function [nedM] = Lla2Ned(lla1DegDegM,lla2DegDegM) |
% [nedM] = Lla2Ned(lla1DegDegM,lla2DegDegM) |
% function to difference latitude, longitude and altitude |
% and provide an answer in NED coordinates in meters. |
% |
% Inputs: lla1DegDegM: mx3 matrix, [latitude(deg),longitude(deg),altitude(m)] |
% lla2DegDegM: mx3 or 1x3, [latitude(deg),longitude(deg),altitude(m)] |
% Output: nedM = lla1DegDegM - lla2DegDegM in NED coords (meters), |
% |
% Useful rules of thumb for quick conversions: |
% 1e-5 (5th decimal place) of a degree of latitude approx= 1.1 meters |
% 1e-5 of a degree of longitude approx= cos(latitude) * 1.1 meters |
%Author: Frank van Diggelen |
%Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements |
if nargin<2, error('Two inputs arguments needed'),end |
[m1,n1]=size(lla1DegDegM); |
[m2,n2]=size(lla2DegDegM); |
if m2==1 |
lla2DegDegM=ones(m1,1)*lla2DegDegM; |
else |
if m1~=m2, |
error('Second input must have one row or same number of rows as first input') |
end |
end |
if n1~=3 || n2~=3, error('Both input matrices must have 3 columns'),end |
[xyz1M] = Lla2Xyz(lla1DegDegM); |
[xyz2M] = Lla2Xyz(lla2DegDegM); |
refXyz = (xyz1M+xyz2M)/2; |
[llaDegDegM] = Xyz2Lla(refXyz); |
northM = zeros(m1,1); |
eastM = zeros(m1,1); |
for i=1:m1 |
Ce2n = RotEcef2Ned(llaDegDegM(i,1),llaDegDegM(1,2)); |
v = Ce2n*(xyz1M(i,:)-xyz2M(i,:))'; |
northM(i)=v(1); |
eastM(i)=v(2); |
end |
downM = -lla1DegDegM(:,3)+lla2DegDegM(:,3); |
nedM = [northM,eastM,downM]; |
end %end of function Lla2Ned |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% Copyright 2016 Google Inc. |
% |
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
% You may obtain a copy of the License at |
% |
% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
% |
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
% limitations under the License. |