function [gpsTime,fctSeconds] = Utc2Gps(utcTime) % [gpsTime,fctSeconds] = Utc2Gps(utcTime) % Convert the UTC date and time to GPS week & seconds % % Inputs: % utcTime: [mx6] matrix % utcTime(i,:) = [year,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds] % year must be specified using four digits, e.g. 1994 % year valid range: 1980 <= year <= 2099 % % Outputs: % gpsTime: [mx2] matrix [gpsWeek, gpsSeconds], % gpsWeek = number of weeks since GPS epoch % gpsSeconds = number of seconds into gpsWeek, % fctSeconds: full cycle time = seconds since GPS epoch (1980/01/06 00:00 UTC) % Other functions needed: JulianDay.m, LeapSeconds.m %initialize outputs gpsTime=[]; fctSeconds=[]; [bOk]=CheckUtcTimeInputs(utcTime); if ~bOk return end HOURSEC = 3600; MINSEC = 60; daysSinceEpoch = floor(JulianDay(utcTime) - GpsConstants.GPSEPOCHJD); gpsWeek = fix(daysSinceEpoch/7); dayofweek = rem(daysSinceEpoch,7); % calculate the number of seconds since Sunday at midnight: gpsSeconds = dayofweek*GpsConstants.DAYSEC + utcTime(:,4)*HOURSEC + ... utcTime(:,5)*MINSEC + utcTime(:,6); gpsWeek = gpsWeek + fix(gpsSeconds/GpsConstants.WEEKSEC); gpsSeconds = rem(gpsSeconds,GpsConstants.WEEKSEC); % now add leapseconds leapSecs = LeapSeconds(utcTime); fctSeconds = gpsWeek(:)*GpsConstants.WEEKSEC + gpsSeconds(:) + leapSecs(:); % when a leap second happens, utc time stands still for one second, % so gps seconds get further ahead, so we add leapsecs in going to gps time gpsWeek = fix(fctSeconds/GpsConstants.WEEKSEC); iZ = gpsWeek==0; gpsSeconds(iZ) = fctSeconds(iZ); %set gpsSeconds directly, because rem(x,0)=NaN gpsSeconds(~iZ) = rem(fctSeconds(~iZ),gpsWeek(~iZ)*GpsConstants.WEEKSEC); gpsTime=[gpsWeek,gpsSeconds]; assert(all(fctSeconds==gpsWeek*GpsConstants.WEEKSEC+gpsSeconds),... 'Error in computing gpsWeek, gpsSeconds'); end %end of function Utc2Gps %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [bOk] = CheckUtcTimeInputs(utcTime) %utility function for Utc2Gps %check inputs if size(utcTime,2)~=6 error('utcTime must have 6 columns') end %check that year, month & day are integers x = utcTime(:,1:3); if any(any( (x-fix(x)) ~= 0 )) error('year,month & day must be integers') end %check that year is in valid range if ( any(utcTime(:,1)<1980) || any(utcTime(:,1)>2099) ) error('year must have values in the range: [1980:2099]') end %check validity of month, day and time if (any(utcTime(:,2))<1 || any(utcTime(:,2))>12 ) error('The month in utcTime must be a number in the set [1:12]') end if (any(utcTime(:,3)<1) || any(utcTime(:,3)>31)) error('The day in utcTime must be a number in the set [1:31]') end if (any(utcTime(:,4)<0) || any(utcTime(:,4)>=24)) error('The hour in utcTime must be in the range [0,24)') end if (any(utcTime(:,5)<0) || any(utcTime(:,5)>=60)) error('The minutes in utcTime must be in the range [0,60)') end if (any(utcTime(:,6)<0) || any(utcTime(:,6)>60)) %Note: seconds can equal 60 exactly, on the second a leap second is added error('The seconds in utcTime must be in the range [0,60]') end bOk = true; end %end of function CheckUtcTimeInputs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2016 Google Inc. % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License.