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% GNSS Tools Open Source, MATLAB tools to:
% read data from GnssLogger App,
% compute and visualize pseudoranges,
% compute weighted least squares position and velocity,
% view and analyze carrier phase (if it is present in the log file).
% ProcessGnssMeasScript - script to set file name and call all other functions
% Start with this file, and the run the demo log files provided with this code
% Coordinate transformations
% Lla2Ned - Difference of [lat,lon,alt], return NED coords in meters
% Lla2Xyz - lat,lon,alt transform to x,y,z (Earth Centered Earth Fixed)
% RotEcef2Ned - Rotation matrix to convert ECEF vector to NED, & vice versa
% Xyz2Lla - x,y,z (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) transform to lat,lon,alt
% Ephemeris and Orbit functions
% CheckGpsEphInputs - Check the inputs for all GpsEph2* functions
% ClosestGpsEph - find unique fresh ephemeris from a GPS ephemeris structure
% GpsEph2Dtsv - Satellite clock bias from GPS ephemeris
% GpsEph2Pvt - Satellite position, velocity and clock bias from GPS ephemeris
% GpsEph2Xyz - Satellite position from GPS ephemeris
% FlightTimeCorrection - Rotated coords from Earth rotation during flight time
% Kepler - Solve Kepler's equation for eccentric anomaly
% ReadRinexNav - Read ephemeris & iono data from an ASCII formatted RINEX2 file
% Navigation, Pseudorange and Accumulated Delta Range functions
% GpsAdrResiduals - Residuals from GPS Accumulated Delta Ranges (carrier)
% GpsWlsPvt - Position Velocity and Time from GPS measurements
% WlsPvt - Weighted least squares PVT solution from pr and prr
% ProcessAdr - Compute Delta PR minus ADR (carrier)
% ProcessGnssMeas - Process raw GnssLogger measurements and compute pseudoranges
% Plotting functions
% PlotAdrResids - Plot the Accumulated Delta Range (carrier) residuals
% PlotCno - Plot the carrier-to-noise-density ratio, C/No, from gnssMeas
% PlotPseudoranges - Plot the pseudoranges obtained from ProcessGnssMeas
% PlotPvt - Plot the results of GpsWlsPvt
% PlotPvtStates - Plot Position, Velocity and Time/clock states
% Time functions
% DayOfYear - Day number of the year
% Gps2Utc - Convert GPS time (week & seconds) to UTC
% JulianDay - Number of days since first GPS week
% LeapSeconds - Number of leap seconds since the first GPS week
% Utc2Gps - Convert UTC time to GPS time
% File reading
% GetNasaHourlyEphemeris - Read hourly ephemeris file
% ReadRinexNav - Read ephemeris & iono data from a RINEX2 Nav file
% ReadGnssLogger - Read the file created by Gnss Logger App in Android
% General functions and classes
% CompareVersions - Compare two version numbers
% GnssThresholds - GNSS validity thresholds we use in the code
% GpsConstants - GPS constants, from WGS84 and IS-GPS-200
% Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
% You may obtain a copy of the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
% limitations under the License.