function PlotPvt(gpsPvt,prFileName,llaTrueDegDegM,titleString) |
%PlotGpsPvt(gpsPvt,prFileName,[llaTrueDegDegM],[titleString]) |
%Plot the results of GpsLsPvt: |
% |
% gpsPvt.FctSeconds Nx1 time vector, same as gpsMeas.FctSeconds |
% .allLlaDegDegM Nx3 matrix, (i,:) = [lat (deg), lon (deg), alt (m)] |
% .sigmaLlaM Nx3 standard deviation of [lat,lon,alt] (m) |
% .allBcMeters Nx1 common bias computed with lla |
% .allVelMps Nx3 (i,:) = velocity in NED coords |
% .sigmaVelMps Nx3 standard deviation of velocity (m/s) |
% .allBcDotMps Nx1 common freq bias computed with velocity |
% .numSvs Nx1 number of satellites used in corresponding lla |
% .hdop Nx1 hdop of corresponding fix |
% |
% Optional inputs: [llaTrueDegDegM] = reference position, [ts] = title srtring |
%Author: Frank van Diggelen |
%Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements |
gray = [.5 .5 .5]; |
ltgray = [.8 .8 .8]; |
%set reference lla for plots |
iFi = isfinite(gpsPvt.allLlaDegDegM(:,1));%index into finite results |
if ~any(iFi) |
return |
end |
llaMed = median(gpsPvt.allLlaDegDegM(iFi,:));%use median position as reference |
if nargin < 3, llaTrueDegDegM = []; end |
if nargin < 4. titleString = 'PVT solution'; end |
bGotLlaTrue = ~isempty(llaTrueDegDegM) && any(llaTrueDegDegM); |
%not empty and not all zeros |
if bGotLlaTrue |
llaRef = llaTrueDegDegM; |
else |
llaRef = llaMed; |
%print median lla so user can use it as reference position if they want |
fprintf('Median llaDegDegM = [%.7f %.7f %.2f]\n',llaMed) |
end |
%% plot ne errors vs llaTrueDegDegM -------------------------------------------- |
nedM = Lla2Ned(gpsPvt.allLlaDegDegM,llaRef);%keep the NaNs in for the plot |
%so we see a break in the lines where there was no position |
h123=subplot(4,1,1:2); |
h1 = plot(nedM(:,2),nedM(:,1)); |
set(h1,'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.1,'Color',ltgray) |
hold on, plot(nedM(:,2),nedM(:,1),'cx'); |
lls = sprintf(' [%.6f^o, %.6f^o]',llaMed(1:2)); |
nedMedM = Lla2Ned(llaMed,llaRef); |
h=plot(nedMedM(2),nedMedM(1),'+k','MarkerSize',18); |
ts = [' median ',lls]; |
ht1 = text(nedMedM(2),nedMedM(1),ts,'color','k'); |
lls = sprintf(' [%.6f^o, %.6f^o]',llaRef(1:2)); |
if bGotLlaTrue |
h=plot(0,0,'+r','MarkerSize',18); |
ts = [' true pos ',lls]; |
ht2 = text(0,0,ts,'color','r'); |
%adjust VerticalAlignment to avoid overwriting previous text |
if nedMedM(1)<0 |
set(ht1,'VerticalAlignment','top');%moves the 'median' label down |
set(ht2,'VerticalAlignment','bottom'); |
else |
set(ht1,'VerticalAlignment','bottom'); |
set(ht2,'VerticalAlignment','top'); |
end |
%print median position error |
ts = sprintf('|median - true pos| = %.1f m',norm(nedMedM(1:2))); |
xm = min(0,nedMedM(2)); %align label with median x value, or zero |
ym = min(nedM(:,1)); %align with smallest y |
ht3 = text(xm,ym,ts); |
set(ht3,'Color','k','VerticalAlignment','bottom'); |
end |
title(titleString); |
axis equal, grid on |
ylabel('North (m)'),xlabel('East (m)') |
% compute error distribution and plot circle |
distM = sqrt(sum(nedM(iFi,1:2).^2,2));%use only finite values here |
medM = median(distM); |
%plot a circle using 'rectangle' (yes really :) |
hr=rectangle('Position',[-1 -1 2 2]*medM,'Curvature',[1 1]); |
set(hr,'EdgeColor',gray) |
ts = sprintf('50%% distribution = %.1f m',medM); |
text(0,medM,ts,'VerticalAlignment','bottom','Color',gray) |
%% end of plot ne errors vs llaTrueDegDegM ------------------------------------- |
%time variable for plots |
tSeconds = gpsPvt.FctSeconds-gpsPvt.FctSeconds(1); |
%% plot speed |
h123(2)=subplot(4,1,3); |
N = length(gpsPvt.FctSeconds); |
iGood = isfinite(gpsPvt.allVelMps(:,1)); |
speedMps = zeros(1,N)+NaN; |
speedMps(iGood) = sqrt(sum(gpsPvt.allVelMps(iGood,1:2)'.^2)); %horizontal speed |
plot(tSeconds,speedMps);grid on |
ylabel('Horiz. speed (m/s)') |
%% plot hdop & # sats |
h123(3)=subplot(4,1,4); |
[hyy,h1]=plotyy(tSeconds,gpsPvt.hdop,tSeconds,gpsPvt.numSvs,'plot','stairs'); |
grid on |
set(h1,'LineWidth',1) |
ylabel(hyy(1),'HDOP'); ylabel(hyy(2),'# sats'); |
xs = sprintf('time(seconds)\n%s',prFileName); |
xlabel(xs,'Interpreter','none') |
set(hyy,'Box','off') |
linkaxes(h123(2:3),'x'); |
linkaxes(hyy,'x') |
end %end of function PlotPvt |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Copyright 2016 Google Inc. |
% |
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
% You may obtain a copy of the License at |
% |
% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
% |
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
% limitations under the License.