function [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis] = ReadGnssLogger(dirName,fileName,dataFilter,gnssAnalysis) |
%% [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis]=ReadGnssLogger(dirName,fileName,[dataFilter],[gnssAnalysis]); |
% Read the log file created by Gnss Logger App in Android |
% Compatible with Android release N |
% |
% Input: |
% dirName = string with directory of fileName, |
% e.g. '~/Documents/MATLAB/Pseudoranges/2016-03-28' |
% fileName = string with filename |
% optional inputs: |
% [dataFilter], nx2 cell array of pairs of strings, |
% dataFilter{i,1} is a string with one of 'Raw' header values from the |
% GnssLogger log file e.g. 'ConstellationType' |
% dataFilter{i,2} is a string with a valid matlab expression, containing |
% the header value, e.g. 'ConstellationType==1' |
% See SetDataFilter.m for full rules and examples of dataFilter. |
% [gnssAnalysis] structure containing analysis, incl list of missing fields |
% |
% Output: |
% gnssRaw, all GnssClock and GnssMeasurement fields from log file, including: |
% .TimeNanos (int64) |
% .FullBiasNanos (int64) |
% ... |
% .Svid |
% .ReceivedSvTimeNanos (int64) |
% .PseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond |
% ... |
% and data fields created by this function: |
% .allRxMillis (int64), full cycle time of measurement (milliseconds) |
% accurate to one millisecond, it is convenient for matching up time |
% tags. For computing accurate location, etc, you must still use |
% TimeNanos and gnssMeas.tRxSeconds |
% |
% gnssAnalysis, structure containing analysis, including list of missing fields |
% |
% see also: SetDataFilter, ProcessGnssMeas |
%Author: Frank van Diggelen |
%Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements |
%factored into a few main sub-functions: |
% MakeCsv() |
% ReadRawCsv() |
% FilterData() |
% PackGnssRaw() |
% CheckGnssClock() |
% ReportMissingFields() |
%% Initialize outputs and inputs |
gnssRaw = []; |
gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors = 'GnssClock Errors.'; |
gnssAnalysis.GnssMeasurementErrors = 'GnssMeasurement Errors.'; |
gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail = ''; |
if nargin<3, dataFilter = []; end |
%% check we have the right kind of fileName |
extension = fileName(end-3:end); |
if ~any(strcmp(extension,{'.txt','.csv'})) |
error('Expecting file name of the form "*.txt", or "*.csv"'); |
end |
%% read log file into a numeric matrix 'S', and a cell array 'header' |
rawCsvFile = MakeCsv(dirName,fileName); %create output file |
[header,C] = ReadRawCsv(rawCsvFile); |
%% apply dataFilter |
[bOk] = CheckDataFilter(dataFilter,header); |
if ~bOk, return, end |
[bOk,C] = FilterData(C,dataFilter,header); |
if ~bOk, return, end |
%% pack data into gnssRaw structure |
[gnssRaw,missing] = PackGnssRaw(C,header); |
%% check clock and measurements |
[gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis] = CheckGnssClock(gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis); |
gnssAnalysis = ReportMissingFields(gnssAnalysis,missing); |
end %end of function ReadGnssLogger |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function csvFileName = MakeCsv(dirName,fileName) |
%% make csv file, if necessary. |
%And return extended csv file name (i.e. with full path in the name) |
%TBD, maybe, do this entirely with Matlab read/write functions, make independent |
%from grep and sed |
%make extended file name |
if dirName(end)~='/' |
dirName = [dirName,'/']; %add / |
end |
csvFileName = [dirName,'raw.csv']; |
if strcmp(fileName(end-3:end),'.csv') |
return %input file is a csv file, nothing more to do here |
end |
extendedFileName = [dirName,fileName]; |
fprintf('\nReading file %s\n',extendedFileName) |
%% read version |
txtfileID = fopen(extendedFileName,'r'); |
if txtfileID<0 |
error('file ''%s'' not found',extendedFileName); |
end |
line=''; |
while isempty(strfind(lower(line),'version')) |
line = fgetl(txtfileID); |
if ~ischar(line) %eof or error occurred |
if isempty(line) |
error('\nError occurred while reading file %s\n',fileName) |
end |
break |
end |
end |
if line==-1 |
fprintf('\nCould not find "Version" in input file %s\n',fileName) |
return |
end |
%look for the beginning of the version number, e.g. |
iDigits = regexp(line,'\d'); %index into the first number found in line |
v = sscanf(line(iDigits(1):end),'%d.%d.%d.%d',4); |
if length(v)<4 |
v(end+1:4,1)=0; %make v into a length 4 column vector |
end |
%Now extract the platform |
k = strfind(line,'Platform:'); |
if any(k) |
sPlatform = line(k+9:end); |
else |
sPlatform = '';%set empty if 'Platform:' not found |
end |
if isempty(strfind(sPlatform,'N')) |
%add || strfind(platform,'O') and so on for future platforms |
fprintf('\nThis version of ReadGnssLogger supports Android N\n') |
fprintf('WARNING: did not find "Platform" type in log file, expected "Platform: N"\n') |
fprintf('Please Update GnssLogger\n') |
sPlatform = 'N';%assume version N |
end |
v1 = [1;4;0;0]; |
sCompare = CompareVersions(v,v1); |
%Note, we need to check both the logger version (e.g. v1.0.0.0) and the |
%Platform version "e.g. Platform: N" for any logic based on version |
if strcmp(sCompare,'before') |
fprintf('\nThis version of ReadGnssLogger supports v1.4.0.0 onwards\n') |
error('Found "%s" in log file',line) |
end |
%% write csv file with header and numbers |
%We could use grep and sed to make a csv file |
%fclose(txtfileID); |
% system(['grep -e ''Raw,'' ',extendedFileName,... |
% ' | sed -e ''s/true/1/'' -e ''s/false/0/'' -e ''s/# //'' ',... |
% ' -e ''s/Raw,//'' ',... %replace "Raw," with nothing |
% '-e ''s/(//g'' -e ''s/)//g'' > ',csvFileName]); |
% |
% On versions from v1.4.0.0 N: |
% grep on "Raw," replace alpha characters amongst the numbers, |
% remove parentheses in the header, |
% note use of /g for "global" so sed acts on every occurrence in each line |
% csv file "prs.csv" now contains a header row followed by numerical data |
% |
%But we'll do the same thing using Matlab, so people don't need grep/sed: |
csvfileID = fopen(csvFileName,'w'); |
while ischar(line) |
line = fgetl(txtfileID); |
if isempty(strfind(line,'Raw,')) |
continue %skip to next line |
end |
%Now 'line' contains the raw measurements header or data |
line = strrep(line,'Raw,',''); |
line = strrep(line,'#',''); line = strrep(line,' ','');%remove '#' and spaces |
%from versions v1.4.0.0 N we actually dont need to look for '(',')','true' |
%or 'false' anymore. So we are done with replacing. That was easy. |
fprintf(csvfileID,'%s\n',line); |
end |
fclose(txtfileID); |
fclose(csvfileID); |
if isempty(line) %line should be -1 at eof |
error('\nError occurred while reading file %s\n',fileName) |
end |
end %end of function MakeCsv |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function [header,C] = ReadRawCsv(rawCsvFile) |
%% read data from csv file into a numerical matrix 'S' and cell array 'header' |
S = csvread(rawCsvFile,1,0);%read numerical data from second row onwards |
%Note csvread fills ,, with zero, so we will need a lower level read function to |
%tell the difference between empty fields and valid zeros |
%T = readtable(csvFileName,'FileType','text'); %use this to debug |
%read header row: |
fid = fopen(rawCsvFile); |
if fid<0 |
error('file ''%s'' not found',rawCsvFile); |
end |
headerString = fgetl(fid); |
if isempty(strfind(headerString,'TimeNanos')) |
error('\n"TimeNanos" string not found in file %s\n',fileName) |
end |
header=textscan(headerString,'%s','Delimiter',','); |
header = header{1}; %this makes header a numFieldsx1 cell array |
numFields = size(header,1); |
%check that numFields == size(S,2) |
[~,M] = size(S); %M = number of columns |
assert(numFields==M,... |
'# of header names is different from # of columns of numerical data') |
%read lines using formatSpec so we get TimeNanos and FullBiasNanos as |
%int64, everything else as doubles, and empty values as NaN |
formatSpec=''; |
for i=1:M |
%lotsa || here, because we are comparing a vector, 'header' |
%to a specific string each time. Not sure how to do this another way |
%and still be able to easily read and debug. Better safe than too clever. |
%longs |
if i == find(strcmp(header,'TimeNanos')) || ... |
i == find(strcmp(header,'FullBiasNanos')) || ... |
i == find(strcmp(header,'ReceivedSvTimeNanos')) || ... |
i == find(strcmp(header,'ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos')) || ... |
i == find(strcmp(header,'CarrierCycles')) |
formatSpec = sprintf('%s %%d64',formatSpec); |
elseif 0 |
%ints |
% TBD maybe %d32 for ints: AccumulatedDeltaRangeState, ... |
% ConstellationType, MultipathIndicator, State, Svid |
formatSpec = sprintf('%s %%d32',formatSpec); |
else |
%everything else doubles |
formatSpec = sprintf('%s %%f',formatSpec); |
end |
end |
%for empty fields, enter 'NaN' into csv |
C = textscan(fid,formatSpec,'Delimiter',',','EmptyValue',NaN); |
fclose(fid); |
end% of function ReadRawCsv |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function [bOk,C] = FilterData(C,dataFilter,header) |
%% filter C based on contents of dataFilter |
bOk = true; |
iS = ones(size(C{1})); %initialize index into rows of C |
for i=1:size(dataFilter,1) |
j=find(strcmp(header,dataFilter{i,1}));%j = index into header |
%we should always be a value of j, because checkDataFilter checks for this: |
assert(any(j),'dataFilter{i} = %s not found in header\n',dataFilter{i,1}) |
%now we must evaluate the expression in dataFilter{i,2}, for example: |
% 'BiasUncertaintyNanos < 1e7' |
%assign the relevant cell of C to a variable with same name as the header |
ts = sprintf('%s = C{%d};',header{j},j); |
eval(ts); |
%create an index vector from the expression in dataFilter{i,2} |
ts = sprintf('iSi = %s;',dataFilter{i,2}); |
eval(ts); |
%AND the iS index values on each iteration of i |
iS = iS & iSi; |
end |
% Check if filter removes all values |
if ~any(iS) %if all zeros |
fprintf('\nAll measurements removed. Specify dataFilter less strictly than this:, ') |
dataFilter(:,2) |
bOk=false; |
C=[]; |
return |
end |
% Keep only those values of C indexed by iS |
for i=1:length(C) |
C{i} = C{i}(iS); |
end |
end %end of function FilterDataS |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function [gnssRaw,missing] = PackGnssRaw(C,header) |
%% pack data into gnssRaw, and report missing fields |
assert(length(C)==length(header),... |
'length(C) ~= length(header). This should have been checked before here') |
gnssRaw = []; |
%report clock fields present/missing, based on: |
gnssClockFields = {... |
'TimeNanos' |
'TimeUncertaintyNanos' |
'LeapSecond' |
'FullBiasNanos' |
'BiasUncertaintyNanos' |
'DriftNanosPerSecond' |
'DriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond' |
'HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount' |
'BiasNanos' |
}; |
missing.ClockFields = {}; |
%report measurements fields present/missing, based on: |
gnssMeasurementFields = {... |
'Cn0DbHz' |
'ConstellationType' |
'MultipathIndicator' |
'PseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond' |
'PseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond' |
'ReceivedSvTimeNanos' |
'ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos' |
'State' |
'Svid' |
'AccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters' |
'AccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters' |
}; |
%leave these out for now, 'cause we dont care (for now), or they're deprecated, |
% or they could legitimately be left out (because they are not computed in |
% a particular GNSS implementation) |
% SnrInDb, TimeOffsetNanos, CarrierFrequencyHz, CarrierCycles, CarrierPhase, |
% CarrierPhaseUncertainty |
missing.MeasurementFields = {}; |
%pack data into vector variables, if the fields are not NaNs |
for j = 1:length(header) |
if any(isfinite(C{j})) %not all NaNs |
%TBD what if there are some NaNs, but not all. i.e. some missing |
%data in the log file - TBD deal with this |
eval(['gnssRaw.',header{j}, '=C{j};']); |
elseif any(strcmp(header{j},gnssClockFields)) |
missing.ClockFields{end+1} = header{j}; |
elseif any(strcmp(header{j},gnssMeasurementFields)) |
missing.MeasurementFields{end+1} = header{j}; |
end |
end |
%So, if a field is not reported, it will be all NaNs from makeCsv, and the above |
%code will not load it into gnssRaw. So when we call 'CheckGnssClock' it can |
%check for missing fields in gnssRaw. |
%TBD look for all zeros that can not legitimately be all zero, |
%e.g. AccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters, and report these as missing data |
end %end of function PackGnssRaw |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis,bOk] = CheckGnssClock(gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis) |
%% check clock values in gnssRaw |
bOk = true; |
sFail = ''; %initialize string to record failure messafes |
N = length(gnssRaw.ReceivedSvTimeNanos); |
%Insist on the presence of TimeNanos (time from hw clock) |
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'TimeNanos') |
s = ' TimeNanos missing from GnssLogger File.'; |
fprintf('WARNING: %s\n',s); |
sFail = [sFail,s]; |
bOk = false; |
end |
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'FullBiasNanos') |
s = 'FullBiasNanos missing from GnssLogger file.'; |
fprintf('WARNING: %s, we need it to get the week number\n',s); |
sFail = [sFail,s]; |
bOk = false; |
end |
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'BiasNanos') |
gnssRaw.BiasNanos = zeros(N,1); |
end |
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount') |
%possibly non fatal error, we assume there is no hardware clock discontinuity |
%so we set to zero and move on, but we print a warning |
gnssRaw.HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount = zeros(N,1); |
fprintf('WARNING: Added HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount=0 because it is missing from GNSS Logger file\n'); |
end |
%check FullBiasNanos, it should be negative values |
bChangeSign = any(gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos<0) & any(gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos>0); |
assert(~bChangeSign,... |
'FullBiasNanos changes sign within log file, this should never happen'); |
%Now we know FullBiasNanos doesnt change sign,auto-detect sign of FullBiasNanos, |
%if it is positive, give warning and change |
if any(gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos>0) |
gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos = -1*gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos; |
fprintf('WARNING: FullBiasNanos wrong sign. Should be negative. Auto changing inside ReadGpsLogger\n'); |
gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors = [gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors,... |
sprintf(' FullBiasNanos wrong sign.')]; |
end |
%compute full cycle time of measurement, in milliseonds |
gnssRaw.allRxMillis = int64((gnssRaw.TimeNanos - gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos)*1e-6); |
%allRxMillis is now accurate to one millisecond (because it's an integer) |
if ~bOk |
gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail = ['FAIL ',sFail]; |
end |
end %end of function CheckGnssClock |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function gnssAnalysis = ReportMissingFields(gnssAnalysis,missing) |
%% report missing clock and measurement fields in gnssAnalysis |
%report missing clock fields |
if ~isempty(missing.ClockFields) |
gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors = sprintf(... |
'%s Missing Fields:',gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors); |
for i=1:length(missing.ClockFields) |
gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors = sprintf(... |
'%s %s,',gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors,missing.ClockFields{i}); |
end |
gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors(end) = '.';%replace final comma with period |
end |
%report missing measurement fields |
if ~isempty(missing.MeasurementFields) |
gnssAnalysis.GnssMeasurementErrors = sprintf(... |
'%s Missing Fields:',gnssAnalysis.GnssMeasurementErrors); |
for i=1:length(missing.MeasurementFields) |
gnssAnalysis.GnssMeasurementErrors = sprintf(... |
'%s %s,',gnssAnalysis.GnssMeasurementErrors,... |
missing.MeasurementFields{i}); |
end |
gnssAnalysis.GnssMeasurementErrors(end) = '.';%replace last comma with period |
end |
%assign pass/fail |
if ~any(strfind(gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail,'FAIL')) %didn't already fail |
if isempty(missing.ClockFields) && isempty(missing.MeasurementFields) |
gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail = 'PASS'; |
else |
gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail = 'FAIL BECAUSE OF MISSING FIELDS'; |
end |
end |
end %end of function ReportMissingFields |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Copyright 2016 Google Inc. |
% |
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
% You may obtain a copy of the License at |
% |
% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
% |
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
% limitations under the License.