function [xyzM] = Lla2Xyz(llaDegDegM) % [xyzM] = Lla2Xyz(llaDegDegM) % Transform latitude, longitude, altitude to ECEF coordinates. % % input: llaDegDegM = [mx3] matrix = [latDeg,lonDeg,altM] % latitude, longitude are in degrees, altitude in meters % output: xyzM = [mx3] matrix of ECEF coordinates in meters % % See also Xyz2Lla %Author: Frank van Diggelen %Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements % check inputs if size(llaDegDegM,2)~=3 error('Input llaDegDegM must have three columns'); end latDeg = llaDegDegM(:,1); lonDeg = llaDegDegM(:,2); altM = llaDegDegM(:,3); %No rotation of longitude, by definition of ECEF % Compute sines and cosines. D2R = pi/180; clat = cos(latDeg*D2R); clon = cos(lonDeg*D2R); slat = sin(latDeg*D2R); slon = sin(lonDeg*D2R); % Compute position vector in ECEF coordinates. r0 = GpsConstants.EARTHSEMIMAJOR * ... (sqrt(1.0 - GpsConstants.EARTHECCEN2 .* slat .* slat)).^(-1); xM = (altM + r0) .* clat .* clon; % x coordinate yM = (altM + r0) .* clat .* slon; % y coordinate zM = (altM + r0 .* (1.0 - GpsConstants.EARTHECCEN2)).* slat;% z coordinate [xyzM] = [xM,yM,zM]; end %end of function Lla2Xyz %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2016 Google Inc. % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License.