_theta.^3); h = sqrt(s1.^2 + s2.^2); tan_lat = s1./s2; sin_lat = s1./h; cos_lat = s2./h; latDeg = atan(tan_lat); latDeg = latDeg*R2D; N = a2*((a2*(cos_lat.^2) + b2*(sin_lat.^2)).^(-0.5)); altM = p./cos_lat - N; % rotate longitude to where it would be for a fixed point in ECI %lonDeg = atan2(yM,xM) - GpsConstants.WE*deltaTime; lonDeg = atan2(yM,xM); %since deltaTime = 0 for ECEF lonDeg = rem(lonDeg,2*pi)*R2D; if (lonDeg>180) lonDeg = lonDeg-360; end llaDegDegM = [latDeg, lonDeg,altM]; end %end of function Xyz2Lla %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2016 Google Inc. % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License.