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clc;clear all; close(findall(0,'Type','figure'));
%ProcessGnssMeasScript.m, script to read GnssLogger output, compute and plot:
% pseudoranges, C/No, and weighted least squares PVT solution
% you can run the data in pseudoranges log files provided for you:
%prFileName = 'pseudoranges_log_2016_06_30_21_26_07.txt'; %with duty cycling, no carrier phase
% prFileName = 'pseudoranges_log_2016_08_22_14_45_50.txt'; %no duty cycling, with carrier phase
prFileName = 'workshop_trials01.txt';
% as follows
% 1) copy everything from GitHub google/gps-measurement-tools/ to
% a local directory on your machine
% 2) softPath will read current working directory
softPath = pwd;
%CHANGE this to your data folder
dirName = sprintf('%s%s',softPath,'\demoFiles');
% 3) run ProcessGnssMeasScript.m script file
% 4) when asked select 'change folder' to get proper pwd
%Author: Frank van Diggelen
%edits: LKB
%Open Source code for processing Android GNSS Measurements
%% debug and profiling tools
% tools below are used to debug/follow code
% profile on;
% profile clear;
display('DEBUG MODE');
dbclear all
dbstop if error %gives post-mortem
% dbstop if naninf
% dbstop in subRoutine at 17 if idx==7
%dbstop in ProcessGnssMeas at 98
%dbstop in ReadGnssLogger at 20
%dbstop at 66
% get display screen file
HW_ScrSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');%in pixels
%% parameters
%param.llaTrueDegDegM = [];
%enter true WGS84 lla, if you know it:
%param.llaTrueDegDegM = [37.422578, -122.081678, -28];%Charleston Park Test Site
param.llaTrueDegDegM = [45.5298979 -122.6619045 24.16] %workshop trial approx coords
%% Set the data filter and Read log file
dataFilter = SetDataFilter;
[gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis] = ReadGnssLogger(dirName,prFileName,dataFilter);
if isempty(gnssRaw), return, end
%% Get online ephemeris from Nasa ftp, first
fctSeconds = 1e-3*double(gnssRaw.allRxMillis(end));
utcTime = Gps2Utc([],fctSeconds); %compute UTC Time from gnssRaw:
allGpsEph = GetNasaHourlyEphemeris(utcTime,dirName); %Get online ephemeris
if isempty(allGpsEph), return, end
%% process raw measurements, compute pseudoranges:
[gnssMeas] = ProcessGnssMeas(gnssRaw);
%% plot pseudoranges and pseudorange rates
h1 = figure('Color','white','MenuBar','figure','Position',[0 0 HW_ScrSize(3) HW_ScrSize(4)]);
[colors] = PlotPseudoranges(gnssMeas,prFileName);
%h2 = figure('Color','white','MenuBar','figure','Position',[0 0 HW_ScrSize(3) HW_ScrSize(4)]);
%h3 = figure('Color','white','MenuBar','figure','Position',[0 0 HW_ScrSize(3) HW_ScrSize(4)]);
%% compute WLS position and velocity
gpsPvt = GpsWlsPvt(gnssMeas,allGpsEph);
%% plot Pvt results
h4 = figure('Color','white','MenuBar','figure','Position',[0 0 HW_ScrSize(3) HW_ScrSize(4)]);
ts = 'Raw Pseudoranges, Weighted Least Squares solution';
PlotPvt(gpsPvt,prFileName,param.llaTrueDegDegM,ts); drawnow;
h5 = figure('Color','white','MenuBar','figure','Position',[0 0 HW_ScrSize(3) HW_ScrSize(4)]);
% if no results visible make sure that param.llaTrueDegDegM is correctly set
% if unknown, use Median llaDegDegM
%% Plot Accumulated Delta Range
% if any(any(isfinite(gnssMeas.AdrM) & gnssMeas.AdrM~=0))
% [gnssMeas]= ProcessAdr(gnssMeas);
% h6 = figure('Color','white','MenuBar','figure','Position',[0 0 HW_ScrSize(3) HW_ScrSize(4)]);
% PlotAdr(gnssMeas,prFileName,colors);
% [adrResid]= GpsAdrResiduals(gnssMeas,allGpsEph,param.llaTrueDegDegM);drawnow
% h7 = figure('Color','white','MenuBar','figure','Position',[0 0 HW_ScrSize(3) HW_ScrSize(4)]);
% PlotAdrResids(adrResid,gnssMeas,prFileName,colors);
% end
%% end of ProcessGnssMeasScript
% Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
% You may obtain a copy of the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
% limitations under the License.