+ [**Layout modes**](layout-modes.html): Intelligent, dynamic layouts that can't be achieved with CSS alone.
+ [**Filtering**](filtering.html): Hide and reveal item elements easily with jQuery selectors.
+ [**Sorting**](sorting.html): Re-order item elements with sorting. Sorting data can be extracted from just about anything.
+ **Interoperability**: features can be utilized together for a cohesive experience.
+ **Progressive enhancement**: Isotope's [animation engine](animating.html) takes advantage of CSS transitions and transforms when available, but will also fall back to Javascript animation for lesser browsers.
<strong>Commercial use requires purchase of one-time license fee per developer seat.</strong> Commercial use includes any application that makes you money — portfolio sites, premium templates, etc. Commercial licenses may be purchased at <a href="http://metafizzy.co">metafizzy.co</a>.
Isotope works on a container element with a group of similar child items.
{% highlight html %}
<div id="container">
<div class="item">...</div>
<div class="item">...</div>
<div class="item">...</div>
{% endhighlight %}
### Script
{% highlight javascript %}
// options
itemSelector : '.item',
layoutMode : 'fitRows'
{% endhighlight %}
There are a number of [options](options.html) you can specify. Within the options is where you can [set the layout mode](layout-modes.html), [filter items](filtering.html), and [sort items](sorting.html).
This project lives on GitHub at [github.com/desandro/isotope](http://github.com/desandro/isotope). There you can grab the latest code and download this entire project.
+ [**Louis-Rémi Babé**](http://twitter.com/#!/Louis_Remi) for [jQuery smartresize](https://github.com/lrbabe/jquery-smartresize) which is used within Isotope and for [jQuery transform](https://github.com/lrbabe/jquery.transform.js) which clued me in to using jQuery 1.4.3's CSS hooks
+ [**Jacek Galanciak**](http://razorjack.net/) for [jQuery Quicksand](http://razorjack.net/quicksand/), an early kernel of inspiration
+ [**Ralph Holzmann**](http://twitter.com/#!/ralphholzmann) for re-writing the [jQuery Plugins/Authoring tutorial](http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring) and opened my eyes to [Plugin Methods](http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring#Plugin_Methods) pattern
+ [**Eric Hynds**](http://www.erichynds.com/) for his article [Using $.widget.bridge Outside of the Widget Factory](http://www.erichynds.com/jquery/using-jquery-ui-widget-factory-bridge/) which provided the architecture for the plugin
+ [**Juriy Zaytsev aka "kangax"**](http://perfectionkills.com) for [getStyleProperty](http://perfectionkills.com/feature-testing-css-properties/) which is used within Isotope