function [xHat,z,svPos,H,Wpr,Wrr] = WlsPvt(prs,gpsEph,xo) |
% [xHat,z,svPos,H,Wpr,Wrr] = WlsPvt(prs,gpsEph,xo) |
% calculate a weighted least squares PVT solution, xHat |
% given pseudoranges, pr rates, and initial state |
% |
% Inputs: |
% prs: matrix of raw pseudoranges, and pr rates, each row of the form: |
% [trxWeek,trxSeconds,sv,prMeters,prSigmaMeters,prrMps,prrSigmaMps] |
% trxWeek, trxSeconds: Rx time of measurement |
% where trxSeconds = seconds in the current GPS week |
% sv: satellite id number |
% prMeters, prSigmaMeters: pseudorange and standard deviation (meters) |
% prrMps, prrSigmaMps: pseudorange rate and standard deviation (m/s) |
% gpsEph: matching vector of GPS ephemeris struct, defined in ReadRinexNav |
% xo: initial (previous) state, [x,y,z,bc,xDot,yDot,xDot,bcDot]' |
% in ECEF coordinates(meters and m/s) |
% |
% Outputs: xHat: estimate of state update |
% z = [zPr; zPrr] a-posteriori residuals (measured-calculated) |
% svPos: matrix of calculated sv positions and sv clock error: |
% [sv prn, x,y,z (ecef m), dtsv (s),xDot,yDot,zDot, dtsvDot] |
% H: H observation matrix corresponding to svs in svPos(:,1) |
% Wpr,Wrr Weights used in WlsPvt = 1/diag(sigma measurements) |
% use these matrices to compute variances of xHat |
% |
% The PVT solution = xo + xHat, in ECEF coordinates |
% For unweighted solution, set all sigmas = 1 |
%Author: Frank van Diggelen |
%Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements |
jWk=1; jSec=2; jSv=3; jPr=4; jPrSig=5; jPrr=6; jPrrSig=7;%index of columns |
[bOk,numVal] = checkInputs(prs, gpsEph, xo); |
if ~bOk |
error('inputs not right size, or not properly aligned with each other') |
end |
xHat=[]; z=[]; H=[]; svPos=[]; |
xyz0 = xo(1:3); |
bc = xo(4); |
if numVal<4 |
return |
end |
ttxWeek = prs(:,jWk); %week of tx. Note - we could get a rollover, when ttx_sv |
%goes negative, and it is handled in GpsEph2Pvt, where we work with fct |
ttxSeconds = prs(:,jSec) - prs(:,jPr)/GpsConstants.LIGHTSPEED; %ttx by sv clock |
% this is accurate satellite time of tx, because we use actual pseudo-ranges |
% here, not corrected ranges |
% write the equation for pseudorange to see the rx clock error exactly cancel |
% to get precise GPS time: we subtract the satellite clock error from sv time, |
% as done next: |
dtsv = GpsEph2Dtsv(gpsEph,ttxSeconds); |
dtsv = dtsv(:); %make into a column for compatibility with other time vectors |
ttx = ttxSeconds - dtsv; %subtract dtsv from sv time to get true gps time |
%calculate satellite position at ttx |
[svXyzTtx,dtsv,svXyzDot,dtsvDot]=GpsEph2Pvt(gpsEph,[ttxWeek,ttx]); |
svXyzTrx = svXyzTtx; %initialize svXyz at time of reception |
%Compute weights --------------------------------------------------- |
Wpr = diag(1./prs(:,jPrSig)); |
Wrr = diag(1./prs(:,jPrrSig)); |
%iterate on this next part tilL change in pos & line of sight vectors converge |
xHat=zeros(4,1); |
dx=xHat+inf; |
whileCount=0; maxWhileCount=100; |
%we expect the while loop to converge in < 10 iterations, even with initial |
%position on other side of the Earth (see Stanford course AA272C "Intro to GPS") |
while norm(dx) > GnssThresholds.MAXDELPOSFORNAVM |
whileCount=whileCount+1; |
assert(whileCount < maxWhileCount,... |
'while loop did not converge after %d iterations',whileCount); |
for i=1:length(gpsEph) |
% calculate tflight from, bc and dtsv |
dtflight = (prs(i,jPr)-bc)/GpsConstants.LIGHTSPEED + dtsv(i); |
% Use of bc: bc>0 <=> pr too big <=> tflight too big. |
% i.e. trx = trxu - bc/GpsConstants.LIGHTSPEED |
% Use of dtsv: dtsv>0 <=> pr too small <=> tflight too small. |
% i.e ttx = ttxsv - dtsv |
svXyzTrx(i,:) = FlightTimeCorrection(svXyzTtx(i,:), dtflight); |
end |
%calculate line of sight vectors and ranges from satellite to xo |
v = xyz0(:)*ones(1,numVal,1) - svXyzTrx';%v(:,i) = vector from sv(i) to xyz0 |
range = sqrt( sum(v.^2) ); |
v = v./(ones(3,1)*range); % line of sight unit vectors from sv to xo |
svPos=[prs(:,3),svXyzTrx,dtsv(:)]; |
%calculate the a-priori range residual |
prHat = range(:) + bc -GpsConstants.LIGHTSPEED*dtsv; |
% Use of bc: bc>0 <=> pr too big <=> rangehat too big |
% Use of dtsv: dtsv>0 <=> pr too small |
zPr = prs(:,jPr)-prHat; |
H = [v', ones(numVal,1)]; % H matrix = [unit vector,1] |
%z = Hx, premultiply by W: Wz = WHx, and solve for x: |
dx = pinv(Wpr*H)*Wpr*zPr; |
% update xo, xhat and bc |
xHat=xHat+dx; |
xyz0=xyz0(:)+dx(1:3); |
bc=bc+dx(4); |
%Now calculate the a-posteriori range residual |
zPr = zPr-H*dx; |
end |
% Compute velocities --------------------------------------------------------- |
rrMps = zeros(numVal,1); |
for i=1:numVal |
%range rate = [satellite velocity] dot product [los from xo to sv] |
rrMps(i) = -svXyzDot(i,:)*v(:,i); |
end |
prrHat = rrMps + xo(8) - GpsConstants.LIGHTSPEED*dtsvDot; |
zPrr = prs(:,jPrr)-prrHat; |
%z = Hx, premultiply by W: Wz = WHx, and solve for x: |
vHat = pinv(Wrr*H)*Wrr*zPrr; |
xHat = [xHat;vHat]; |
z = [zPr;zPrr]; |
end %end of function WlsPvt |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function [bOk,numVal] = checkInputs(prs, gpsEph, xo) |
%utility function for WlsPvt |
jWk=1; jSec=2; jSv=3; jPr=4; jPrSig=5; jPrr=6; jPrrSig=7;%index of columns |
bOk=false; |
%check inputs |
numVal=size(prs,1); |
if (max(prs(:,jSec))-min(prs(:,jSec)))> eps |
return |
elseif length(gpsEph)~=numVal |
return |
elseif any(prs(:,jSv) ~= [gpsEph.PRN]') |
return |
elseif any(size(xo) ~= [8,1]) |
return |
elseif size(prs,2)~=7 |
return |
else |
bOk = true; |
end |
%We insist that gpsEph and prs are aligned first. |
%ClosestGpsEph.m does this, and passes back indices for prs - this is the way to |
%do it right, so we don't have nested searches for svId |
end %end of function checkInputs |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Copyright 2016 Google Inc. |
% |
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
% You may obtain a copy of the License at |
% |
% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
% |
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
% limitations under the License. |