function gpsPvt = GpsWlsPvt(gnssMeas,allGpsEph,bRaw) |
%gpsPvt = GpsWlsPvt(gnssMeas,allGpsEph,bRaw) |
%compute PVT from gnssMeas |
% Input: gnssMeas, structure of pseudoranges, etc. from ProcessGnssMeas |
% allGpsEph, structure with all ephemeris |
% [bRaw], default true, true => use raw pr, false => use smoothed |
% |
% Output: |
% gpsPvt.FctSeconds Nx1 time vector, same as gnssMeas.FctSeconds |
% .allLlaDegDegM Nx3 matrix, (i,:) = [lat (deg), lon (deg), alt (m)] |
% .sigmaLlaM Nx3 standard deviation of [lat,lon,alt] (m) |
% .allBcMeters Nx1 common bias computed with llaDegDegM |
% .allVelMps Nx3 (i,:) = velocity in NED coords |
% .sigmaVelMps Nx3 standard deviation of velocity (m/s) |
% .allBcDotMps Nx1 common freq bias computed with velocity |
% .numSvs Nx1 number of satellites used in corresponding llaDegDegM |
% .hdop Nx1 hdop of corresponding fix |
% |
%Algorithm: Weighted Least Squares |
%Author: Frank van Diggelen |
%Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements |
if nargin<3 |
bRaw = true; |
else |
%check that smoothed pr fields exists in input |
if any(~isfield(gnssMeas,{'PrSmM','PrSmSigmaM'})) |
error('If bRaw is false, gnssMeas must have fields gnssMeas.PrSmM and gnssMeas.PrSmSigmaM') |
end |
end |
xo =zeros(8,1);%initial state: [center of the Earth, bc=0, velocities = 0]' |
weekNum = floor(gnssMeas.FctSeconds/GpsConstants.WEEKSEC); |
%TBD check for week rollover here (it is checked in ProcessGnssMeas, but |
%this function should stand alone, so we should check again, and adjust |
%tRxSeconds by +- a week if necessary) |
%btw, Q. why not just carry around fct and not worry about the hassle of |
%weeknumber, and the associated week rollover problems? |
% A. because you cannot get better than 1000ns (1 microsecond) precsision |
% when you put fct into a double. And that would cause errors of ~800m/s * 1us |
% (satellite range rate * time error) ~ 1mm in the range residual computation |
% So what? well, if you start processing with carrier phase, these errors |
% could accumulate. |
N = length(gnssMeas.FctSeconds); |
gpsPvt.FctSeconds = gnssMeas.FctSeconds; |
gpsPvt.allLlaDegDegM = zeros(N,3)+NaN; |
gpsPvt.sigmaLLaM = zeros(N,3)+NaN; |
gpsPvt.allBcMeters = zeros(N,1)+NaN; |
gpsPvt.allVelMps = zeros(N,3)+NaN; |
gpsPvt.sigmaVelMps = zeros(N,3)+NaN; |
gpsPvt.allBcDotMps = zeros(N,1)+NaN; |
gpsPvt.numSvs = zeros(N,1); |
gpsPvt.hdop = zeros(N,1)+inf; |
for i=1:N |
iValid = find(isfinite(gnssMeas.PrM(i,:))); %index into valid svid |
svid = gnssMeas.Svid(iValid)'; |
[gpsEph,iSv] = ClosestGpsEph(allGpsEph,svid,gnssMeas.FctSeconds(i)); |
svid = svid(iSv); %svid for which we have ephemeris |
numSvs = length(svid); %number of satellites this epoch |
gpsPvt.numSvs(i) = numSvs; |
if numSvs<4 |
continue;%skip to next epoch |
end |
%% WLS PVT ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
%for those svIds with valid ephemeris, pack prs matrix for WlsNav |
prM = gnssMeas.PrM(i,iValid(iSv))'; |
prSigmaM= gnssMeas.PrSigmaM(i,iValid(iSv))'; |
prrMps = gnssMeas.PrrMps(i,iValid(iSv))'; |
prrSigmaMps = gnssMeas.PrrSigmaMps(i,iValid(iSv))'; |
tRx = [ones(numSvs,1)*weekNum(i),gnssMeas.tRxSeconds(i,iValid(iSv))']; |
prs = [tRx, svid, prM, prSigmaM, prrMps, prrSigmaMps]; |
xo(5:7) = zeros(3,1); %initialize speed to zero |
[xHat,~,~,H,Wpr,Wrr] = WlsPvt(prs,gpsEph,xo);%compute WLS solution |
xo = xo + xHat; |
%extract position states |
llaDegDegM = Xyz2Lla(xo(1:3)'); |
gpsPvt.allLlaDegDegM(i,:) = llaDegDegM; |
gpsPvt.allBcMeters(i) = xo(4); |
%extract velocity states |
RE2N = RotEcef2Ned(llaDegDegM(1),llaDegDegM(2)); |
%NOTE: in real-time code compute RE2N once until position changes |
vNed = RE2N*xo(5:7); %velocity in NED |
gpsPvt.allVelMps(i,:) = vNed; |
gpsPvt.allBcDotMps(i) = xo(8); |
%compute HDOP |
H = [H(:,1:3)*RE2N', ones(numSvs,1)]; %observation matrix in NED |
P = inv(H'*H);%unweighted covariance |
gpsPvt.hdop(i) = sqrt(P(1,1)+P(2,2)); |
%compute variance of llaDegDegM |
%inside LsPvt the weights are used like this: |
% z = Hx, premultiply by W: Wz = WHx, and solve for x: |
% x = pinv(Wpr*H)*Wpr*zPr; |
% the point of the weights is to make sigma(Wz) = 1 |
% therefore, the variances of x come from diag(inv(H'Wpr'WprH)) |
P = inv(H'*(Wpr'*Wpr)*H); %weighted covariance |
gpsPvt.sigmaLLaM(i,:) = sqrt(diag(P(1:3,1:3))); |
%similarly, compute variance of velocity |
P = inv(H'*(Wrr'*Wrr)*H); %weighted covariance |
gpsPvt.sigmaVelMps(i,:) = sqrt(diag(P(1:3,1:3))); |
%%end WLS PVT -------------------------------------------------------------- |
end |
end %end of function GpsWlsPvt |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Copyright 2016 Google Inc. |
% |
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
% You may obtain a copy of the License at |
% |
% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
% |
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
% limitations under the License. |