function PlotPvtStates(gnssPvt,prFileName) %PlotPvtStates(gnssPvt,prFileName); %Plot the Position, Velocity and Time/clock states in gnssPvt % % gnssPvt.FctSeconds Nx1 time vector, same as gpsMeas.FctSeconds % .allLlaDegDegM Nx3 matrix, (i,:) = [lat (deg), lon (deg), alt (m)] % .sigmaLlaM Nx3 standard deviation of [lat,lon,alt] (m) % .allBcMeters Nx1 common bias computed with lla % .allVelMps Nx3 (i,:) = velocity in NED coords % .sigmaVelMps Nx3 standard deviation of velocity (m/s) % .allBcDotMps Nx1 common freq bias computed with velocity %Author: Frank van Diggelen %Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements %find median values iFi = isfinite(gnssPvt.allLlaDegDegM(:,1));%index into finite results if ~any(iFi) return end llaMed = median(gnssPvt.allLlaDegDegM(iFi,:));%use medians as reference %time variable for plots tSeconds = gnssPvt.FctSeconds-gnssPvt.FctSeconds(1); h1234 = zeros(1,4); %handles for subplots %plot ned errors vs medians ---------------------------------------------------- ned = Lla2Ned(gnssPvt.allLlaDegDegM,llaMed); h1234(1)=subplot(4,1,1); plot(tSeconds,ned(:,1),'r');hold on plot(tSeconds,ned(:,2),'g'); plot(tSeconds,ned(:,3),'b'); title('WLS: Position states offset from medians [Lat,Lon,Alt]'); grid on, ylabel('(meters)'), %label Latitude, Longitude and Altitude iFi = isfinite(ned(:,1));%index into finite results h=zeros(1,3); %handles for Lat, Lon, Alt h(1)=text(tSeconds(end),ned(iFi(end),1),'Lat'); set(h(1),'Color','r') h(2)=text(tSeconds(end),ned(iFi(end),2),'Lon'); set(h(2),'Color','g') h(3)=text(tSeconds(end),ned(iFi(end),3),'Alt'); set(h(3),'Color','b') %shift the highest a little higher, so it doesnt overwrite the others [~,iMax] = max(ned(iFi(end),:)); set(h(iMax),'VerticalAlignment','bottom'); %shift the lowest a little lower [~,iMin] = min(ned(iFi(end),:)); set(h(iMin),'VerticalAlignment','top'); %plot common bias, in microseconds and meters --------------------------------- h1234(2)=subplot(4,1,2); iFi = isfinite(gnssPvt.allBcMeters);%index into finite results if any(iFi) plot(tSeconds,gnssPvt.allBcMeters - gnssPvt.allBcMeters(iFi(1))) grid on bc0Microseconds = gnssPvt.allBcMeters(iFi(1))/GpsConstants.LIGHTSPEED*1e6; bc0Text = sprintf('%.1f',bc0Microseconds); title(['Common bias ''clock'' offset from initial value of ',... bc0Text,' {\mu}s']) ylabel(('meters')) end %add microseconds label on right ax=axis; axMeters = ax(3:4); set(gca,'YLim',axMeters); %fix this, else rescaling fig breaks axis proportion axMicroseconds = axMeters/GpsConstants.LIGHTSPEED*1e6; set(gca,'Box','off'); %# Turn off the box surrounding the whole axes axesPosition = get(gca,'Position'); %# Get the current axes position hNewAxes = axes('Position',axesPosition,... %# Place a new axes on top... 'Color','none',... %# ... with no background color 'YLim',axMicroseconds,... %# ... and a different scale 'YAxisLocation','right',... %# ... located on the right 'XTick',[],... %# ... with no x tick marks 'Box','off'); %# ... and no surrounding box ylabel(hNewAxes,'(microseconds)'); %# Add label to right %you must link the axes, else proportion will change when you scale figure: linkaxes([hNewAxes, h1234(2)],'x'); %plot three components of speed ------------------------------------------------ h1234(3)=subplot(4,1,3); vel = gnssPvt.allVelMps; plot(tSeconds,vel(:,1),'r');hold on plot(tSeconds,vel(:,2),'g'); plot(tSeconds,vel(:,3),'b'); title('Velocity states [North,East,Down]'); grid on, ylabel('(m/s)'), %label North, East, Down iFi = isfinite(vel(:,1));%index into finite results h=zeros(1,3); %handles for Lat, Lon, Alt h(1)=text(tSeconds(end),vel(iFi(end),1),'North'); set(h(1),'Color','r') h(2)=text(tSeconds(end),vel(iFi(end),2),'East'); set(h(2),'Color','g') h(3)=text(tSeconds(end),vel(iFi(end),3),'Down'); set(h(3),'Color','b') %shift the highest a little higher, so it doesnt overwrite the others [~,iMax] = max(vel(iFi(end),:)); set(h(iMax),'VerticalAlignment','bottom'); %shift the lowest a little lower [~,iMin] = min(vel(iFi(end),:)); set(h(iMin),'VerticalAlignment','top'); %plot common frequency offset ------------------------------------------------- h1234(4)=subplot(4,1,4); plot(tSeconds,gnssPvt.allBcDotMps) grid on title('Common frequency offset'); ylabel(('m/s')) %add microseconds label on right ax=axis; axMps = ax(3:4); set(gca,'YLim',axMps);%fix this, else rescaling fig breaks axis proportion PPMPERMPS = 1/GpsConstants.LIGHTSPEED*1E6; %true for any frequency axPpm = axMps*PPMPERMPS; set(gca,'Box','off'); %# Turn off the box surrounding the whole axes axesPosition = get(gca,'Position'); %# Get the current axes position hNewAxes = axes('Position',axesPosition,... %# Place a new axes on top... 'Color','none',... %# ... with no background color 'YLim',axPpm,... %# ... and a different scale 'YAxisLocation','right',... %# ... located on the right 'XTick',[],... %# ... with no x tick marks 'Box','off'); %# ... and no surrounding box ylabel(hNewAxes,'(ppm)'); %# Add label to right linkaxes([hNewAxes, h1234(4)],'x') xs = sprintf('\ntime(seconds)\n%s',prFileName); xlabel(xs,'Interpreter','none') linkaxes(h1234,'x'); %link all x axes end %end of function PlotPvtStates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2016 Google Inc. % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License.