function PlotAdrResids(adrResid,gnssMeas,prFileName,colors) % PlotAdrResids(adrResid,gnssMeas,[prFileName],[colors]) % plot the Accumulated Delta Range residuals for the 5 sats with most valid adr % % adrResid.FctSeconds = Nx1 time vector, same as gnssMeas.FctSeconds % .Svid0 = reference satellite for single differences % .Svid = 1xM vector of all svid % .ResidM = [NxM] adr residuals (adr = -k*carrier) % % gnssMeas, the measurements (from ProcessGnssMeas) used to get adrResids % % Optional inputs: prFileName = string with file name % colors, Mx3 color matrix % if colors is not Mx3, it will be ignored %Author: Frank van Diggelen %Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements K = 5; %number of satellites to plot if isempty(adrResid) || ~any(any(isfinite(adrResid.ResidM))) %Nothing but NaNs fprintf(' No adr residuals to plot\n'), return end if nargin<2 prFileName = ''; end M = length(adrResid.Svid); N = length(adrResid.FctSeconds); if nargin<3 || any(size(colors)~=[M,3]) bGotColors = false; else bGotColors = true; end timeSeconds =adrResid.FctSeconds-adrResid.FctSeconds(1);%elapsed time in seconds % find the K sats with most data numValid = zeros(1,M); for j=1:M numValid(j) = sum(isfinite(adrResid.ResidM(:,j))); end [~,jSorted] = sort(numValid,'descend'); hK=zeros(1,K); %initialize plot handle for k=1:K hK(k) = subplot(K,1,k); jSv = jSorted(k); %index into correct adrResid.Svid, and columns of .ResidM svid = adrResid.Svid(jSv); h = plot(timeSeconds,adrResid.ResidM(:,jSv)); grid on, hold on j = find(gnssMeas.Svid == svid); %index into gnssMeas columns if bGotColors set(h,'Color',colors(j,:)); end %get cycle slip flags %From gps.h: % #define GPS_ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP (1<<2) iCs = find(bitand(gnssMeas.AdrState(:,j),2^2)); numCs = length(iCs); if numCs h=plot(timeSeconds(iCs),zeros(numCs,1),'xk'); set(h,'MarkerSize',5) end ts=sprintf('Svids %d - %d',svid,adrResid.Svid0); title(ts) ylabel('(meters)'); end xs = sprintf('time (seconds)\n%s',prFileName); xlabel(xs,'Interpreter','none') linkaxes(hK,'x'); subplot(K,1,1) svid = adrResid.Svid(jSorted(1)); ts=sprintf('ADR single difference residuals. No iono or tropo correction. Svids %d - %d',... svid,adrResid.Svid0); title(ts) ax=axis; ht=text(ax(1),ax(3),' ''x'' = declared cycle slip'); set(ht,'VerticalAlignment','bottom','FontSize',8); end %end of function PlotAdrResids %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2016 Google Inc. % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License.